The guard hesitated. “No, Apollodorus. But if it is fromCaesar..”

“Fool!” Apollodorus said. “Set it down at once!”

Suddenly Andell heard a throaty. feminine laugh.

“Apollodorus. do you not recall what day this is?”

Andell glanced up and sucked in his breath sharply. It washis first close glimpse of Cleopatra. Her hair was jet-black, worn in theEgyptian style. long and straight down to her shoulder. on the back and sides,in bangs over her forehead. She was a small woman, delicately framed, with anarrow waist, full breasts, and long, shapely legs. The thin, silky white shiftshe wore was diaphanous and it clearly outlined the lush curves of her body. Herface was sharp-featured, with a graceful, Macedonian beauty and her eyes weredark and striking, outlined in kohl and heavily shadowed.

“He remembered,” she said with a smile.

“Caesar’?” said Apollodorus. frowning. “Remembered what?”

“Do you not recall, Apollodorus?” she said. “It was on thisvery day that you first brought me secretly into Caesar’s presence, concealedwithin a carpet. And now he sends me one, to commemorate the occasion of ourfirst meeting.”

It should still have been carefully examined.” said Apollodorus.still frowning. “We do not know it came from Caesar. You have many enemies inRome. my Queen. We cannot be too careful.”

“You worry too much. Apollodorus.” she replied. “Do you reallythink that some assassin would dare attempt to murder me here in this veryhouse, with all your guards’? And with Caesar’s soldiers outside? I am as safehere as I would be in my own palace.” She turned to Drummond and Andell. “Unrollit. Let me see.”

Andell bent down and untied the fastenings. then he andDrummond unrolled the carpet. The guards gasped and reached for their swords asAndre was revealed, rolled up inside the rug. Cleopatra stared in astonishment.

“What is the meaning of this?” said Apollodorus angrily.

/> Then Cleopatra laughed and clapped her hands. “Oh. it is wonderful!Do you not see? How witty of him! Caesar has sent me a slave girl as a gift!And he has presented her in the same manner in which I arrived to him!”

“I hope that you will not take offense, Your Highness,”Andre said, rising to her feet. “but I am not a gift from Caesar. Nor am I aslave.”

Cleopatra frowned. “I do not understand.”

“Who are you?” Apollodorus said. “Explain yourself this instant!”

“I am Antonia, wife to Marcus Septimus,” said Andre.

“Septimus?” said Cleopatra. “You mean Caesar’s friend?”

“That is Lucius Septimus,” said Andre. “My husband, Marcus,is his brother. These two men are his slaves. To be truthful, my husband knowsnothing of this. I fear that he would not approve. But I had heard so muchabout you and I wanted so very much to meet you! I had heard it said that youfirst came to Caesar in this manner when you met in Egypt and I struck upon itas a way to meet you. I thought that you might be amused. but I had no ideathat your first meeting with Caesar took place on this very day. I apologize ifmy little ruse had made you angry. Such was not my intent.”

“This is insufferable!” said Apollodorus. “You must leavethis house at once!”

“She shall do no such thing,” said Cleopatra.

“But. my Queen …”

Cleopatra smiled. “Do you not see. Apollodorus? It is anomen. Since I first came to Rome. I have had no one save yourself, my guards,and my female slaves for company. Except when Caesar comes, I am always lonely.And, unlike other Romans, who merely suffer my presence, this woman has soughtout to meet me. The manner in which she chose to do it shows cleverness andwit. No. Apollodorus, she shall stay and dine with me this evening.”

“But, my Queen,” protested Apollodorus, “we know nothing ofthis woman!” ‘“We know she is the wife of the brother of Caesar’s closestfriend.” said Cleopatra. “Septimus has always treated me with courtesy,deference, and kindness. Caesar’s regard for him speaks for his quality. Iwould expect no less from his brother.”

“But we do not know his brother.” Apollodorus persisted.

“Then we shall arrange to meet him,” Cleopatra said. Shesmiled mockingly. “Or do you believe that he has sent his wife to murder me Ido not know what has come over you, Apollodorus. You see conspiracieseverywhere. Come. Antonia. Pay no mind to my servant. He is merely overzealousin his duties.”

“Perhaps he would like to search me, to make certain that Ihave no weapons,” Andre said.

Cleopatra laughed. “Your wit appears to be a ready weapon.”she said. “Come, sit with me. Apollodorus, we shall have some wine.”

“As you wish. my Queen.” Apollodorus said, though he wasobviously displeased.

Cleopatra led Andre over to a couple of couches and a smalltable.