He did not finish the sentence. Colonel Nicholson had launched himself at him with a yell:



"Two men lost. Some damage done but bridge intact thanks to British colonel's heroism."

Such was the concise report which Warden, the only survivor of the trio, sent to Calcutta on his return to base.

When he read this, Colonel Green felt that there were a lot of points which needed clearing up in this strange business, and asked for an explanation. Warden replied ; that he had nothing further to say. His C.O. then decided that he had been long enough in the jungles of Siam and that a man could not be left on his own in that dangerous spot when the Japanese were probably going to search the area. At this stage of the war Force 316 was in a strong position. A second team was dropped onto a parachute ! landing some distance away to maintain contact with the Siamese, and Warden was recalled to H.Q. A submarine came to take him off from a secret beach in the Bay of ^ Bengal, which he managed to reach after an eventful two weeks' march. Three days later he was in Calcutta and reported to Colonel Green.

He gave him a brief summary of the preparations for the attack, then came to the operation itself. From the top of the hill he had witnessed the whole scene; not a detail had escaped him. He began speaking in the cool, calculated tone which he normally used; but as he went on with his story his voice changed. During the last month that he had spent as the only white man surrounded by Siamese partisans, a flood of unexpressed sensations had been surging through him. Each episode in the drama constantly recurred, bubbling through his brain, yet with his usual love of logic he instinctively struggled to find a rational explanation and to reduce them all to a handful of universal principles.

The outcome of these conflicting mental exercises came to fight one day in the offices of Force 316. He had not been able to confine himself to a dry military report. He had felt an urgent need to unleash the storm of his fears and anxiety, his doubts and rage, and also to reveal quite candidly the reasons for the grotesque sequel in so far as he could fathom them. He was impelled by his sense of I duty to give in addition a factual account of what had happened. He tried to stick to this and occasionally succeeded, only to give way again and again to the torrent of his uncontrollable temper. The result was a strange combination of almost incoherent invective mingled with the elements of an impassioned address, sprinkled here and there with extravagant contradictions and only an occasional "fact."

Colonel Green listened patiently and attentively to this piece of fantastic rhetoric, in which he could see no sign of the cool reasoning for which Professor Warden was famous. He was interested in facts more than anything else. But he interrupted the junior officer as little as possible. He had h

ad some experience in dealing with men returning from similar missions, to which they had devoted themselves heart and soul only to see their efforts result in an ignominious failure for which they themselves were not responsible. In such cases he made a fairly liberal allowance for the "human element," closing his eyes to their aberrations and pretending to overlook the occasional lack of respect in their tone of voice.

"I suppose you'd say the lad behaved like a fool, sir. Well, yes, he did; but no one in his place could have done better. I watched him. I didn't take my eyes off him for a second. I could guess what he was saying to that colonel. He did what I should have done in his place. I watched him as he dragged himself off. The train was almost there. I didn't know what was happening myself until the other fellow rushed at him. I only realized later, when I'd had time to think. And Shears claimed that he thought too much! My God, he didn't think too much; he didn't think enough! He should have been more perceptive, more discerning. Then he would have understood that in our job it's no good cutting any old throat. You've got to cut the right one. Isn't that so, sir?

"More insight, that's what he needed; then he would have known who his enemy really was, realized it was that old blockhead who couldn't stand the idea of his fine work being destroyed. A really perceptive mind would have deduced that from the way he strode along the platform. I had my glasses trained on him, sir; if only it had been a rifle! He had the sanctimonious smile of a conqueror on his lips, I remember. A splendid example of the man of action, sir, as we say in Force 316. He never let misfortune get him down; always made a last effort. It was he who shouted to the Japs for help!

"That old brute with his blue eyes had probably spent his whole life dreaming of constructing something which would last. In the absence of a town or a cathedral, he plumped for this bridge. You couldn't really expect him to let it be destroyed—not a regular of the old school, sir, not likely! I'm sure he had read the whole of Kipling as a boy, and I bet he recited chunks of it as the construction gradually took shape above the water. 'Yours is the earth and everything that's in it, and—which is more—you'll be a man, my son'—I can just hear him!

"He had a highly developed sense of duty and admired a job well done. He was also fond of action—just as you are, sir, just as we all are. This idiotic worship of action, to which our little typists subscribe as much as our great generals! I'm not sure where it all leads to, when I stop to think about it. I've been thinking about it for the last month, sir. Perhaps that silly old fool was really quite a decent fellow at heart? Perhaps he really had a genuine ideal? An ideal as sacred as our own? Perhaps the same ideal as ours? Perhaps all that hocus-pocus he believed in can be traced back to the same source that provides the impetus which lies behind our own activities? That mysterious atmosphere in which our natural impulses stir us to the point of action. Looking at it like that, perhaps the 'result' may have no meaning at all—it's only the intrinsic quality of the effort that counts. Or else this dreamworld, as far as I can see, is simply a hell afflicted with devilish standards which warp our judgment, lead the way to every form of dishonesty, and culminate in a result which is bound to be deplorable. I tell you, sir, I've been thinking about all this for the last month. Here we are, for instance, blundering into this part of the world in order to teach Orientals how to handle plastic so as to destroy trains and blow up bridges. Well..."

"Tell me what happened in the end," Colonel Green quietly broke in. "Nothing matters, remember, apart from action."

"Nothing matters apart from action, sir . . . Joyce's expression when he came out of his hide-out! And he didn't falter. He struck home according to the textbook, I’ll vouch for that. All he needed was a little more judgment. The other chap rushed at him with such fury that they both rolled down the slope toward the river. They didn't stop till they were almost in the water. To the naked eye they looked as if they were both lying there quite still. But I saw the details through my glasses. One was on top of the other. The body in uniform was crushing the naked bloodstained body, crushing it with all its weight, while two furious hands were squeezing the other's throat. I could see it all quite clearly. He was stretched out with his arms flung wide, next to the corpse in which the dagger was still embedded. At that moment, sir, he realized his mistake, I'm sure. He realized, I'm sure he realized, that he had killed the wrong colonel.

"I saw him. His hand was close to the hilt of his knife. He seized it. He stiffened. I could almost see his muscles flexing. For a moment I thought he had made up his mind. But it was too late. He had no strength left. He had given all he had. He was unable to do anything more—or else he was unwilling to. He dropped his knife and gave in. Total surrender, sir. You know what it's like, when you have to give up completely? He resigned himself to his fate. He moved his lips and uttered just one word. No one will ever know if it was an oath or a prayer, or even a polite conventional expression of utter despair. He wasn't bloody- minded, sir, or if he was he didn't show it. He always treated his superior officers with respect. Good God, Shears and I only just managed to stop him springing to attention each time he spoke to either of us! I bet you he said 'sir’ before passing out, sir. Everything depended on him. It was all over.

"Then several things happened all at once, several 'facts,' as you would no doubt call them, sir. They were all muddled in my mind, but I've sorted them out since. The train was arriving. The roar of the engine was growing louder every second; but it wasn't loud enough to drown the yells of that lunatic, who was shouting for help at the top of his voice in parade-ground tones!

"There I was, unable to do anything, sir. I couldn't have done better than he did. I certainly couldn't; no one could—except, perhaps, Shears. Shears! It was then that I heard someone else shouting. Shears's voice; that was it. It echoed right round the valley. The voice of a raving madman, sir! I could only make out the one word: 'Strike!'

He, too, had realized, and sooner than I had. But it was too late now.

"Some time afterward I saw a man in the water. He was swimming toward the enemy bank. It was him. It was Shears. He, too, worshiped action, action at any price. A crazy thing to do. He had gone mad, just as I had, as a result of that morning. He didn't have a chance. I felt like dashing out to join him, but it would have taken over two hours to climb down from the observation post.

"He didn't have a dog's chance. He was swimming frantically, but it took him several minutes to get across. And in that time, sir, the train was already on the bridge, the splendid River Kwai bridge which our comrades-inarms had built! Just then—just then, I remember, I saw a group of Japanese soldiers; they had heard the yells and were stumbling down the slope.

"They were the ones who dealt with Shears as he climbed out of the water. He got rid of two of them. Two thrusts of his knife, sir, I didn't miss a thing. He wasn't going to let himself be captured alive, but a rifle butt came down on the back of his head. He collapsed. Joyce was also on the ground, lying quite still. The colonel was getting to his feet. The soldiers had cut the wire. There was nothing more we could do, sir."

"There's always some further action to take," Colonel Green observed.

"Always some further action to take, sir . . . After that there was an explosion. The train, which no one had thought of stopping, had blown up on the fog signal I had laid this side of the bridge, just below the observation post. A bit of luck, that! I'd forgotten all about it. The engine came off the track and plunged into the river, bringing two or three coaches down with it. A few men were drowned, a fair amount of stores lost. But the damage could be repaired in a few days—that was the net result. But it caused quite a lot of excitement on the opposite bank."

"A pretty fine sight, I should think, all the same," Colonel Green consoled him.

"A very fine sight, sir, for those that like that sort of thing. So I tried to think how I could make it look even finer. I didn't forget the principles of the Service, sir. I really racked my brains at that moment to see if there was anything more I co

uld do in the way of action."

"There's always something more to be done in the way of action," Colonel Green dreamily remarked.

"Always something to be done . . . That must be true, since everyone says so. That was Shears's motto. I remember it."