He pouts. “I know how to read spoor. I only walk where the animals don’t.”

I make a stern face. “Still, you’re not to take such a risk again, or Ian will hear of it.”

He rolls his eyes. “Fine.” A slow smile stretches his chubby cheeks. “If I can’t go there, you must come here.”

I hold out a hand. “Deal.”

We shake on it.

Shona and Lesedi return with Banga on their heels.

“We better get back,” Shona says. “It’s getting late.”

I wave at Lesedi. “Thanks again for the lunch. It was delicious.”

She pulls Vimbo under her arm. “You’re welcome.”

At the Jeep, I hold out a hand to Banga. “Key.”

He looks at me as if I’ve asked him to pull out his front teeth.

Shona laughs. “Let her drive,” she says as she gets into the front.

Reluctantly, he fishes the key from his pocket and hands it to me.

He takes the backseat, holding the rifle, and I take the wheel. The engine roars to life. I miss driving. My car has been in the workshop more than on the road. The Jeep is a hard drive, but I enjoy the wind that rips through my hair as I navigate the vehicle down the dirt road. I’m driving a lot faster than Banga’s snail pace. He curses under his breath, grabbing the rail in front of his seat for purchase as he bounces around on the backseat while Shona cackles like a hen.

Bumpy rides are my favorites. To me, they’re like the sea to a sailor. I’ll take a Jeep and a few potholes over all the rides in an amusement park any day. By the time we arrive at the lodge, I’m elated from the thrill, enough to have forgotten about my concerns for a while. The day out did me good. I was only going to visit the clinic, but the impromptu tour and lunch lifted my spirits.

“Thank you,” I say to Shona as Banga takes the key and rifle and hurries inside the main building.

“You needed that,” she says. “People are just another species of animal, and no animal has ever done well in captivity.”

I doubt she took me on an outing just for my benefit. She’s too sly, too clever. “Why did you take me to have lunch there?”

“I’ll be honest. When I first laid eyes on you, I didn’t think you’d make it in a place like this. It’s good for a week or so of holiday, but most city folks don’t last out here. Call it a test, but I think Ian is right. You can be happy here.”

“Is that what he said?”

“I’ve known him for long enough to know that’s what he wants. You’re the first woman he’s brought here. You mean something to him.”

I consider the statement. Did Ian bring me here to protect or imprison me? Maybe a bit of both. His words from last night turn in my head. Do you want to be exclusive? We could be. All you have to do is say so.

I don’t want to ask for something that’s not supposed to require asking, and he wants me to fight for it, to prove to him that I want it. Why? Does he really want to sleep with no one else but me, or does he want me to beg him not to fool around just to have more power over me?

“Don’t let him sleep on the sofa in the office again,” she continues.

My attention snaps back to her. “What makes you think he slept in the office?”

“He used the guest bathroom this morning, and he only does that when he spends the night in here.” She waves at the lodge. “If you’re wise, you’ll make the most of the time you have with him.”

“What are you saying?”

“You’re clever, but clever and wise aren’t the same thing. A clever woman like you know men like Ian live short lives. You can’t tempt fate forever and get away scot-free. That’s not how the law of averages work. A wise woman won’t waste what little time fate grants her.”

Leaving me to mull over the declaration, she walks off.

Am I willing to lay down my pride in the hope of finding happiness with the man who stole me? How much am I willing to sacrifice for lust and desire?

The answer isn’t a straightforward or easy one, certainly not as simple as a solution for preventing split cabbage. Still, as I make my way back to my prison, I can’t deny the truth of Ian and Shona’s words.

I can be happy here.

Chapter 10


Each of us are four million dollars richer when we make it back to the lodge in Zim three days later. The stealing of the painting went as planned. Piece of cake. Smuggling it out of the country delayed us, but it’s safely in Turkey now with its new owner, and at last, we’re home.