She breathed unevenly and clenched her fists, like she was fighting the words she really wanted to say. She was trying to be strong, but she’d quickly let her guard down, her eyes filled to the brim with tears. “But…why, Kandy? Why him? Why Cane?”

I looked away. I hated seeing her cry. My eyes stung and I sat down on the bed, staring out of my window instead. “I don’t know,” I whispered. “My heart chose him.”

“Your heart? Oh, my goodness—sweetie!” She walked my way and sat beside me. She didn’t care that my hands were tucked between my thighs. She snatched one up and held it tight, which brought my attention back to hers. “Look, I get your attraction to him. Cane is a good-looking man and I see that, trust me. He’s wealthy and nice, and sometimes his friendliness can feel like it’s coming off as something more…but that’s just how he is, Kandy. Your heart is still young and you’re so gullible, honey—”

“I’m not that young—”

“Please, just listen to me!” she demanded, voice firm. “I am trying to understand you here, but…I don’t get it. I guess I always thought you saw Cane as family, like we did, not as something more.”

I dropped my head when hot tears spilled over my lips. “I know you think I’m young and don’t know much about anything but, Mom, I really do love him. I do,” I sobbed harder. “Trust me, I’ve tried to stop caring about him plenty of times, I swear, but it’s so hard! I—I think about him every single day. I feel good around him. I’m happy when I’m with him.” I couldn’t fight the tears anymore. In that moment, I broke down, and Mom shushed me, reeling me in and holding me tightly in her arms.

“I know, baby. I know.” She released a breath. “But you shouldn’t want him. You just shouldn’t. Even if we didn't know him, he wouldn’t be the right person for you.”

Mom was torn. I could hear the hurt in her voice and I felt awful, but Mom was just a friend of a friend to Cane. She wasn’t in Dad’s position. At the thought of Dad, my heartbeat stuttered.

“Wait—does Dad know?” I whispered.

She shook her head. “No. I don’t think so. I got the flash drive first and he hasn’t been home all day.”

“Are you going to tell him?”

She let out a thick, weary exhale and I felt her chin move as she shook her head. “I hate keeping secrets from your father, Kandy. He’s my husband and my best friend. I tell him everything.” She lowered a hand to tip my chin, forcing our eyes to meet. “But you are my only child and I love you. I want you to be able to tell me that you’re going through stuff like this. I want you to trust me.”

“Okay, but please don’t tell him,” I begged. Dad was the last person I wanted to know.

She hugged me again. “I won’t, baby.” She kissed the top of my head. “I won’t.” She huffed. “If I could see Cane right now, though, I’d rip him a new one. Touching my daughter like that. I just…I can’t believe that video, Kandy. Thank God it didn’t reveal everything, but even so, I will never be able to get the image out of my head.”

I cringed then. One, because Mom saw me in an intimate, vulnerable moment and would probably see me that way for a very long time. She wouldn’t look at me the same, and that scared me.

There was only one person who was out to ruin me, and it was Kelly. Telling my parents meant that Cane would have no choice but to never see us again. The bonds would be broken, trust shattered. She’d win, but luckily, Mom wasn’t going to tell Dad. There was still a chance to spare this…Cane just couldn’t come over anymore. It didn’t mean he had to be out of my life completely.

I couldn’t believe she’d done this, though. She had cameras in his office? Was she spying on him? She was fucking psychotic. Hell, was it even Kelly? Did Cane have other enemies?

Just as I was about to go to the bathroom and clear my face, Mom’s phone rang.

“Hello,” she answered softly, but then her voice got louder as she said, “WAIT—WHAT!”

I frowned as she focused on me. “What’s going on?” I asked, facing her.

“No—do not book him in! I will be there in fifteen minutes!” Mom rushed out of the room without a look back. I ran after her, hustling down the stairs and watching her snatch up her keys and purse.

“What’s happening?” I asked as she yanked the door open.

“Your father was just arrested for an assault.”

“What?” I gasped. “An assault? On who?”