“I am confident that you cannot continue to win all thetime.” Steiger countered stubbornly. “Do you accept the wager? Or is it toorich for your blood?”

“Creon …” Marshall said, taking Steiger’s arm.

“Stay out of it. Marcian.” snapped Steiger. shaking him off.“I await your answer, Antony.”

Antony sighed and shook his head sadly. “So be it. One hundredthousand sesterces on the bays driven by Clocillus, for the reds.”

“I will take thirty thousand of that wager. if you have notoverextended yourself, Sabinus,” said Trebonius.

“And I will venture twenty,” said Flaminus.

“Done,” said Steiger.

“Creon, are you mad?” asked Marshall.

“Antony is not the only one who can judge a charioteer,”Steiger replied. “Cassinus seemed most promising when I watched him practice.”

“You did not watch him against Clocillus,” Antony said witha smile. “Clocillus has no need of practice. He is the finest charioteer inRome.” The trumpet sounded once again.

“They are about to start!” Trebonius said.

The white cloth fluttered to the ground and the chariotswere off. Clocillus took an early lead going into the first turn. Cassinus wassixth, well behind him, but the crush of the first turn took out two of theother chariots, one white, one green. They crashed into each other as they wentaround the post. and though the drivers managed to retain control by reiningin, they slowed up two other chariots behind them and caused another to swingwide around them as they skidded toward the outside of the turn. Cassinus tookthe opportunity to get inside them and move up.

“A good move on his part.

” Antony conceded. “But he wasmerely fortunate. Clocillus still holds a commanding lead.”

Going into the second lap. Cassinus was running third, butClocillus and one of the chariots driving for the greens were still well aheadof him. They maintained that distance for another lap, but as they swung aroundfor the third time. Cassinus slowly began to close the gap. By the fourth lap.the second green team was hard on his heels, with the second driver for theblues running just behind them. Clocillus was still in a comfortable lead. Onthe fifth lap, as they went around the post. the green team that was closing inon Cassinus took the turn too wide and Cassinus’ teammate cut sharply to theinside, getting ahead of the greens and cutting them off as they went down thestraightaway. Cassinus continued to close the distance between himself and thetwo leaders, while the green team that was just behind him couldn’t get aroundthe blue team that had passed it. They maintained that position going into thesixth lap when the team that was running second tried to cut in on the insideof Clocillus and ran out of room. The chariot overturned and they could see thedriver sawing frantically at the reins as the horses dragged him along behindthem. He managed to cut himself free just as they reached the outside of theturn and he rolled safely out of harm’s way. Cassinus was now running second.

On the last lap. Cassinus started closing the distancebetween himself and the red team driven by Clocillus, gaining rapidly. Thecrowd was on its feet, cheering the underdog. In moments, they were neck andneck.

“Come on. Clocillus!” shouted Antony. “Use your whip!”

Side by side, the two chariots careened toward the finish,but Cassinus started to edge ahead. Antony and his friends were shouting andshaking their fists. Clocillus started to close, but they crossed the finishline with Cassinus barely a nose ahead of him. The crowd went wild. “Well, deductingmy earlier losses to you,” Steiger said to Antony, “that makes fifty thousandsesterces that you owe me. Plus the thirty thousand from Trebonius, and twentyfrom Flaminus, that brings my winnings to a total of one hundred thousandsesterces. I have both made good my losses and turned a tidy profit.’ Hegrinned at Antony. “It seems that I am not exactly ruined.”

I cannot believe it!” said Trebonius. “Clocillus neverloses!”

“And I was tempted to wager thirty thousand, but I did notwish to take advantage of a reckless provincial,” Flaminus said, shaking hishead.

Your charity has saved you ten thousand sesterces,” Steigersaid.

“Now I’ll be forced to meet his price,” said Marshallgloomily. “Antony. what happened? You were supposed to win!”

“I would never have thought that Cassinus could beat Clocillus,”Antony said. “But … perhaps he is indeed more suited to the quadrigae.Whether by luck or by skill or a combination of the two, he did it. And you,Sabinus. are a wealthier man because of your sound judgment. I congratulateyou.’

“And I you. on your grace in losing,” Steiger said. You mustgrant me the honor of entertaining you and your friends.”

“What, with our own money?” Antony said. He chuckled andclapped Steiger on the back. “Very well. then. I accept.”

“Wait till Caesar hears that you have lost more in one daythan you have won in the entire year!” said Trebonius.

“I expect he will be much amused,” said Antony wryly. “Andhe will doubtless wish to meet the man who humbled me. Come, Sabinus. Would youlike to meet the Emperor?”


That last race was close,” Lucas said. “Almost a photofinish.” He smiled. “Or it might have been, if they had cameras in ancientRome.”

“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Clocillus lose.” saidTravers. “The young driver who beat him just made his reputation. Clocillus isthe best charioteer in Rome.”