“Look at us.” He laughed and took a glance around the parking lot. “This wasn’t supposed to happen like this. At least not so soon. It was only supposed to be a simple kiss.”

“Says the man who started it.”

“Trust me, I’ll finish it, but first I owe you a carrot cupcake.”

He carefully placed my feet on the ground, and I adjusted my seaweed green dress, smiling hard as I looked up at him. “How about you owe me a fruity drink instead. I could use one…no, actually let’s make it two.”

He laughed. “Whatever you want, Shakes.”

I groaned, facing the passenger door. “I swear that name is gonna kill me,” I muttered as he walked to the driver’s side.

He unlocked the doors and after we climbed inside and he brought the engine to life he said, “Get used to it. You’ll be hearing that name a lot from now on. As a matter of fact…” He extended his arm, turning the volume of his radio up and then pushing a button on the screen to get to satellite radio. “Do a little dance for me. Right now.”

I burst out laughing, looking at him as if he was insane. “Why?” I squealed.

“Come on! You want those drinks, don’t you?” he said with a laugh.

I tried giving him the stink-eye but it wasn’t working. I was too busy grinning like an idiot and still dazed from that kiss—our first kiss. “Wait—you’re serious right now?” I exclaimed.

“Yes. Come on! Give me life, Little Shakes! I need you to dance for me!”

I released another uncontrollable laugh, which made him do the same, then I lowered my head, shook it, and he brought his forefinger over to tip my chin. Our eyes met, his gaze soft and mellow.

Those damn eyes.

“Alright, fine,” I said. “But this is for the drinks, not you.”

He nodded, eagerly waiting.

I raised my hands to the roof and shook my body to L.A. Love by Fergie. Why his radio was suddenly playing Fergie, I don’t know, but I wasn’t embarrassed while dancing for him.

Don’t get me wrong, he did laugh his ass off at me, stating that the dance I did wasn’t nearly as sexy as the ones I did at the bar, but that was okay.

Joking around with Max seemed to be a rarity with him—a part of himself that he didn’t reveal to too many people. With me, it came out of him naturally and I appreciated that.

If only things between us could have stayed this way.


A bouquet of pink peonies appears at the doorway and a large smile spreads across my lips as John’s head pops up behind them. He’s smiling and I can’t stand how handsome he is.

“You didn’t,” I gasp sarcastically, placing a hand on my chest.

“I damn sure did.” He returns the sarcasm, placing the vase of flowers on the countertop across from me. The area he places them in blocks me from seeing myself in the mirror. Apart of me is pleased about that, then again, the other half is upset. I brush the feeling aside and smile at my husband as he walks closer to me.

I try sitting up but a sharp pain hits me under my ribs. I wince and John rushes for me but I stop him before he can grab me.

“I’m okay,” I assure him.

“You sure?”

I nod. “Just some body aches. Haven’t taken anything for it yet.”

“I take it the OPX didn’t go so well this time,” he sighs.

Not. At. All.” I blow out a breath.

“It’s a new type, babe. Supposed to be stronger.” He walks to me, cupping the back of my head and kissing the top of it. Heat courses through my veins, and I’m instantly comforted. “Dr. David said it’d take a while for you to get used to it.”

“Yeah. I guess.” I look up at him and instead of letting the mood get spoiled, I crank it back up again. I take the attention off of me and focus on him. “So,” I start again, grabbing the blue pillow Tessa knitted for me and hugging it to my chest. “How was work? Did you create a lot of new meals? New customers? Tell me everything!”

John takes the chair next to the bed with a sigh. “Work was fucking terrible.”

My smile drops. “Why? What happened?”

“I couldn’t focus. I burned three plates of fish. Got one of the main specials for a large party completely wrong and had to start from scratch. They weren’t pleased about the wait, so they ended up eating with a discount. Lorenzo isn’t too pleased about that. That was a big chunk of money we lost out on. We would’ve gotten it just fine if I wasn’t being such an airhead chef.”

“John, stop it.” I grab his hand, stroking the back of it with the pad of my thumb. “You’re just stressed and worried, baby. Everything will be fine once this is all over—” I clamp my mouth shut and John’s head lifts, his eyes instantly locking on mine. Tears line the rims of his eyes.