Page 2 of Losing Leah

“I said, how’d you do on the test?”

“Not bad,” I finally answered as I slammed my locker closed before any other books could escape. “I think I probably passed.”

“Oh, please. You know you aced it. Since when do you not screw up the grading curve for the rest of us? I swear if I

had a time machine I’d go back and smack the guy who came up with the idea to mix letters and numbers together and call it math. Obviously it was some sadistic plot to separate the brains from the morons in the world,” Amber joked, shouldering her book bag. “One day you’ll be working in some lab figuring out the secrets of the universe and I’ll be asking people if they want paper or plastic. Unless I bag a rich dude, of course.”

I laughed, elbowing her in the arm. “As if bagging a rich dude hasn’t always been your plan. Besides, you’ll be some starlet in Hollywood, going to all the cool parties. Everyone will want to be your friend and you’ll forget about the nerd you befriended way back in elementary school.”

Amber linked her arm through mine. “I wouldn’t count on it. Best friends for life, right? Anyway, you know all my secrets. I could never dump you.” She giggled.

“Best friends for life,” I confirmed, smiling as we sidestepped a questionable wet spot on the polished linoleum floor on our way to her locker.

Luke and Anthony (Amber’s newest boy toy—her words, not mine) were already waiting at her locker by the time Amber and I made it through the herd of students who all seemed as eager as we were to get to lunch.

“’Sup, babe. Inside or out?” Luke asked, dropping a peck on my lips as he slung his arm across my shoulders.

I shook my head. Same joke. Different day. He knew I preferred to eat lunch outside beneath the sun and clouds, but he still asked. He thought he was being cute. He was right, of course, but telling him that would only inflate his ego. “Outside, of course,” I answered. “I need to get my lunch, but I’ll meet you guys at the normal spot,” I said, smiling brightly at him.

“I’m coming too. You know you’ll need help carrying the buffet table,” he teased, making Amber snort with laughter. Anthony shot us a mystified look. This was only his second lunch with us and he’d yet to witness what my legendary stomach could hold when I wanted to pack it away.

The cafeteria line was busy as always, but Luke and I barely noticed as we talked about the upcoming football game on Friday. I paid for my lunch while he stressed about the college scouts that would be at the game and the importance of standing out. He was nervous. It was kind of adorable. He had nothing to worry about. Football came as natural to him as breathing, but if a little reassurance was what he needed to get pumped up for the game, I was more than happy to oblige my guy.

Amber and Anthony were at our normal spot outside when we finally made it from the cafeteria with Luke carrying two trays of food.

“Aw, what a gentleman—carrying your lady’s tray too? Does he carry your purse also?” Anthony asked me, laughing at his own joke.

“When I’m wearing a matching shirt I do, and actually they’re both hers, dickhead,” Luke said, laughing as he placed the trays on the table. “I brought a lunch,” he continued, pointing to the modest bag I held in my hand.

“Shut up.” Anthony’s eyes moved from Luke’s face to mine, obviously thinking we were messing with him.

“I’m serious, bro. I got ten bucks though if you don’t believe me.”

“I wouldn’t do it,” Amber chimed in. “She can eat, like, twice her own body weight.”

In typical alpha-male fashion, Anthony wasn’t about to back down from a challenge. “Whatever. You guys are messing with me, and I’m calling your bluff,” he said, slapping his money on the table.

“Suit yourself,” I said, picking up my double cheeseburger with everything.

“I feel like I got hustled,” Anthony said twenty minutes later as I popped the last French fry into my mouth. He’d watched incredulously while I plowed through a slice of pizza, the cheeseburger, fries, a chocolate chip cookie, and a pudding.

“Don’t sweat it. You’re not the first,” I joked, downing the last swig of my Coke.

“I feel full just from watching you. Totally worth the money though.” He laughed, rubbing his stomach.

Amber rolled her eyes. “Believe me. If she wasn’t my best friend, I’d hate her. I’m living on salads until football season ends. I’d give my left leg for a slice of pizza,” she said, running a finger over my empty plate to capture a lone droplet of pizza sauce.

“I can help you burn off some calories if you need to,” Anthony said, sliding his arm around her waist.

She slapped him on the arm. “I bet, you perv. I’m serious though. If Joshua drops me on my ass one more time, I’m going to throat-punch him.”

“Maybe Luke should try out for the squad,” I teased. “He’d never drop you,” I added, giving Luke’s bicep a squeeze. “What do you think? You ready to trade your football cleats for pom-poms?”

“I’d totally rock the skirts,” he said, hiking up his shorts to flash us his hairy thighs.

“You’d have to wax that fur off, Wolfman Luke,” Amber said, munching on her last carrot. “Why don’t you come over to my house on Friday? Mia and I can get you all buffed and smooth.”

Luke shook his head exuberantly. “Hard pass. I’ve seen what my mom looks like after she gets her eyebrows waxed. I’m out on that sadistic ritual.”