Page 1 of Slipperless 3


I ran my fingers through my hair, shaking them free with a vigorous motion.

Afterward, I reached for my third cup of coffee and tilted it up to my mouth, finishing it with a thick swallow. The silky texture of cream combined with the sweet hint of sugar across my tongue were subtle reminders of the effect the caffeine had on my nervous system.

As I finished it off, I placed my empty mug down on my workstation and went to grab my pen, when I noticed it for the first time. My hand shook as it hovered just above the desk’s surface. Undaunted, I balled my fingers into a fist, straightened myself up in my chair and snatched it. Pinching the hard plastic between my fingertips, I pressed the pen’s tip against the page with focus.

I licked my lips and began to scribble my notes once more, determined this time to not allow distractions to creep in and disrupt me. I still had a bit of time before the staff arrived, and so while I had the chance to catch up, I needed to make the most of it. I’d been trying to keep focused on the long list of tasks in my planner. However, I found I couldn’t manage more than about ten minutes or so of dedicated concentration before my mind wandered to my troubles.

The irony was, of course, that my job at Hawkins Biotech was supposed to solve my problems, not create a half dozen more.

I spent an entire weekend obsessing over my last encounter with Gabe and the potential damage it was doing to my career, as well as my life. I hadn’t been eating much and sleeping even less. My grandmother took notice even as I did my best to conceal it from her. When she asked, I lied and told her I was under stress from finishing the lab work and the upcoming presentation I was scheduled to make. She’d been so out of it over the weekend, it seemed as if she believed me.

That was a good thing, because time was running out on my charade.

I glanced up around the still-empty lab. At this point, I had to take silver linings where I could get them and when it came to the staff, I’d managed a small one. Since my meeting with the team, things had improved for the better.

Although productivity was down a little, morale was up and it looked as if, for the moment anyway, Amanda and Melissa’s attempt at a coup was put to rest. A big part of the reason for that was, so far, I’d managed to keep my involvement with Gabe to little more than petty gossip between the two women. While I was sure they’d done their part to try and spread it as best they could, it hadn’t had the desired effect.

At least, not yet.

With respect to the presentation, I’d gone to a couple of local Toastmasters meetings to learn how to be an effective communicator. The simple fact was that I knew the material about the Link Protocol as well as could be expected. Now it was just a matter of overcoming my fears.

Unfortunately, my first couple of speeches at Toastmasters hadn’t gone well. I was ten—no—a hundred times more nervous than I anticipated. And although I didn’t yet know exactly when I was to give the presentation, based on where we were in the project, I figured it wouldn’t be long.

So even though things with work were going all right, the same couldn’t be said about what was going on with Gabe. I began to feel less and less able to turn him away when it came to sex. This was partially due to the fact that I wasn’t altogether sure he wouldn’t fire me if I didn’t sleep with him. Also, well, because I began to feel like I couldn’t.

Nothing could have prepared me for what happened to me in his office the last time we were together. On the one hand, the way he’d treated me left me feeling something close to humiliated. On the other, what he’d done stimulated and excited me in a way I can’t explain.

I racked my brain, trying to sort through the confusing thoughts and emotions in the silence of my bedroom at home. But after two long days and much longer nights, I wasn’t any closer to understanding the changes taking place inside me, brought about by him. They were frightening and liberating at the same time. I found myself in unfamiliar territory with no clear path forward. All my life, I’d relied on my rationality and reason to guide me, teach me, tell me…

What I ought to do.

What I should study.

What I need to say.

Yet, in his office, under his control, I felt free in a way I hadn’t before. My intellect failed me. There was nothing, not a single thing, about what he did that would appeal to reason. In fact, it should have been the exact opposite. I should have been appalled at what he’d done—outraged. After all, look at how he’d treated me…

He commanded me.

He ordered me.

He owned me.

But ironically, far from being repulsed by it, the simple truth was I’d never felt more feminine in my entire life. For once, for just a few moments, I wasn’t the one responsible. I didn’t have to care for anyone, answer to anyone or tell anyone what to do. Of all places, it was on his desk, being taken by him in the most primitive way imaginable, that I realized true bliss. And I’m not just talking about my orgasm. I began to feel as though there was something liberating about giving away my power to have to choose, to make a decision.

Unfortunately, as much as it thrilled me, the consequences of being found out would have the exact opposite effect. With each day that passed, I grew more certain my co-workers would find out about what was happening between us. For his part, Gabe seemed unconcerned about such an outcome. He’d put me in an impossible situation and the worst part of it was, some twisted part of me enjoyed it.

I took a break from my writing, and as I did, I felt my hand shake once again, far worse than it had before. Around the same time, a feeling of lightheadedness overcame me. Whether it was too much sugar, lack of sleep, or both, I had the sensation I might faint. I felt my skin go moist as clammy perspiration coated my forehead and the back of my neck.

“Oh please, no,” I whispered, as I laid my head down on my desk.

I had to get out of the office. I couldn’t risk anyone seeing me like this.

Not now.


After lunch the following Tuesday, I’d just wrapped a conference call with a group of investors. It had been a long few days since the last time I’d slept with Fiona. I’d thoroughly enjoyed the last encounter. As a result, I had every reason to suspect she’d come around to my way of thinking.

And speaking of that, I’d made arrangements for her to come to my office and give me a report on the progress in the lab, as well as the presentation. As much as I would like to for her visit to be more than business, there wasn’t any time for it today. In fact, there was scarcely time for her update. Yet, it had to get done, and done as soon as possible, since there was precious little time to waste. After hanging up from the call, I pressed the intercom button.

“Holly, is Fiona out there?”

After a brief pause, she replied. “No, Gabe, she isn’t.”

I scowled as I leaned forward in my chair. Glaring in the direction of the phone I continued, “She’s not? Where in the hell is she? I told you to get her up here.”

Holly didn’t hesitate as she responded. “Oh, I tried. Believe me. I called down to the lab, but she’s gone.”

“Gone? Where did she go?”

“Apparently she wasn’t feeling well and went home.”

I reached up and wiped my palm down the length of my face. “Are you serious?”

“Mmm, hmm. I confirmed it with Colin,” Holly murmured. “I was waiting until you got off your conference call, and I was going to let you know. Um, would you like me to try and reach her?”

I couldn’t believe it. “Yes, right away.”

“O-Okay,” Holly began. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Good. Thanks Holly… If you get a hold of Fiona, put her through to me.”

“All right. Anything else or…”

As Holly spoke, I couldn’t help but think about how bizarre this behavior was for Fiona. She wasn’t the type to leave work. When she had her fainting episode before, she hadn’t left then, so what the hell was the difference this time?

I couldn’t explain it, but I had this gnawing feeling she still wasn’t fucking getting how critical the situation was with the Link Protocol. Apparently, I hadn’t made my displeasure with her clear enough in my office Friday night. I stood from my chair and raked my fingers through my hair.

“You know what, Holly?”


“Forget the call. Get my limo ready. I’m going over there myself.”

Holly hesitated for a moment. “Oh… Well okay. Are you sure? I don’t mind calling. It’s not a…”

“Yes,” I replied, cutting her off. “I’m one hundred percent sure. I’ll be downstairs in ten minutes. Give Tomas the address to Fiona’s place.”

“Okay, Gabe. I will. Right away.”

“Thanks, sweetheart.”

Fifteen minutes later, I was nearly halfway to Fiona’s when I decided to call her. Sliding my hand inside my jacket, I ran my fingers along the smooth silk interior. I reached inside the pocket, wrapped my fingers around the hard plastic and pulled it out. Seconds later, the line connected and rang a couple of times before going straight to her voice mail. Glancing out the window at the blurred landscape as it passed by, I disconnected the call without leaving a message and dropped my hand to my lap in disgust.