Page 46 of Surge

After a few moments, I withdrew my finger. Ava glanced towards me for an instant before shifting her focus between her thighs. Locking my arms at the elbow, I braced myself on either side of her torso and began to thrust harder than ever. There was something about watching her watch me that nearly drove me to the brink.

Ava nodded her head.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she whispered, each rhythmic utterance timed with my withdrawal.

It wouldn’t be long now, and there was nothing I could do about it. Around that time, I glanced down between my legs and noticed the pulsing action of my dick. Illuminated in sunlight, I watched as the lips of Ava’s pussy hugged the girth of my shaft tight, expanding and contracting with each pass inside of her.

After a few seconds, I shifted my attention back towards Ava’s face.

She looked up at me, her gaze clouded with lust. With a gentle caress, Ava draped her fingers around my biceps, tracing the outlines of the veins in my arms. For several seconds after, the sound of my hips cracking against her ass echoed in the room while Ava rocked beneath me.

Without warning, Ava hooked her feet at the ankle, yanking me towards her with all of her might. At the same time, her fingers dug in harder than they ever had before. I watched her transform before my eyes. Her entire body went stiff, arching upward in my direction.

Ava screamed and cried.

“Dyson! Dyson! I’m cumming!”

I held there for a fraction of a second before snatching her arms and pinning her to the ground. Her eyes, which had been pinched closed, flipped open at my sudden aggression.

She continued to climax while I held her flat against the ground and fucked her. I felt rawness come to my knees while I thrust inside of her, the friction of the carpet setting my skin on fire. Exhausted, Ava went limp beneath me while every fiber in my body remained focused on only one thing.

I had no idea how long it continued. I lost myself in taking her. I lost myself in owning her.

The next thing I remember, Ava whispered words to me. Unclear at first, she continued to utter them until I noticed.

“Cum in my mouth, baby,” she begged. “I want it… I need it.”

Her words grabbed my attention, focused it and took me to the brink. My dick was beyond hard, aching and in need of release. I thrust harder, faster and deeper, knowing that at any second she’d get exactly what she wanted.

And then, I reached the point of no return. Pulling out, I grabbed the base of my cock and knelt above her. Ava snapped forward, reaching for my shaft. Swallowing it into her mouth, she began to suck it.

“Ahhh!” I cried out. “Fuck!”

The feeling radiated from between my legs, rippling through my pelvis and the rest of my body like a stone in the middle of a pond. Waves of climax washed over me. My cock pulsed inside of Ava’s mouth. She hummed, moaning with satisfaction while my climax peaked. Minutes later, I collapsed on the floor next to her, utterly spent.

For the moment, anyway.

“Oh God,” Ava whispered, sliding one of her legs over mine. “That was… wow.”

I laid there for a few seconds, catching my breath and relaxing. Ava remained silent, the only motion from her was the rhythmic stroking of her hand along my midsection. Eventually, I rolled my head in her direction.

“We’ve got a lot to celebrate today, don’t we?” I asked.

She nodded, still half groggy from her climax and mine. “Mmm hmm.”

Just then, my dick twitched between my legs, hardening again. In a flash, I rolled over on top of Ava, spreading her legs and positioning myself between them once more.

“Well, then,” I began. “We better get started right away. Check out time is at noon.”

Ava giggled, wrapping her arms and legs around me.

“I already got us a late checkout.”

With my cock hard as stone, I slid it inside of her.

Ava gasped.

“Even better,” I growled. “Even better.”


Later that afternoon, Dyson and I returned to the racetrack.

Dieter wanted the team to get together one last time before the Formula One circuit resumed in Europe. Over the past few months, in spite of the ups and downs, I’d come to enjoy being around all of them. Theirs was a difficult business and one that required teamwork and precision at its highest level. I felt lucky to be part of it, even if only for a short period of time.

I didn’t know when, if ever, I’d see them again, so after we arrived, Dyson and I spent time mingling and talking to the crew. Things had been so hectic while the races were going on that I hadn’t gotten to know most of them nearly as well as I would’ve liked to. It was nice to change that, if only a little.

The afternoon turned into evening. One by one, the team members began to disperse. Before long only a small group of us remained. The team garage door was still open. While Dyson talked to Darren and Dieter, I leaned against it, looking out over the racetrack.

From behind, I heard footsteps approaching.

“You’re way better looking than Dr. Luca.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see Marco drawing close to me. I smiled at him and a couple of seconds later we hugged. After kissing me on the cheek, he leaned away.

“So are you going to come on the road with us? Back to Europe?”

The sunset at the far end of the racetrack, filling the interior of the garage with electric hues of red and orange. I hooded my eyes with my hand and looked at him.

“No, this isn’t the life for me. Everything I want is back home in Austin.”

Marco nodded for a moment and glanced in Dyson’s direction before turning back to look at me again. “Everything?”

I shrugged and shook my head. “Maybe you should ask him.”

“Or, maybe,” he began, stepping close to me and draping his arm across my shoulder. “Maybe I should mind my own business.”

I looked at him and smiled.

“So is this goodbye?” he asked. “It feels like goodbye to me. Doesn’t it feel that way to you?”

“A little, yeah.”

He pulled his arm off my shoulder and stepped back. “I think you’re good for him, Ava.”

Marco looked in Dyson’s direction and without facing me, continued, “I love him like a brother, and I know there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me. When you’re with a driver, it’s never easy, but I can promise you—life will never be dull.”

After he finished his thought, Marco looked at me again.

“Well, I must be going,” he said. “We start testing again in Milan soon.”

Before he turned to walk away, we embraced one more time.

“Take care of yourself, Ava,” he began, winking at me. “Take care of him, too.”

I chuckled. “I’ll do my best. You take care of yourself, Marco. I mean it.”

Marco nodded, turned and disappeared through one of the open bay doors. Just then, my cell phone began to vibrate in the pocket of my jeans.

Reaching inside, I pulled it out and answered.


I immediately recognized the voice of Ed, the attorney for child protective services. I snapped to attention, completely focused on the next word out of his mouth.

“Yes? I mean, hello Ed. I mean… Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just a wreck.”

Ed’s reassuring laugh echoed through the phones receiver.

“It’s quite all right. Being anxious and excited is completely understandable. Can you talk?”

“Yes, of course!”

I exited the garage and walked out into the warm evening air.

“Well, I won’t keep you,” he began. “I just wanted to call and let you know that we were able to put things in motion faster than we’d hoped. The bottom line is that Mr. Philo has agreed to waive his parental rights. The only thing that remains is for you to handle a bit of paperwork on your end and finalize the adoption of your nephew.”

I spun in place, covering my mouth with my hand. A torrent of tears streamed down my cheeks out of nowhere. Emotion choked me and rendered me unable to speak. Between sobs of joy, I tried to thank him but nothing understandable came out of my mouth for at least ten seconds.

“Ava, I want to tell you how happy I am for not only you, but Simon as well.”

I did my best to wipe away the tears, but it became impossible to keep up. While Ed talked, I happened to glance in the garage and see Dyson looking straight at me.

“W-What d-do I do next?” I stammered.

Ed explained that I needed to return to Austin and pick up the finalized paperwork at the courthouse. Once it was completed, the adoption would sail through and before long, Simon would officially be my son.

“How soon can this happen?”

Ed paused for a moment. “Um, I can have the paperwork filed first thing in the morning. Is that soon enough?”

Ecstatic, I thanked him, and less than a minute later, I hung up. With the remnants of my tears still drying on my cheeks, I hurried back inside of the garage. Dyson saw me approaching and began to walk in my direction.

“Ava,” he began, walking up to me and wrapped his hands around my shoulders. “What’s the matter? Why are you crying?”

I wasted no time and explained everything to him - that Simon would finally be my son. In that moment, as much as I wanted Dyson to be part of it as well, nothing was going to stand between me and the joy of adoption. Dyson smiled wide and swallowed me with a strong embrace. Afterward, we kissed for several seconds before he released me, and we turned to face Darren and Dieter.