"I've thought of that," said Lucas. "But it would have taken too much time to examine them in London. We would have had to find some pretext to get them from D'Artagnan and he would not have parted with them easily. Besides, I think that Taylor would rather arrange things so that he can be sure that his fake studs get into the right hands. I'm betting on it. If I'm wrong, then D'Artagnan still won't be in Paris for some time yet. He'll be delivering the diamond studs to Constance, and Constance is an agent for the TIA."

"You have thought it out quite well," said Andre.

"I sure as hell hope so," Lucas said. "But we're not out of the woods yet."

"What are these two studs that they are so dangerous?" said Andre.

"I can't be sure," Lucas said, "but I think they're something quite old-fashioned. I think that they're bombs."

There was a soft knocking at the door and Cardinal Richelieu said, "Come in."

The Count de Rochefort entered. "Milady de Winter, Your Eminence."

Richelieu smiled. "We have dispensed with secret rendezvous, I see. I find that most convenient. Show Milady in."

"Your Eminence," de Rochefort said, inclining his head in a respectful bow and backing out the door. A moment later, Milady entered.

"Ah, Countess," Richelieu said, rising to his feet. "How good of you to come to me directly, for a change. I was growing weary of our elaborate precautions. Am I to take it that our business has been concluded successfully?"

Casually, as if it were an afterthought, the cardinal held out his hand, palm down, to Milady. She bowed low and kissed his ring.

"I no longer have need for stealth, Your Eminence," she said, "since I now possess a carte blanche from yourself that grants me immunity from virtually anything."

Richelieu smiled. "Yes, I can see where that would be a useful thing to have. However, take care that you do not abuse it. What was granted can just as easily be rescinded. Have you obtained those items which we spoke about?"

"I have, Your Eminence," Milady said. She handed him a small golden jewelbox.

Richelieu took the box from her and opened it. Inside, resting on a cushion of mauve velvet, were two diamond studs.

"Excellent," he said. "I trust that you were not overly inconvenienced to obtain them?"

Milady smiled her dazzling smile. "It was my pleasure, Your Eminence."

"I'm certain that it was," said Richelieu. "You have done very well, Milady." He crossed the room and opened a drawer in his desk, removing from it a weighty purse. "You have done France a great service," he said. "Please take this on account. Come back and see me again after the ball and we shall discuss this matter further."

"You are most generous, Your Eminence. I am always glad to be of service."

"The Count de Rochefort will see you to your carriage," Richelieu said.

"Oh, please, do not trouble the count, Your Eminence," said Milady. "I have found that I quite enjoy being able to go where I please these days, now that I have your official pass to grant me safe conduct."


ieu chuckled. "As you wish, Milady, although I think the Count de Rochefort will be sorely disappointed."

In the corridor, she flashed Richelieu's carte blanche at the guards and was allowed to pass without even being questioned.

"You see, Adrian, how easy it all is?" she said. She felt the little transmitter hidden in the inside pocket of her cloak. "Richelieu is as good as dead. Now all we have to do is see to the king and queen. First, Anne. Then, Richelieu goes to serve God in His own kingdom. The blast should draw everyone to that end of the palace and they won't discover Anne's body for hours, which will allow me plenty of time to attend to Louis. It will all happen very quickly and efficiently and then, Adrian, you can rest. In peace."

She turned into the corridor that led to the queen's chambers. Again, a brief display of Richelieu's signature and the added words, "An urgent message for Her Majesty," were all that was needed to get her past the guards. She knocked upon the door of the queen's outer chambers and was greeted by the queen's valet, Germain.

"I must see the queen at once," she said. "Tell Her Majesty that Countess de Winter has arrived with an urgent message from abroad."

Germain admitted her into the outer chamber, standing aside to let her pass and then closing the door behind her.

"Wait here, please, Milady. I will announce you."

The moment Germain turned his back on her, Milady leapt upon him with a knife.