They exchanged quick glances, then Delaney went over to the bar and poured a couple of neat Scotches for Andre and Creed, and an Irish for himself. He saw that Forrester already had a glass on the end table.

“To those who fell,” said Forrester, after they all had their drinks. They all stiffened slightly, then tossed back their drinks, emptying their glasses. Forrester sighed. “Your brother’s dead, Creed,” he said, flatly.

Steiger paled. “Sandy?” He blinked twice, his breath caught and then he swallowed hard and stiffened, getting control of himself. “How did it happen?” he said, softly.

“Sit down,” Forrester said. They all sat. Forrester took a folded sheet of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Steiger. “That is your brother’s handwriting, isn’t it?” he said.

Steiger unfolded the paper and glanced at the shorthand notation. He nodded.

“Read it out loud,” said Forrester.

“Field Observer Report, Cpl. Steiger, A.P.T.O. #617079972, Post 17-259. 29 April 1702, 1930 hours, Post Headquarters.” Steiger took a deep breath, cleared his throat and continued. “At approximately 1800 hours, encountered Dr. Lemuel Gulliver in the company of Mr. Jonathan Swift at Pontack’s eating house in Abchurch Lane.”

Delaney frowned. “What were those names again?” he said.

“As you were, Delaney,” Forrester said. “Hold the thought.” He turned to Steiger. “Go on. “

“Dr. Gulliver claimed to be the sole survivor of a ship-wreck,” Steiger read, “the Antelope, under Capt. William Prichard, reportedly lost at sea somewhere off Van Diemen’s Land. The man was in a state of near nervous collapse. He had been drinking heavily, but his report of encountering miniature people, approximately six inches in height—”

“What?” said Andre.

Forrester silenced her with a look. Steiger continued.

“... approximately six inches in height, created quite a stir. Most people hearing this reacted as if he were demented, but certain elements of his fascinating story drew this particular observer’s attention. Dr. Gulliver described, in great detail, some of the weapons used by these little people, or lilliputians, as his companion, Mr. Swift, referred to them. From the lucid description of these miniature weapons and their function, they were unquestionably miniature lasers and autopulsers. “

Steiger stopped for a moment and glanced up at Forrester with astonishment, then continued reading the report.

“From the description of their uniforms and tactics, these so-called ‘Lilliputians’ sounded exactly like modem commandos, only on an incredible, miniature scale. The story sounds unbelievable, until one asks himself how a man of Gulliver’s time could possibly imagine weapons such as lasers and autopulsers and describe their function in such accurate detail, right down to reporting the extremely high-pitched, staccato, whooping sound made by a cycling autopulser the extremely high pitch possibly accounted for by the scale of the weapon. Taking into account the fantastic genetically engineered creatures from the alternate timeline previously encountered by temporal adjustment agents on—”

The expression on Steiger’s face abruptly changed.

“What is it?” Andre said.

Steiger looked up. “It stops there.” He glanced at Forrester. “Do we have a confirmation on this?”

Forrester nodded. “Your brother was very thorough in noting the time and the location. I had an S & R team clock back. I took special care to instruct them not to risk arriving any earlier than an hour after the stated time in the report. You understand, of course.”

Steiger nodded.

“Search and Retrieve clocked back with your brother’s body about half an hour ago,” said Forrester. “We have full confirmation…

“I’d like to see him, sir.”

“I’m told he looks pretty bad, Creed,” said Forrester.

“I don’t give a damn. Sir.”

Forrester nodded. “I understand. But you’re to report directly back here when you’re through. I have a security detail standing by to escort you. “

“I don’t need a goddamn—”

“As you were, Colonel,” Forrester said, quietly, and Steiger immediately shut up. “I’m not insensitive to your feelings at the moment. However, there have been threats against your life and you are understandably distracted. You will accompany the detail and return here when you’re through. Is that clear?”

Steiger licked his lips and took a deep breath. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. You are dismissed.”

Steiger stood, snapped to attention and saluted smartly. As he turned to leave, Forrester stopped him.