“I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” I teased.

“It wouldn’t be wise to test my ego right now.”

I fought a smile.

Okay, so I may have been a riled up, horny mess, and surely the drinks weren’t helping in making this situation any better, but I loved this. Teasing him. Building up to the moment we both were impatient for.

“Go on,” Max urged, pointing at my cupcake. “Don’t stall. Finish your cake so I can get you the hell out of here.”

I laughed and picked up my fork. I couldn’t ignore the warmth that coursed through me as I finished off my cake.

I could’ve left it there or even taken it to go, but I knew I wouldn’t eat it while with Max—not once we were alone again. I was also a strong believer in not wasting food. After spending weeks without food, hoping to scratch the surface by finding a job at sixteen, I vowed never to waste a crumb again in my life. Starving was no joke.

“Here.” I cut the cupcake in two pieces with my fork then handed him one half. “If you help me eat we can get out of here a little faster.”

He accepted his half with a cocky grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He needn’t say anymore. All he had to do was show me what he wanted once we left…and I was eager for that to happen.

Max’s studio apartment was nice—more like a bachelor pad, really. Figures.

So this was Mr. Grant. The twenty-four year old every girl wanted in her bed. He’d take them on dates, to places like Crave or a quaint, upscale bar uptown like Capri and he’d get them a little tipsy.

I knew because that was the state I was in as we barged into his place, lip-locked, and my arms tight around his neck.

As I snatched off his shirt and started unbuttoning his pants, I couldn’t help taking in his place. It was tidy, chrome and Carolina blue as his signature colors. The bar stools in front of the island counter were blue, the counters a smooth gray marble. His L-shaped sofa looked beyond comfortable, good enough for him to explore my body on.

But I preferred the bed.

“Where’s your room?” I asked as his lips landed on my cheek.

“Back there,” he groaned. He didn’t point in any direction, which caused me to giggle.

“Take me there,” I whispered.

He stopped kissing me, nodding as he reluctantly released me. Grabbing my hand and leading the way toward a beige door, he pushed it open and went in the direction of the bed, freeing my hand.

“Sit here,” he murmured. “Wait for me.” He placed me at the edge of the bed, and I sat, looking up into his eyes.

He turned away and walked out of the room. Cabinets squeaked opened and then closed from a distance, glasses clanking.

Laughing, I asked, “What are you doing?”

“Give me a sec,” he called with mischief in his voice.

I sat back, placing my palms on the comfortable blue comforter and smoothing it out. Moments later and music sounded from hidden speakers in the room, catching me by total surprise. One of my favorites by Miguel played and in walked Max with two glasses of some sort of pink drink.

My heart pounded as he appeared between the frames of his bedroom door with no shirt on. I couldn’t help carrying my line of sight down the length of his body, focusing on that delicious V that never failed a man. So cut and lean in all the right places.

“Here,” he murmured, stepping closer and handing me one of the glasses.

“Pink?” I questioned, studying it.

“Pink moscato. The best. Got it for you. You don’t like it?”

“I like pink moscato.” He took the spot beside me as I took a sip. “I hope you didn’t put anything in this…”

He laughed out loud, finding my remark utterly humorous. “Like what?” he asked, cocking a brow, highly amused.

“Date rape drug, ecstasy or something to get me to willingly sleep with you.”

“Pshh.” He shook his head, fighting a grin. “I don’t need a drug to get you to sleep with me. And, for the record, I would never do that to a woman.”

“Hey,” I took a look around his rather large bedroom, “with a place like this, I’m sure something’s gotta give.”

He swapped glasses with me and quirked a brow, taking a sip from my previous glass and proving nothing was in my drink.

“Normally the ladies see this place and it’s all they need. As soon as they’re in here the panties come off like they’re visiting the gynecologist.”

“Oh my God!” I snorted. “You are so disgusting! Do you know that?”

He leaned closer to me, placing a kiss on my shoulder and murmuring, “You like me though.”

My eyebrows shifted up as I drank some of my wine. Max downed his in one solid gulp, then stood to place his glass on top of the dresser.