It was the first time I’d spoken since Luca had carried me into the house from the car. With the Knights and Pops surrounding me, I couldn’t process anything they were saying. All of them were speaking to me, but I just wanted to be alone with my Devil.

Luca kneeled in front of me and slipped my fingers between his. “I know, baby. What I said to your grandfather…” He sighed. “I didn’t mean to imply you’re broken. I know we will get through this together. I’m here for you, okay? And we’re going to come out of this stronger than ever.”

“Thank you,” I choked out.

“No need to thank me, baby. I’m just glad you’re home. There was a second when I thought I’d lost you forever.”

“Once the beatings started, I thought I was going to die. But I knew you would find me. I had faith in you, Luca.”

“It was close.” He raised my hand to his mouth and kissed my skin. “I know I’ve been hard on you. I haven’t always been the man you deserve. But losing you… It was the worst pain imaginable. I promised myself that if I got you back, I would change. I would be better for you.”

“I thought pain is just weakness leaving the body.”

He nodded. “Physical pain, yes. But I hadn’t felt emotional pain since my mom died. It took every ounce of control for me to hold it together.”

I stroked his short, black hair with my fingers. It was loose and messy, as if he had been tugging at the ends. He usually kept it gelled and styled into spikes. But as our eyes met, he looked more like the damaged man I’d met ten years ago. The same man who was still in pain and trying to hide behind his carnival mask.

“I’ve always known, Luca.” I rubbed his cheek with my fingers, and he leaned into my touch. “The night we met, I felt a connection to you when you let me touch your scars. You let me see the real you. Vulnerable for once. That’s not something you let anyone see.”

“No,” he admitted. “Never. You’re the exception to every rule. I would have torn apart the world looking for you, Drea.” He cupped my cheek and smiled. “My queen. I will give my life for yours, now and forever.”

“Sounds like someone has been rehearsing his wedding vows.”

He turned his head away, though a glimmer of a smile was still in place. Luca rose to his feet and helped me up from the toilet seat. My skin burned as he lifted my shirt over my head.

With his eyes on my bare chest, he shook his head. “Between the Knights and our Mafia friends, we’ve found most of Kurti’s known associates. You will get your revenge. I promise.”

“What are you going to do with them?”

“Kill them.” His eyes met mine. “But first, I will strip them of everything they love. Make them suffer.”

“Inflicting pain is your specialty,” I joked.

“Please, babe. You know you love my brand of punishment.”

I nodded. “But you’ll need to go easy on me until I heal.”

He removed the rest of my clothes, and I stood before him naked, my body covered in filth and blood. Luca cradled me in his arms and lowered me into the bathtub with care. I groaned as the water hit my wounds. Pops had stitched the worst cuts, though the pain was still present.

“This will never be over,” I said. “Someone will always want to hurt us.”

He sank to his knees beside the tub. “Yes. But you’re safe with me. Just promise never to run from me again.”

“I won’t. That was a stupid mistake I will never repeat. But you had better stop keeping secrets from me. You know I hate when you lie to me.”

“I never outright lied.” He held my hand on the tub ledge. “More like concealed the truth.”

“Don’t do that,” I said with a plea in my tone. “No more lies.”

“I thought I was protecting you.” He raised my hand to his mouth. “I’m sorry.”

“Is Aiden worried sick about me?”

Luca lowered my hand into the warm water and nodded. “Yes, but he knows you’re safe with me.”

I slid into the bubbles. “When can I see him?”

“Tomorrow,” he confirmed. “Kali requested to see you, too. She’s worried about you.”

“Can you arrange for them to come for lunch? But send my brother first. I want to sit on the back patio with him. Alone.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Do you have something to hide?”

I shook my head. “Of course not. I haven’t seen my brother in close to a year. We need to have this discussion without your intervention. You can’t smooth over my issues with Aiden.”

“Fine.” His jaw flexed. “As you wish. But I will have guards on standby. Until I resolve this shit with the Albanians, you’re not allowed to leave this property. That means no sneaking down to the beach without proper protection. Do you understand me?”