Even when he could not say the words, I knew he loved me. No matter how much he tried to push me away or make me not want him, our souls were connected. I knew it the day we met.

Luca lifted my hand to his lips, planting a soft kiss on my skin. Even in a room surrounded by people, I could only see the Devil from my dreams. The Devil who made me feel alive.

The priest finished the ceremony with the nuptial blessing and a final prayer. A kiss was not part of a Catholic wedding, but Luca never followed the rules. He hooked his arm around my back, pulling me into his chest as he crushed my lips with a passionate kiss.

Our tongues tangled, fighting possession over the other as we lost ourselves. He held my chin, his fingers digging into my skin as if possessed. Like he was afraid I would fade away if he let go. Overcome by emotion, I kissed him with everything I had, swept up by the shivers rushing down my bare arms.

But a loud bang followed by the screams of our guests interrupted our perfect moment. The ballroom doors burst open, and a group of men dressed in black emerged from the hallway.

Luca shoved me behind him, pressing my chest into his back. My heart beat a million miles per minute as I peeked over his arm to look at the men entering the room. The Knights stood in front of Luca, now with guns in their hands.

“Claudio?” Arlo said as he glared at the man who told me his name was The Carver. “What are you doing here?”

He stepped into the room with armed men at his sides, a gun in his hand. “You haven’t figured it out yet, Arlo? And here I thought you were the smart one of the family.”

My eyes widened at his confession. “What is he talking about?” I asked Luca.

“Claudio is my uncle.”

“No,” I whispered. “He’s The Carver.”

Marcello moved beside me. “What are you talking about?”

“I met him on the boat on our way to the island. He said his friends call him The Carver.”

Marcello’s lips pulled into a thin line, and then his eyes swept over the ballroom. “This is about Dad,” he told Luca.

“And Mom,” Luca added.

“What’s going on?” I muttered.

Marcello dipped his head down and whispered, “Uncle Claudio was engaged to our mom before she met my dad.”

I recalled Sonny’s story at the Founders Ball and a shiver rushed down my arms. “That’s why he bought me? To get back at your dad?”

Marcello nodded. “That would be my guess.”

“Mine too,” Luca confirmed. “I didn’t see this coming.”

“No,” Marcello agreed. “Neither did I.”

Arlo walked down the makeshift aisle with determination. “What gives you the right to show up at my home?”

“You’re keeping my property from me,” Claudio boomed. “I came here to collect.”

Sonny tapped Finn on the shoulder. “Get Mom and Dad out of here.”

“Take my parents, too,” Drake said.

Finn slipped from the group with Cole at his side. They worked on getting our family members out of the room through the side entrance. No one seemed to notice them exiting the space, too busy with the main attraction. The Carver wanted to steal me back from Luca, and he wasn’t leaving here without a fight.

“No one is leaving my house,” Arlo said with his gun at his side. “Your issue is with me, Claudio. Let’s settle this like men.”

“Your sons took Alexandrea from my island. I paid thirty million dollars for her, and she is coming home with me.”

Arlo held out his hand, gesturing toward the front of the room. “As you can see, Alexandrea has just married my son. She’s not going anywhere. Even you know the bonds of marriage are unbreakable in our world.”

Claudio clicked his tongue. “I no longer adhere to rules.”

“What is it you want? Revenge for me taking Eva from you?”

“We’re long past that,” Claudio shot back as he moved closer to Arlo. “You killed Eva.”

“I did no such thing,” Arlo snapped.

“She was mine.” Claudio’s face twisted in disgust. “And you ruined her, turned her into your Queen. Forced her to become part of the Knights.”

“She wanted this life, brother. Eva chose me.”

“Talk about history repeating itself,” I muttered as I looked up at Marcello.

He nodded in agreement.

“I came for Eva’s replacement,” Claudio said in a firm tone. “Arlo, hand the girl over and no harm will come to anyone.” He raised the guns in his hands. “Fight me, and you will all die.”

They were about ten feet apart, and their shoulders squared like they were about to duel. With his back to us, I couldn’t see Arlo’s face. But I knew he would never let The Carver take me. No one in this room would let us leave without a fight.