“The cabbage was splitting.” She waves at the rows of heads surrounding us. “I thought I could help.” She adds with sass, “It beats sitting around.”

“Help how?”

She parts her lips to no doubt give me some more attitude, but one of the women who was working on the grinding stone comes over with the bucket.

“Where do you want this, Cas?” she asks in Tswana.

Cas points at the women working the rows, who’ve all stopped to watch us. “Take it over to Keeya. Thank you.”

My jaw drops. Cas addressed her in perfect Tswana. Well, hell. My little farm girl is full of surprises. “You didn’t tell me you speak their language.”

“You didn’t ask.”

“You could’ve told me.”

“You could’ve asked.”

I want to drag her over my knee and tan her ass before kissing those mouthy lips of hers, but the sight of her naked ass will only make me harder.

“What are they doing?” I ask.

“Making compost.”


“We’re crushing eggshells and mixing them with bonemeal to raise the alkaline levels of the soil. I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing the manure compost they used combined with all the tree roots on the shore made the soil too acidic. Cabbage needs neutral conditions. I think the cabbage heads are splitting because they fertilized the soil too late in the season, which is why we’re preparing the new patch of soil and transplanting them. Hopefully we’ll save the rest of the crop.”

“You really didn’t learn sewing, did you?”

“Sowing, yes.” She gives me another blinding smile. “It can’t hurt to try, right?”

“Right.” I pick up the rifle and take her arm. “There are a few rules we’re going to lay down.”

She kicks in her heels as I drag her toward the Hummer. “I’m not done here.”

“I say you are.”

She jerks her arm free. “Don’t manhandle me in front of your people. I’m not your subordinate or pet.”

“If you don’t want me to carry you, you better walk,” I say, pointing in the direction of the outcrop.

She stomps up the hill ahead of me.

When we get to the Jeep, I hold out my hand. “Give me the key.”

She fishes it from her pocket and slams it down in my palm.

“Thank you,” I say just to rile her because I love getting a reaction out of her.

I love that I have an effect on her. It’s not the effect I want, but any effect is better than none.

After grabbing her bag and jacket from the backseat, I lead her to the Hummer. We drive back to the lodge in silence. I don’t go to my bungalow. If I take her there now I’m going to strip her naked and fuck her against the door, on the floor, and in a few more places before we’ve made it to the bed. I drive to the small jetty under the Blackwood tree where we keep the fishing boat. I haven’t showed her this yet, because I didn’t want her to get it into her head that she could make a water escape in a rowing boat.

She’s out of the vehicle before I’ve cut the engine. I catch up with her on the wooden deck. It’s quiet here. We’re far enough from the main building and bungalows that our conversation can’t be overheard.

Walking onto the jetty, she faces the water and crosses her arms. I mirror her stance, brushing up against her shoulder. She takes a step to the side.


“What?” she snaps.

“You can’t drive around on the property alone.”

She gives me a wounded look. “I wasn’t trying to run. I was trying to…” She bites her lip.

I cup her face. “Trying what, baby doll?”

It looks as if it physically hurts her to admit, “Trying to be happy.”

I drag her against my chest and cradle her head. “Being happy is good.”

She pulls away. “Then let me do it.”

“You can’t drive around without a gun. There are too many wild animals and reptiles around. Not even the locals will risk it out without a rifle.”

“Give me one.”

I lift a brow.

“I want to give this a shot,” she says, “but you have to help me. You’ve got to give me trust in return.”

“You’ll have my trust when you earn it.”

“What else am I supposed to do?” she exclaims, throwing her hands in the air.

“You can drive wherever you like on the property, but you take Garai or Wataida with you. They both know how to handle a rifle.”

Her stance relaxes a little. “Until?”

Until I’m certain she’s here to stay. “Until I say so.”

“So, everything happens on your terms.”

“For obvious reasons.”

She glares at me. “That’s not fair.”

“None of this is, but you’ll get what you want if you continue to be a good girl.”

“Go to hell.” She turns her back on me.

I grip her arm and make her face me. “I’m not trying to be hard on you. I’m protecting you. Your safety comes first. Another thing—from now on you carry your phone on your person at all times. If I call, no matter the hour, day or night, I want you to answer. Understand?”