“You actually saw him?”

“Only several hours ago.”

“You’re certain it was Priest?”

“Well, that’s who Steiger said it was. I don’t know the man,myself, so I suppose it could be someone else. But why would he tell me it wasPriest?”

“I don’t know. Unless he suspects you and he’s planning something.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t suspect me,” Marshall said. “If he knewI was tied up with the Network, you think I’d be here talking to you?”

Simmons hesitated “I don’t know.” He glanced around cautiously,and his hand went toward his shoulder holster. “You’re certain you weren’tfollowed’?”

“I had his wine laced with a sleeping draught.” saidMarshall. “He’ll be out like a light till dawn. You think I’d take any chanceswith him around?”

“I just don’t understand why they’d try to pass someone elseoff as Col. Priest,” Simmons said. “It doesn’t make any sense. If he doesn’tsuspect you, then why would he lie to you?”

“Maybe Col. Priest didn’t really die,” said Marshall.

“They inscribed his name on the Wall of Honor. Why would theyfake his death? Unless …


“Unless what?”

“Unless Forrester or Steiger are running their own covertoperation.”

“Then why would they tell me it was Priest’? I mean, if theywanted to make it look like he was dead. It makes no sense.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t. At least, not yet. But they’reobviously up to something. You’re absolutely certain that they don’t suspectyou?”

Marshall hesitated. “If they did, why wouldn’t they havebrought me in already?”

“Perhaps to smoke us out.”

“Why would they need to? If they knew about me. they couldarrest me. clock me back to Plus Time, put me through the wringer, and find outeverything I know before the Network even realized that I’d been busted. Thenthey could simply pick up all my contacts one at a time.”

Simmons nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. But the rest of itdoesn’t. We’ll have to be very careful. There’s obviously something going onhere we don’t know about. We’ll have to bring some people in.”

“What do you want me to do?”

For the time being, play along. For your sake. Marshall, Ihope you’re right about their not suspecting you Because we can’t afford tohave you taken in.”

Marshall tensed. “You’re saying that if they arrest me. I’ma dead man? You’ll have me hit?”

“If they try to arrest you. you know what to do.”

“And if I don’t you’ll do it for me. Is that it’?”

You know how the game is played. Marshall.”

Marshall sighed. “Shit. So I’m stuck right in the fucking middle.”

“It’s your own fault for not covering your tracks better. IfSteiger knew about your old contacts in the Underground. you should have brokenoff with them. You have only yourself to blame for allowing him to find you.Incidentally. if you’re entertaining any thoughts about taking off again. Iwouldn’t advise it. Then you’d have both us and the T.I.A. looking foryou.”

“Hey, I’ve always done my part. haven’t I?” said Marshall. “IfI was thinking of going on the lam. would I have sent for you?”

“No. I suppose you wouldn’t have.”