“I—I’m good,” I murmured.

“That seminar is pretty boring, huh?” he laughed, pointing a thumb back at the open door.

I shrugged. “Kinda. Why’d you come anyway? Doesn’t seem like your kind of thing.”

“Leo dragged me to it. You know how that goes.”

“Morgan dragged me here too, so yep. I know all about it.”

He put on a smile. Took another step closer. “Listen, Kandy, I’m really, really sorry about the other night. I shouldn’t have been so forward like that. I should have backed off. I think I pushed you too far and made you remember some things you didn’t want to remember and if I did, I’m sorry.”

“Brody, it’s okay. Really. I should be the one apologizing.”

“Apologizing?” He looked stumped. “For what? You did nothing wrong.”

“No, I did.” I looked at the door where the seminar was being held. I could still hear Cane talking, and my belly twisted into a knot. “I shouldn’t have led you on like that. I shouldn’t have kissed you if I wasn’t ready. It was wrong of me to do that.”

“Wrong?” He smiled crookedly. “I liked the kiss, Kandy. More than you know.”

The body of students in the auditorium cheered and I couldn’t hear Cane’s voice anymore.

Brody came toward me and tipped my chin. “I don’t regret anything except making you uncomfortable that night.” He studied my eyes. “I’m sorry,” he pleaded.

I looked up. “There’s no need to be sorry. It’s fine.”

“I was too pushy, I know it.”

Just as he’d said that, I heard footsteps. I looked toward the door and immediately wanted to snatch myself away from Brody. It wasn’t Morgan or Gina coming to check on me.

Cane was walking through the door, and his eyes were right on us. In an instant, his nostrils flared, his eyes shifting down to the hand Brody had on my chin. He didn’t stop walking, though. No, he came toward us, shoulders broad and chin in the air. His eyebrows had stitched together along the way, his glare still on the hand touching me.

Fuck. What. Is. Happening?

I was trapped between the present and the past and it made my lungs feel too small for my own body.

“Kandy,” Cane greeted, and Brody finally pulled his hand away, which made Cane look at him. “You are?”

“Oh, I’m Brody, sir. Brody Hawks. Football player here.” Brody extended his arm, offering a hand. Cane took it and shook firmly. Probably a little too firmly. Brody put on an uneasy smile, but I could tell he wanted to frown by the death grip. “I, uh, liked your speech in there. Very inspiring.”

“How would you know it was inspiring if you were out here flirting?”

Brody finally gave him the frown he’d been holding back on. “I…didn’t realize you’d noticed. I apologize if my absence offended you, sir.”

Cane ignored his remark, putting his attention on me. “Kandy Cane,” he murmured, almost dreamily, and my belly flipped. “You look well.”

I sucked in a breath through my teeth. “Thanks, I guess.”

“You guys know each other?” Brody asked hesitantly, taking a slight step sideways.

“He’s my dad’s friend,” I filled in quickly, before Cane could say something crazy, like he was the man who had my virginity in his back pocket.

“Oh—that’s cool! I didn’t know your dad had a millionaire friend!”

Cane grimaced then, his nostrils flaring. “Brody, would you give me and Kandy a second? I would like to talk to her—catch up on a few things. I haven’t had the chance to speak to her much since school started.”

“Oh, yeah. Sure, man! No problem.”

I nodded when Brody looked my way to make sure it was okay to leave us alone. “We’ll talk more later,” I told him as he started walking off.

Cane and I watched him walk away, and when Brody entered the auditorium again, Cane stared down at me. “Who is he to you?”

“A friend,” I stated.

“A boyfriend?”

I frowned up at him, narrowing my eyes. “How’s your girlfriend Kelly?” I countered, and at that, deep lines formed on his forehead.

He sighed, not bothering to answer the question.

“Still around, I assume.”

“Kandy. Cut it out. She’s not my fucking girlfriend.”

“Why are you here, Cane? Of all the places you could be, you come here? Why?”

“They invited me to speak.”

“Did they invite you, or did you hear about it and shove your way in just to show up and fuck with my head?” I spat.

“I didn’t come here to fuck with your head, Kandy. Yes, I heard about this opportunity and wanted it, in hopes of seeing you, but is that so bad? I haven’t spoken to you in months!”

“Well, who’s fault is that? You can’t just prance your way onto my campus and interrupt my life like this, let alone scare off my friends!”

“He was touching you. I had no choice but to interrupt.”

I took a step closer. “What do you think this is? A fucking game? I don’t belong to you anymore, Cane. For all you know, I’m free to touch by anyone.”