Moments later, they materialized inside Hunter’s house on Long Lane. Moving silently, they made their way up to his bedroom and woke him up. He came awake instantly.

“What the. oh, it’s you! Christ, you scared the hell outta me! What’s up?”

“Get dressed,” said Lucas. “Quickly.” Hunter wasted no time in getting out of bed. Andre stepped out into the hall while he got dressed.

“What’s going on” he asked, quickly tucking his shirt into his breeches and sitting on the bed to pull on his stockings and his shoes.

“You’re going home,” said Lucas.

Hunter glanced up at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Just what I said. Go on, finish getting dressed. We’re taking you back through the confluence.”

Hunter remained sitting on the bed. He glanced from Lucas to Delaney. “What is this? I thought we had a deal.”.

“That’s right.” said Lucas, “and now we’re living up to our end of it. Come on.”

“Hold on a minute. pilgrim.” hunter said. This wasn’t our agreement. I thought we’d been through this already. You promised me a crack at Drakov. What’s happened to make you change your mind?”

“Not that it’s any of your business,” said Delaney. “but something’s come up and we have good reason to believe that some of our people might decide to put you through interrogation and see if you were on the level about that conditioning of yours. They figure it’s worth taking a chance to get some information out of you and if you happen to fall into a coma in the process, then it’s your hard luck.”

“It’s Steiger, isn’t it?” said Hunter.

“Look, you want to get home in one piece or don’t you?” Lucas said. “We’re trying to be fair about this. We’ll take you back ourselves and send you through. from there you’re on your own. It’s the best we can do. Take it or leave it, but stop wasting our time. You’re being watched.”

Hunter grimaced tightly. “Damn it to hell,” he said. “All right. I appreciate what you’re doing. I’11-”

“Hold it right there,” said a voice from behind them. “Don’t anybody move.-“ Shit.” said Hunter, looking past them.

Finn and Lucas froze. “Slowly now, put your hands on top of your heads and clasp them,” the voice said. All three of them complied, being careful not to make any quick movements.

‘“Now turn around, very slowly.” They turned. There were two men standing behind them in the darkened bedroom. They were both holding laser pistols aimed straight at them.

‘“It’s a good thing we had a mike aimed at this place, in case our boy talks in his sleep,” one of them said.

‘“Are you guys crazy?” Lucas said. “Put those weapons down. That’s an order. The password’s counterstrike.”

“Sorry. I’m afraid we don’t take orders from you. Colonel.” one of the men said.

“I think you’d better

do as he says.” Andre said, standing in the doorway behind them. “I’ve got a gun aimed right at your backs, gentlemen. Drop your weapons on the floor. Now.”

The two men hesitated, then dropped their pistols at their feet. “That’s just fine,” said Andre. “Now kick them over-”

She stopped suddenly as she felt the barrel of a laser pistol press against the back of her head. “Hold the gun out to your side, Lieutenant.” Carruthers said, standing in the hall behind her, “Two fingers, please.”

Andre tensed. “Don’t do anything stupid.” said Carruthers. “I don’t want to kill you.”

Her shoulders slumped. She held the laser out from her side where Carruthers could reach around and take it from her.

“Carruthers, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Lucas said. “Put the gun down

“Sorry. Colonel.” he said. ‘“I can’t do that.” He pushed Andre ahead of him into the room. “You should have left well enough alone. We were going to try to work with you on this, but you had to go and blow it, didn’t you?”

“You’re not I.S. D..” Delaney said, with sudden realization. ‘You’re with the Network.”

“That’s right,” Carruthers said. “And I’m afraid that knowledge is going to cost you.” He glanced at his men. “Don’t just stand there, you idiots. Pick up your weapons.”