Travers shook his head. ‘1 don’t know. Either they are, orshe is.”

“Cleopatra?” said Lucas.

“I think it’s possible.” said Travers, gazing at themseriously. “She has a tremendous amount of influence over Caesar. I’ve beengiving it a lot of thought. What if she’s my counterpart from the paralleluniverse? A sort of L.T.O., a mole infiltrated into this timeline with thespecific purpose of creating a temporal disruption. Her mission could have beento seduce Caesar and bear his son. Maybe Caesarian isn’t even his son. Shemight have been already impregnated with a male fetus when she met Caesar. Possiblyone that’s been genetically tailored. What would happen if Caesar didn’t die?What would happen if he added to Rome’s conquests and dramatically increasedits territories? What would happen if Cleopatra prevailed on him to nameCaesarian instead of Octavian as his heir? And Caesarian was someone the S.O.G.could control? It would completely change the course of history. Octavian wouldnever become Caesar Augustus. Tiberius would never become Emperor, nor wouldCaligula or Claudius or Nero. It could change the entire course of civilization!”

“o you have anything solid to base your suspicions on or isthis just a hunch?” asked Delaney.

Travers shook his head. “I tell you. I don’t know, but somethingis very definitely wrong. Those Egyptians simply don’t belong here. And theirpresence has not been taken well. Caesar even brings them into the Senate withhim. It’s increased the animosity toward him, which on one hand is all to thegood, I suppose, but on the other hand, he’s become more cautious, more aloof,and more determined than ever to do things his way, come hell or high water. “

“You’re concerned about him, aren’t you?” Andre said.

Travers glanced at her and grimaced. “Yes. I suppose I am.Funny, isn’t it?”

“You got too close,” said Delaney. “You allowed yourself toget involved.”

“Listen, you study a man for half your life and then livewith him, go through several wars with him. especially a charismatic man likeCaesar. and you try not to get involved,” said Travers. “The man’s become myfriend. You understand that? I’ve made him the subject of my life’s work and I’vegotten to know him as well as anybody knows him. It’s hard not to like a manlike Caesar Yes, he’s ambitious and he’s arrogant. but great men always are. He’salso capable of kindness, and loyalty, and devotion. It’s not for nothing thathis legions idolize him. He’s larger than life. Intelligent. incrediblycourageous, inspirational. One of the greatest men who ever lived-And I have tomake sure that he gets murdered.”

Travers took out his Roman dagger and stared at thefoot-long, lethal blade. “Can you imagine what it’s like to be stabbed withsomething like this? Twenty-three times. Twenty-three times, they’re going toplunge daggers like this into his body. And not only am I helpless to doanything about it. I’ve got to make certain it gets done.”

“No. Travers.” Lucas said. “We’ve got to make certainit gets done.”

“Evening. John.”

John Marshall froze as he entered the dark bedroom of hishouse near the east bank of the Tiber. The voice had spoken in English and itsounded vaguely familiar. He lifted the oil lamp he carried in his hand. He wasable to make out a dark figure sitting on his bed.

“Who are you?” he asked tensely, coming closer. Hedid not recognize the man.

“Someone who once saved your ass from the Spanish Inquisition.”

“My God. Steiger?”

“Long time no see, John. Sorry if I ruined your evening. Isent the girl away. Told her I was an old friend of yours and wanted tosurprise you. Little young for you, wasn’t she?”

“Jesus. What the hell are you doing here? I never would’verecognized you. You changed your face.”

Steiger’s hair was dark now and cosmetic surgery had dramaticallyaltered his appearance. Not even his own mother would have recognized him. “Yes.I got tired of the old one. Actually, the situation called for a differentlook.

“You’re on the lam? I don’t believe it. You tied up with theNetwork?”

“You know about the Network?”

“Of course I know about the Network. But I never thought you’dget yourself involved with them.”

“I didn’t. I’m still with the agency.”

“You’re on assignment? But I thought the covert fieldsection was disbanded.”

“For someone who’s several thousand years out-of-date, youmanage to keep up pretty well.”

“Come on. We’ve got our channels, you know that.”

“Yes. I know. That’s how I found you. You’ve done prettywell for yourself since I last saw you. Nice place you’ve got here.”

“What do you want. Steiger’? You here to bust me, is thatIt?”

“Now is that any way to talk after all the years we’ve knowneach other?”

“Yeah. but like you said, it’s been a long time and thingschange. Stop rattling my chain, Creed. What do you want?”