Pops appeared on my right, Marcello on my left.

The doctor acknowledged Pops with a nod. “How are you, Chief?”

My grandfather was the Chief of Surgery before he retired from the hospital to assume his role as CEO of Wellington Pharmaceuticals.

“I’ve been better,” Pops said with a forced grin before he grabbed the doctor by the shoulder and steered him away from the group.

I spun around to face the Knights. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked at the men who risked their lives to save mine.

“Thank you,” I said to no one in particular.

Without a word, Marcello took my hand and kissed my skin. Then he moved out of the way, allowing each of the Knights to do the same. After they finished, I stood between them and smiled. Surrounded by my Knights, I felt safe and protected. Knowing I had these men at my command provided me immense comfort, especially at a time like this one.

I pressed my hand to Marcello’s cheek, allowing the silence to wrap around us. We stared at each other for a moment before I moved to Sonny, Drake, Cole, Damian, Bastian, and Callum. I saved Aiden for last, repeating the same motion before I threw my arms around his neck. He lifted me off the floor, hugging me so hard he crushed my chest against his.

After I released Aiden from my death grip, Kali pulled me into her arms. She hugged me as if she needed it more than me, her tears wetting my cheek.

“How about we get you cleaned up before you see Luca?” Kali suggested as she tucked a curl behind my ear. “It’s still your wedding day. A bride should look her best on her special day.”

* * *

A few hours later, a nurse entered the waiting room and gestured for Marcello and me to follow her to Luca’s room. The rest of the Knights had to wait since they limited us to two visitors at a time. Marcello held my hand as we followed the nurse down the hallway that seemed endless. My heart raced with each step we took toward Luca’s hospital room.

I stopped in the entryway, my mouth open wide at the sight of Luca hooked up to beeping monitors. It reminded me of when Marcello got shot. The constant sounds of his life dangling by a thread.

“Why are the monitors beeping?” I asked the nurse.

“That’s normal,” she said with a sweet smile.

“Is he going to survive?”

“He’s not out of the woods yet, but his doctor is optimistic he will make a full recovery.” She cupped my shoulder. “Whenever you’re ready, you can see him.”

“Thank you,” Marcello said to the nurse, who nodded, then walked down the hallway in the opposite direction.

He tapped my back, helping me inch my way into the room. I took slow, deliberate steps, my pulse pounding as I looked at my sleeping husband. His eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling. I released a deep breath.

I stood at his bedside and leaned down to brush the black hair off his forehead. “I’m here, Luca.”

Marcello slid his hands to my shoulders. We didn’t need words; one thing I loved most about him. I leaned back against his chest, and he hooked his arms around me. It felt like an eternity before Luca’s monitors made a different sound, then a minute later, his eyes fluttered.

I slipped out of Marcello’s grasp and leaned over the bed. Luca opened one eye and looked up at me. A rare smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“Don’t look so surprised I’m alive,” he muttered. “You can’t kill the Devil, baby.”

I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my fingers down his arm. “You scared the shit out of me, Luca. You may think you’re invincible, but you’re a man, not the Devil.”

He glanced at Marcello, both eyes now open. “Dad is dead?”

Marcello nodded. “Wellington tried to resuscitate him. He died quickly.”

Luca groaned, then moved his hand to my stomach. “My dad used to say that with new life comes death. This baby, our wedding, he got everything he wanted. His death had a purpose. He didn’t die in vain.”

“He died with honor,” Marcello added, his voice deep and smooth.

I rolled onto my side and curled into him, seeking his warmth. “Are you okay? Does it hurt?”

Luca drew a breath from between his teeth. “Yes. But nothing I can’t handle.” He raised his hand, eyes on Marcello. “Come closer.” Marcello moved toward the bed, and Luca continued, “Now that Dad is gone, you’ll have to accept your place in the family. I need you by my side.”

“I like where I am,” Marcello countered.

“I know. But we will need you around more.” Luca gestured at me and rubbed his hand over my belly. “I don’t know if this baby is mine. Either way, the child needs a family. We need you, Marcello.”