“Who do you deal with?”

“Lately, it’s been mostly Antony.”

“Marc Antony?”

“That’s right.” said Marshall. “It’s not always him inperson, though. Most of the time. I work through intermediaries. He’s animportant man.”

“Can you get me an introduction’?”

Marshall sighed. “I guess I could try. Damn it. I thought Iwas through with all of that. Why the hell couldn’t you leave me alone? You’regoing to get me killed, you know that?”

“I’ll try to keep you out of it as much as possible.” saidSteiger. “All I need is a connection. And a base of operations.”


“Partly. but I’d also like to arrange a safe house. Whatwould you recommend?”

“I own some apartments in a tenement block in the Argiletum.a shopping district near the Subura district. Not exactly your luxuryaccommodations, but I could set you up in one of those.”

“Oh. so you’re a slumlord, too?”

“Give me a break. Steiger. I’m trying to cooperate because Iowe you.”

“What, not for old tunes’ sake?”

“Well. maybe that. too And I’ve also got a life-style toprotect here. I don’t want a temporal disruption any more than you do.”

“Okay. An apartment will do fine.”

“You’ll need money, I suppose.”

“I’ve got some, but a little more can’t hurt.”

Marshall nodded. “All right. Anything you need, just say theword But there’s one condition. This is strictly between you and me. I don’twant that adjustment team involved. I don’t want them knowing about me.Otherwise, all bets are off.”

“That goes without saying. John.”

“Okay. I just wanted to make sure we understand each other.What about your cover?”

“What would make me interesting to Antony?”

“He likes chariot racing.”

“A betting man?”


“Good. Why not say I’m a breeder of racing horses? And I’vetrained charioteers. You’ve bought strings from me in the past. Where should Ibe from’?”

Marshall thought a moment. “Ilerda. in Nearer Spain. Thatwould make you a provincial and no one would be likely to ask you any detailedquestions about where you’re from. You could always say you’ve never venturedvery far from your farm out in the country, by the Ebro.”

“So what brings me to Rome? A business deal?”

“Let’s say I’m contemplating purchasing your entireoperation, leaving you run it. of course. and I’ve invited you here in order todiscuss it.”

“That would work.” Steiger grinned. “Almost like old times,isn’t it?”

“Too much like old times, if you ask me.” Marshall repliedsourly.