Page 5 of Slipperless

I’d learned long ago that people move at their own pace in situations like this. I always got them on board eventually but it was a mix of patience and firmness that got the job done.

“Well,” I began as I leaned back in my chair once more. “We’re looking at close to sixty billion dollars of R&D and marketing, including the investment of my entire personal fortune. I’m not tense so much as I am focused. You get the difference?”

“Right. Yes, I do,” Holly said, as she attempted to change subjects. “Would you like your coffee now? It’s ready.”

She nodded and started to turn around.

“Holly, wait one second.”


I patted the stack of papers. Now that we’d progressed to this stage, I’d need to step things up internally before going any further.

“Um, I’ll need to brief the lab team members. See to it they are assembled in the conference room tomorrow morning. There’s no time to waste.”

Holly expression changed from curiosity to focus.

“Do you want Colin and the rest of the senior staff or should everyone be present?”

I considered her question for a moment. But then almost as quickly, I made up my mind.

“I want the entire staff there. It will be far easier and more efficient. That way we won’t have to waste a lot of time going back and forth later on with questions.”

“All right,” she replied. “What time?”

“Ten o’clock.”


“Honey, no. I can’t allow you to get in any more debt on my behalf. What is it up to now anyway?”

I’d lived with my grandmother, Alice, since I was eleven years old, after the accident. As she finished speaking, I reached down and rubbed her on the arm. Beneath the soft sheer fabric, I gently squeezed her and felt the thinness of her disease-ravaged body. It was as if almost nothing remained of her any longer, in a physical sense that is, although she was hardly into her early seventies.

Swallowing hard, I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter, Grandmother. Whatever it is, it is.”

“No dear,” she replied. A frown came to her once pink-skin, now made gray and dull by the illness which ate away at her from the inside out. She’d battled cancer six times successfully during the past twenty odd years but recently we’d learned it had returned with a vengeance. Shaking her head, she continued, “I know it’s got to be at least half a million by now. Why are you keeping it from me?”

Actually it was $568,778, give or take a few dollars. But, it could have been ten million for all I cared. She’d lost her insurance coverage and as a result she’d been refused treatment a few years ago, since she lacked the ability to pay. If there was any chance of keeping her alive, I didn’t care how much it cost, I was willing to pay it.

But, she did care. And she was stubborn, not to mention proud.

“I don’t want to do anymore treatment,” she sighed, as her head, now thinly covered with fine, white hair, collapsed back into the pillow. “I’m tired, Fiona, and you’re going to go broke. You’ve already used all the money from your parents. That was supposed to be for you, your education and your future. This can’t continue.”

“Grandmother, please…” I begged. I’d kept my tears from her as I best I could over the years. But now, with each day that passed, it grew more difficult to mask my grief. “Don’t say that. You’re all I have left. If I lose you, there’ll be no one. And I’m not going to go broke. I should hear about the job any day now. If I don’t get that one, I’ll find another. Whatever it takes. I'm not giving up, and you can’t either.”

My hand fell away from her arm. I tugged at the sleeves of my flannel nightshirt, squeezing them into the palms of my hands.

Exhaustion overwhelmed her once again and my grandmother closed her eyes. It was about time for breakfast, and before I’d come in to check on her, I’d started a pot of coffee. The telltale aroma found its way to my nose and as it did, I glanced around the room to make sure things were as they should be.

Caring for a woman in her condition was almost like having another full-time job. Although she was able to get around with a walker, she spent most of her time in bed, resting.

I barely managed as it was, and I worried that if she were to get any worse, I’d have to hire a live-in nurse which, of course, I couldn’t afford. The good news was I had few days off while I waited to hear back on my interview from Hawkins Biotech, so for now anyway, I could take care of her myself.

I sighed a little as my eyes traveled back to her.

“Grandmother,” I began. “I’ll be right back. Did you take your medication?”

She nodded but didn’t speak.

A small smile came to my lips. She could be sneaky about it sometimes.

“Okay, I don’t need to check, do I?”

“No, dear.”

Just in case, I paused for moment and studied her face for signs of deception. Not seeing any, I nodded.

“All right.”

With that, I turned and walked out of the room. Our apartment was small but big enough for the two of us. I preferred to think of it as cozy. And anyway, it was all I could afford. My socks slid on the linoleum a bit as I exited my grandmother’s bedroom and walked towards the kitchen. But no sooner had I done so than my mobile phone started to ring. I continued to the kitchen, increasing the pace of my steps in anticipation.

“Please let that be them…” I muttered, as I battled a burgeoning swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

A moment or so later, I entered the kitchen and focused my attention on the chiming, buzzing device. Grabbing it, I noticed it was the number Mr. Doyle had given to me after the interview.

“Just once,” I whispered before answering.

“Fiona?” Mr. Doyle said, as his voice came over the line for the first time.

“Yes. Hello Mr. Doyle.”

“Oh good, I’m glad I got you. Sorry about calling so early in the morning like this. And please, it’s Colin.”

I’d already begun to pace back and forth as soon as I picked up the phone. With every word he spoke, I bit into my lip and squeezed my free hand tighter and tighter.

“It’s fine,” I began. “No problem at all. Mr. D... Colin.”

“Good,” he replied. “Yes, well. I’ve got a bit of news for you. I'm afraid it’s of the good and bad type though.”

“Mmm, hmm,” I muttered. Flexing my jaw in response, I bit down so hard with my molars on the inside of my cheek, I almost split my mouth open.

“Are you all right, Fiona?”

His words lingered in my ear for a moment. Was I? Aside from the overwhelming feeling of lightheadedness that struck me in that moment, I seemed to be. Just in case, I plopped down into a kitchen table chair and pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging them close.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I lied. “I'm sorry, Colin. Please continue.”

My hesitation hadn’t gone unnoticed. He followed mine with a moment or two of his own.

“Um, how about we start with the good news?” he said with a rising tone.

Great, way to go Fiona. Now he’s going to think you’re an absolute nut.

Cursing myself as I thinned my lips at my behavior, I let out a slow exhale. I did my best to make it subtle enough that I hoped it wouldn’t give him more cause for concern.

“That sounds good.” I replied. “I’m um, sorry about that Colin.”

“Don’t mention it, Fiona. It’s understandable to be a bit nervous.” Reassurance laced his words, calming me as he continued. “Fiona I must say that of all the applicants we had for the position, you were far and away the best. So, without any further delay, I’d like to offer you the position.”

Without thinking, I slapped my flannel-covered hand to my mouth, stifling a gasp. I fought for breath as feelings of relief coursed through my veins. At the same instant, I sensed the heat of tears rush into my eyes. It threatened to put an end to my ability to reply without gulping air at the same time. But, mercifully, my swell of emotion went by unnoticed for the moment, as Colin continued to speak.

“And that’s the good news,” he said, as he readied himself to deliver the more unfortunate half. “The bad news is that we need you to start… today. I’ve received information that the company is moving forward with a major new project. After you go through a brief employee orientation, the CEO will address the team members, which includes you. It's all hands on deck, Fiona.”

I shot to my feet. My tears gave away to rush of anxiety as the reality of achieving my goal hit me. What if I screwed up my first day, week or month? I’d always been the smartest person I knew. Now, at Hawkins, that was far from the case. Everyone in the lab, including Colin, was as smart, if not more so.

“Fiona?” Mr. Doyle asked. “Are you there?”

Cradling the phone to my ear, I pulled my free arm up, pressing my hand against the opposite cheek.

“Mmm, hmm. Yes, sir,” I stammered. “Thank you, Colin.”

“It’s my pleasure, Fiona. We can’t wait to get you in here and working with the rest of the team. Now how soon can you get here? The CEO will address the team at ten.”

“Oh I…” I began. “I’ll get ready right away. I can be in by nine. Is that all right?”