During the rest of dinner and even through dessert, Derek’s little girl was still trying not to look at me. She’d fail every time I glanced her way. There were moments she would cave, and when I felt her eyes on me, I’d wink at her, just to get under her skin. She’d either snatch her eyes away really quickly, or poke her tongue out at me with a slight grimace.

I had a feeling it would take her a while to warm up to me as a person, but I didn’t mind. I planned on making many more trips to the Jennings’ home in the future. Derek was my best friend, and I couldn’t forget to mention that Mindy was a wonderful cook. Having good talks and great food always made for the perfect Saturday night.

It had taken a while for Derek and I to find time to hang out with so much going on in our lives. I was glad that we finally did.

Being around them made me feel like I belonged.

It was a nice feeling—a feeling I never wanted to go away.



September 8th, 2007

Hey diary,

My birthday was today! Turning eleven is cool. I don’t feel any older, but it’s okay, I guess. I’m closer to being a pre-teen, so that’s pretty awesome! Anyway, I don’t have much to talk about today. Mr. Cane came over again. He looks at me funny…like he knows about my crush but doesn’t want to say anything. I hope he doesn’t. That’s really embarrassing.

Anyway, gotta go. I have softball practice in thirty and have to pack up!



January 12th, 2008

Hey diary,

He gives me chocolates a lot. Like every time he sees me. Is that weird? Mom says he’s just being nice and thoughtful, but he doesn’t bring her chocolate or anything. Maybe when he picks it up, he’s thinking of me? Maybe he likes me too!

Hahahahahaha! That’s so stupid. He’s too old for me.

Talk later,


September 8th, 2009


I turned 13 today. I also got my first period. It’s so weird having something wedged between my legs!! Is this how it feels when a baby wears a diaper??? Yuck! It’s so gross. Mom said I’d get used to it, and she also promised not to embarrass me by telling Dad about it right in front of me. She gave me some painkillers and told me I didn’t have to do dinner and cake with them tonight if I didn’t feel like it. She said I could bring some cake to my room and eat it here, but I stayed for dinner. Mr. Cane visited again. I like seeing him. He always smells good too, and on top of that, he brought a birthday gift for me. I thought it would be chocolate again, but it was an iPod. I’ve got it hooked into Mom’s computer right now while my favorite songs download to it. I can’t wait to listen to it!

Even though I don’t want him to know it, he’s a really cool guy. Why can’t cool, nice guys like him be my age? :/

Bye, diary.




My love-hate relationship with Cane grew in size, dwindled, and then blossomed again with each passing year. It was like watching cycles of clothes washing inside a washing machine, the same routine over and over again.

He came around at least once a month for dinner, always with a new bottle of wine his company had created, some Belgian chocolates—some caramel-filled and some not—and his smart-ass mouth.

The only reason it wasn't a full-blown hate-hate relationship was because he brought me sweets every time.

By age thirteen, I felt I was getting too old for the gift of chocolates. I'd finally hit puberty, had gotten my period months ago, and like all teenage girls assumed when they were thirteen, I was pretty much a "woman" now.

I remember the day he came to our home with two bags instead of one. After getting the iPod for my birthday, the chocolates could hardly compare.

"You can keep it. I won't eat them," I told him when he offered them. "They'll screw up my diet." My parents were nowhere in sight, both in the kitchen preparing the food while I sat in the living room reading.

"Bits, I brought this chocolate for you, just like I always do." He tossed them onto my lap. "Don't break the tradition. Take them."

"And if I don't?" I challenged.

He rolled his neck, and it cracked. I was so sick of that damn neck roll. Then again, a lot of things annoyed me at this age.

"Give it to a friend for all I care." He turned his back to me and started to walk off. It was interesting. He would only act that way when my parents weren't around, but around them, he was practically a saint, and oh-so-sweet, as Mom would say.

"God, you're so annoying," I muttered.