“It’s weird to have a driver who treats you to tacos every single time you want them.”

“Ma’am it’s in my contract to feed you, no limit on the cost.”

“What if I wanted a whole cake?”

“What bakery do you prefer?”

“What if I wanted a chocolate sundae at three in the morning?”

“I signed the contract, food is part of the deal. Dairy Queen is open twenty-four hours.” He was exasperated with my game, but I was curious as to why Maverick wanted to keep me like some kind of caged bird.

But, my period hadn’t arrived in the months he’d been gone and I needed to take the test just to set my mind at ease. I tore open the package in the employee bathroom and sat down trying to aim the stick into the flow of my pee. I waited three minutes shifting foot to foot and imagining my belly growing round with a tiny version of Maverick and me.

I rubbed my finger over the tactile spot while I listened to the directions for the blind pregnancy test on my phone. I couldn’t tell if it was two bumps or one. Someone pounded on the door and I jumped out of my skin.

“Go to hell!” I shouted to the knocker. I hadn’t slept in two nights I’d been so worried about the outcome of the stupid pregnancy test.

“Sophie, hurry the fuck up, employee meal is on the table!” it was only Tommy trying to make sure I was okay. He’d been overprotective lately and I was sure Maverick had put him up to keeping tabs on me.

I ran my finger over the spot again and there was one bump that protruded obviously and one which was so faint I couldn’t be sure I wasn’t imagining its existence.

“What the fuck is it? Two bumps or one?”

I washed my hands and banged out of the bathroom and slumped in my booth to eat. There was a bin full of silverware to be wrapped and I sighed in despair. The back of my neck tingled when I asked myself why I was so frustrated. It wasn’t the unknowing that made me feel exasperated, the feeling came because I wanted to be pregnant. I wanted to have a baby.

Jenna plopped down in the seat across from me.

“S’up Storm. You look grouchy. Still no word from Maverick?”

“Can you do me a favor? But you have to be sworn to secrecy!” I said dramatically.

Christ, Soph, what’s up? I can, but let me tell you now, I will not commit perjury. So if the case goes to court and I’m asked to take the stand, you’re on your own.”


“Just a precaution. You ever been divorced? Never mind. What can I do you for?”

“Can you read a pregnancy test for me and tell me the answer in confidence?”

“Soph!” I could hear the tears in Jenna’s exclaim. She covered her mouth with her hand like she needed to contain her reaction. “Oh my God, Sophie, are you serious? How fucking amazing!”

“Jenna, shhh! I’m going to pass it to you under the table. Two dots for yes and one dot for no. You’re supposed to be able to feel them. It might be me, but I think the mechanism is faulty.

I passed the stick under the table. Jenna did a tiny shriek and covered her mouth again.

“Holy shit, momma! You’re going to have a baby!”

“Oh my God, Jenna, be quiet!”

“A baby Storm! Is it Mavericks?”

I kicked her ankle under the table. “Is it Mavericks? Who the hell else could the baby belong to?”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. Are you going to tell him?”

“Hi, girls! Jenna, if you see Reese on the floor tonight, alert one of the bouncers,” Mandy the house mother told us.

Mandy was gorgeous even well into her fifties. I couldn’t see her features, but the girls told me she looked as good as JLo and everyone was always speculating about what she had or hadn’t done. I could smell her expensive perfume and make out her perfectly coiffed hair, painted nails, and high heels with a pantsuit. She somehow managed to make a lifetime of stripping seem glamorous and she took her job of house mother seriously. She advocated and looked out for everybody, including me.

“He get himself kicked out again?” Jenna asked Mandy.

“He’s nothing but trouble and last night he followed Abby to her car and tried to assault her. Mav said to suspend his membership and alert the club if tried to come in here tonight.”

“Abby, the new girl? That sucks. I’ll talk to her, Mandy. She should know who’s cool and who to stay away from.”

“Thanks, honey. How you doing, Sophie?”

“Just fine, Mandy, thanks.”

We smiled as she walked away. I was sweating hoping she hadn’t heard anything we’d said.

“Reese is such a psycho. So, are you going to tell Mav?”