“Don't worry about it,” he said. “After everything that's happened, I owe you.”

I didn't feel like he owed me anything, but I didn't argue the point. I was just relieved that I'd have a roof over my head tonight.

I watched Cam out of the corner of my eye as he drove. I'd almost forgotten how sweet and caring he could be. I wondered if he would have done this for any old girl, or only for me.

The idea that he was doing this just because it was me made me wonder how he felt. The possibilities sent chills down my spine.

Chapter 4


I opened the door to let Ami into the apartment. It was strange to think that just a few days ago, Eddie had moved out, and now the girl of my dreams was moving in.

I shook those thoughts off. She wasn't here for romance. She just needed a place to stay. As much as I wanted her, the last thing I wanted to do was let her think that I was only offering her a place to stay in exchange for sex.

“It's not much,” I told her, carrying her suitcase into the living room for her. “But I keep it clean. I've got cable, and I'll get you the WiFi password.”

Ami followed me inside, wheeling her hamper full of clothes along. She looked around, smiling.

“It looks great,” she said.

I led her down the hall to Eddie's room. Or rather, her room now. I set her suitcase down inside. “My roommate took everything out when he left,” I said, gesturing to the empty room. The only thing left inside was the blinds hanging in the window. “It looks like you don't have any furniture, though.”

“Yeah.” She smiled sheepishly, brushing a loose strand of hair over her ear. I'd always thought she looked adorable when she did that. “I kinda had to sell some stuff.”

“Well, we'll figure something out,” I said. I put my hands on my hips, looking around the empty room. I didn't know where Ami was going to sleep tonight. I knew she didn't have much money. I figured I could spring for the cash to buy her a new bed, but it would take a couple of days, at least, before we could get something delivered.

“Where's the bathroom?” Ami asked. “I could really use a shower.”

“Right this way,” I said, leading her to the bathroom. I gathered a few damp towels off the floor to get them out of the way. “It should have everything you need in there.”

“Thanks,” she said. Then she stood there waiting, giving me an impatient look.

“Oh, right,” I said, stepping out of the bathroom so she could shut the door.

I threw the towels in the laundry hamper. I heard the water turning on, then the shower curtain sliding back. For just a moment, I imagined Ami in there, naked, the hot water running down her smooth skin. It brought back fond memories, and stirred some urges inside of me.

I pushed those thoughts away. I wouldn't make a move on Ami like this. Maybe after things got settled, and she wasn't in such a vulnerable situation. I knew I wanted to take the chance to be with her again, but I wouldn't make her feel pressured.

I worked on cleaning things up around the apartment, trying to make sure it was presentable for her. I washed the few dishes in the sink, wiped down the kitchen counters, then cleaned up the laundry in my room and changed the sheets on the bed. By the time I was done, the shower was turned off, though Ami seemed to be taking her time in the bathroom. I sat in the living room to wait for her to be done.

She came out in fresh clothes, looking rejuvenated. She'd already looked pretty before, but now she was absolutely stunning. She was dressed in simple pajama pants and a sleeveless shirt, but even without being dressed up she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

“Thanks again, Cam,” she said, running a brush through her hair. “You're saving my life. Maybe even literally.”

“It's nothing. Nothing at all.”

She glanced at her new bedroom. “Do you have a sleeping bag or something?”

I looked at the couch. I thought about offering it to her, but I didn't think it would be right, leaving her on the couch while I slept in a proper bed. I had to take the more chivalrous route.

“I'll sleep on the couch,” I told her, gesturing to my room. “You can take my bed.”

Her eyes widened. She gave a small shake of her head. “No, Cam. I couldn't...”

“Sure you can.” I smiled at her. “Please. I insist.”


“No buts.” I gestured towards the bedroom.

She smiled shyly. She turned towards the room, glancing back at me with a sparkle in her eye. “Thanks, Cam.”