Then I look up and see there are four more rows to go.

“We can come back for more later,” Jonas says, guessing exactly what’s on my mind.

“Maybe,” I tell him, but in the end I know I’m only going to have one plate. I don’t want to weigh down my digestion or end up feeling bloated later on today.

Especially not if I’m going to be taking off all of my clothes in front of the sexiest man on earth.

And I very much plan too.

Chapter Seventeen


When we have both finished eating, I dig out my cell phone to check on my messages. Thankfully, Marco has been in touch to let me know that the next stage of the day is all booked and planned – so we don’t need to linger any longer.

Which is great, because I’m already impatient to get through this day. Every new thing I bring Savannah to seems to light her up with joy, and I want to see that look on her face as often as possible. And I also know what’s waiting for us at the end. A far more delicious look that will light up her face in a completely different way.

I lead Savannah not far down the strip – everything on the strip is in such close proximity because the thing itself really isn’t all that long – to another casino, which is par for the course here. Everything you want, whether it might be a salon or a skydiving experience or a flower arranging course, is always inside a casino.

But it’s when she sees the signs above the doors that I lead her through inside the casino itself that Savannah clings tighter to my arm with excitement.

“Are we going to a spa?” she asks, her voice clearly begging for the answer to be yes.

“We’re going to a spa,” I say with a laugh. “I hope you like the couple’s massage.”

“Well, I’ve never tried it before,” she says, but her eyes are gleaming. “But I think I’m going to love it.”

We have to go into separate rooms to change out of our clothes and into robes, which allow us to lay down on the twin massage tables in the next room without having to reveal anything. Once we are lying down, however, the masseuse helps us shrug the robes down to our waists, as we fit our faces to holes in the tables and press the front of our bodies against the table.

Gentle music floods the room, an ambient soundtrack of rain falling in a rainforest with the occasional birdsong. Our two masseuses step in and begin to rub oil into our backs and shoulders, making me moan with bliss. I hear the same kind of noise from Savannah, and start to relax.

It’s so good that I almost forget about my plan. But not quite. I know what I’m here for – the final stroke of this special day for Savannah. I’m not going to miss that final touch.

I wait until the masseuse has almost finished with my back and shoulders, and then turn as silently as I can to face her, supporting myself on one arm. I put one finger to my lips, and the woman – a girl with long black hair – raises her eyebrows in confusion.

I beckon her closer, keeping as silent as I can as I sit up, managing to keep the robe over myself in the necessary places. I draw out a piece of paper I prepared earlier from my robe’s pocket, in block capitals it says “PLEASE LEAVE THE ROOM SILENTLY.” I accompany it with a wiggle of my eyebrows and a nod towards Savannah.

After a moment, the masseuse’s eyes light up and her frown clears, her mouth forming a silent “oh” of understanding. She nods vigorously and taps her colleague on the arm, sharing the same message. Without a word, the two of them smile at me and move away, giving me the chance to slip down from my table and over to Savannah.

I take over where the masseuse left off, making it seem as though nothing has changed. With the sounds of the ambient soundtrack covering my movements and the masseuses closing the door almost silently behind them, Savannah doesn’t even notice. Everything is a little muffled with your head on the table, and she’s already so relaxed that she doesn’t seem to be fully paying attention.

I move my hands over her shoulders a few more times, trying to mimic the way the masseuse was doing it so that she doesn’t get suspicious. Then I move on to her arms, one by one, rubbing all the way down to her hands and her fingers. I keep my feet away from the area near her head so she won’t be able to guess who I am, just listening to her gentle moans and groans as I work her muscles.