“I have everything you ever painted.” I pointed at the drawings on the wall. “Even the sketches you threw out.”

Her mouth widened. “You went through my trash?”

“There was never a time I didn’t have someone watch over you. You are too important to me.” I motioned toward the framed papers on the wall. “I asked your brother to make a collage of your scrapped designs. I thought maybe one day you could use them as inspiration.”

She laughed. “You’re anything but predictable, Luca.”

“Do you like your new studio?”

The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. “No, I love it.”

I slipped my fingers through her curls. “This room is yours to do with as you wish. You’re going to be my wife. It’s not right you have to live in the shadow of my mother. This house is yours, too. Whatever you want, it’s yours.”

She threw her arms around my neck and kissed my lips. “I love you so much, you crazy lunatic. Thank you, Luca. Thank you for protecting me, even when I didn’t know I needed your protection. For loving me in your own way.”

“There is no line I wouldn’t cross for you. My methods were unconventional, but this was the only way I knew how to show my love for you.”

“I love it,” she whispered. “This is the best gift you’ve ever given me.”

We kissed until both of us were gasping for air. And when our lips separated, I looked into Alex’s eyes, brushing her hair behind her ear.

“After the wedding, I want to paint you and the Knights in my new gallery. It’s the final piece in my collection for Tate Modern.”

I lifted her hand to my mouth and kissed her skin. “As you wish, my queen.”


Everything was falling into place. I had the love of an incredible man, a baby growing in my belly, and a family that would do anything to protect me. The Knights had done everything in their power to get me back. And I was forever thankful for their loyalty.

The doctor drew my blood and performed an ultrasound at the house. He confirmed I was six weeks pregnant, which meant the baby could be Luca or Marcello’s. I was thankful for the new technology that would allow us to do a paternity test in a few weeks, a non-invasive approach that could determine which brother fathered the child.

I wished we knew before the wedding, but as I stepped into my gown and looked into the mirror, I realized it didn’t matter. Luca and Marcello were closer than ever. They could handle the outcome, and so could I.

I prayed Luca was the father. It would tear him up inside if he had to raise another man’s baby. I also feared how he would handle the possibility of Marcello’s child taking over for him as the Grand Master of The Devil’s Knights.

Aiden stood behind me, his eyes meeting mine in the mirror. “You look beautiful, Lexie.” He brushed the hair off my shoulder and smiled. “Thank you for forgiving me and for allowing me to be part of your wedding.”

I leaned back against his chest, and he wrapped his arm around me. “I don’t want to live in a world where you don’t exist.” I patted his hand on my shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here now.”

We were in a dressing room off the main hallway. Several of my bridesmaids were on the other side of the room, doing their hair and makeup. Kali helped Sonny’s sister fix the sash around her waist. She’d picked out the navy blue mermaid dresses.

I had no interest in fashion, so I left most of the details to Kali. Luca had coordinated every second of our special day. He worried about security while Kali herded the girls and kept the groomsmen in line. Everyone had a job to do but me.

Kali sauntered over to us, flicking her long hair over her shoulder. A smile graced her pink lips. “You look hot, girl.” Her eyes widened at the massive cleavage I had on display. “Luca’s going to pop a major boner when he sees you.”

“Kali,” Aiden groaned.

I snorted with laugher. “Luca isn’t a teenage boy. I think he can make it through the ceremony without tearing off this dress.”

“Lexie,” Aiden grunted as he stepped back from me.

“You need to get used to it,” I told Aiden. “I’m marrying Luca.” I rubbed my hand over my stomach. “And this baby wasn’t an immaculate conception.”

Aiden rolled his eyes. “Can I imagine you as the little girl with paint in her hair and stains on her dress for one more minute?”

I spun around to face him, my hand extended. He slipped his fingers between mine and pulled me closer.

“I need another minute,” he whispered. “I’m not ready to let that girl go.”

Aiden was the only positive male figure I had in my life until my grandfather had come along. For eighteen years, he had watched over me, protected me from the evil lurking within the halls of our home. I understood why he still saw me as a girl, but I was getting closer to thirty years old, pregnant, and about to marry the love of my life.