“I need your help, John. Just like old times. remember?”

“I’m out of it now, Creed. I turned my back on all that.

“You can never turn your back on it. John. You know that.

“Damn you. I’m just trying to live a quiet. peaceful life.”

“Peaceful? Staging gladiator fights, beast baiting, andchariot races in the arena? But I guess that doesn’t count. huh? What the hell,it’s only show business, right? I gather it pays well. Lets the noble Marcianbuy young teenage girls like the one I just sent out of here.”

“Where the hell do you get oil, judging me? Especially aftersome of the shit you’ve pulled.”

Steiger held up his hands. “Okay. Forget it. So my handsaren’t exactly clean, either. I guess I’m still sore about you going over tothe Underground. You were a damn good agent, John. We can’t afford to losepeople like you.”

“Yeah, and I can’t afford to die. either,” Marshall said,setting down the lamp on a small table and sitting down in a chair next to it. “Iwas getting pressure from the Network. Either you’re with us or against us. Andyou know what happened to people who tried to buck the Network.”

“I bucked ’em and I’m still around.”

“Yeah, well, you always were a cowboy. You and Carnehan. Thesuper spooks. Me. I got old and tired. I got slow. So I took early retirement.”

He pressed something on the table and a hidden drawer poppedout. Steiger instantly had a laser pistol in his hand.

“Hold it, John.”

“Take it easy, for God’s sake!”

“Whatever’s in there, take it out slowly.”

Marshall produced a pack of cigarettes. “Satisfied’?”

Steiger grinned and lowered the pistol.

“You want one?”

“Don’t mind if I do. What happens if one of your slavescomes in and catches us smoking?”

Marshall lit one up and tossed the pack to Creed. “My slavesknow what’s expected of them. They don’t come up here unless they’re told to. I’mstill a careful man. Creed.”

“Yeah, but you’re slipping. I got in here with no sweat.”

“How the hell did you get in’?”

“Came down from the roof.”

“You see? I told you I’m getting slow.”

He held out the lamp for Creed to light his cigarette.

“So. You going to tell me what you’re doing here?”

“I’m on a covert mission. We may have a potential temporaldisruption on our hands.”

“You part of an adjustment team?”

“No, but there’s been one clocked back here. Delaney.Priest, and Cross. You know them?”

“I’ve heard of them. I also heard that Priest bought it inAfghanistan.”

Not exactly,” Steiger said. “But that’s a long story.”