Watching them from the patio, I whooped my encouragement as Krista squealed in protest. "I don't have my suit on!" she complained as Mark continued to stride toward the stairs that would take them to the ocean below.

"When have we ever let that stop us?" Mark asked suggestively.

"True," she said, capturing his lips with hers.

"Eww, TMI," I yelled, but they were lost in their kiss as they disappeared down the steps. A few moments later, they came back into sight on the beach below as Mark carried Krista out into the water. He lowered her so she was standing flush against him. The moonlight cast down, showcasing them as a perfect silhouette. I made my way back to the porch swing, sinking down against the plush cushion and reveled in the quiet that surrounded me. I was alone. For the first time in days, no one was watching my every move. This kind of freedom, I could definitely get used to. No more sneaking around, no more jail sentences or wardens. Now, I just needed to figure out how to get Emrys to appear again so I could tell him.

I knew he obviously couldn't read my mind, but I couldn't help wondering if he would come if I called him. "Emrys," I said, feeling more than a little ridiculous.

"What are you up to, sweet cheeks?" Emrys asked from behind me, sounding amused.

Whirling around swiftly, I almost fell out of the swing only to discover him lounging atop the patio table behind me. "Damn it, don't sneak up on me like that. One of these times it's going to get you hurt," I complained, trying to calm my breathing as I stood up.

"Why? You're so cute when you're scared," he drawled in a voice oozing sex appeal.

"I wasn't scared. I just didn't know you were there," I countered. "

Why'd you say my name if you didn't know I was here?" he asked, summoning me toward him with his finger.

"You know, I'm not some dog you can whistle for and expect to come trotting right over," I said spitefully, despite the fact that I was indeed walking toward him. Suddenly, I had flashbacks from the kiss earlier. "I was trying to figure out how to get you to show up. I should have realized your creepy stalker ways would make that unnecessary," I continued, willing myself not to look at his lips. He was already cocky enough without knowing how much I'd thought about the kiss in the last few hours.

"You're definitely not a dog," he said suggestively, not even trying to deny my stalker comment. "What's with your wardens getting all frisky in the ocean and leaving you unsupervised up here all by your lonesome?"

"I don't know. Time off for good behavior maybe?" I answered, smirking at him.

"I doubt that, but if you're serious, what are we still doing here? Let's blow this joint," he said with sudden excitement.

"Whoa, not so fast," I said, pulling my hand out of reach. "It came with some conditions."

"Of course it did. I wouldn't expect any less from a houseful of angels. Lay it on me. Do I need to arm wrestle each of them?"

"Ha, you're so funny. I guess you moonlight at some celestial comedy club when you're not stalking me."

"I did do a brief stint at one in Vegas in the mid-eighties. It was fun for a while, but humans have a fickle sense of humor. What's funny one day is lame the next," he said, sitting back down on the table.

"I was joking," I said, sidetracked by the idea of him holding a job like a human. "What other jobs have you done?" I asked intrigued. >Krista was in the process of draining noodles when I entered the kitchen. "Hey, would you mind setting the table?" she asked, flashing me a brilliant smile.

"Uh, sure," I answered, not sure what kind of strategy she was up to now. "Who's all eating over tonight?"

"Just the three of us," she replied, still smiling broadly.

Feeling like some dumb animal walking into a trap, I opened the frosted glass cabinet and pulled out three ceramic plates. Stacking them on the counter, I added three glasses to my pile and carried them to the little nook that we preferred to eat in when it was just us. The nook sat nestled on the far side of the kitchen near a huge bay window that overlooked the ocean beyond. I continued playing along as I contemplated what Krista was up to. Maybe they had decided shackles would be the only thing that would keep me away from Emrys. I could just picture Mark showing up with heavy-duty chains that even I couldn't bust out of. I wonder how Emrys was at picking locks?

"Jordyn?" Krista said, breaking through my thoughts. By the look on her face, I could tell this was not the first time she'd called my name.


"Can you grab a serving bowl for the sauce and the can of parmesan cheese out of the refrigerator?"

"Sure. Are we having bread too?"

"Yes, Mark went to get a fresh loaf of bread from the bakery. He should be back in a couple of minutes. Hopefully with something in the chocolate variety too," she said, winking at me.

"Right, like he'd come home without something for your chocolate fix," I said, grabbing the butter and the pitcher of ice tea from the fridge also.

"Were you talking about me?" Mark asked, coming into the kitchen with a platter of brownies and a loaf of bread. Depositing them on the table, he turned and brushed a kiss across Krista's lips before smiling at me.

Shit, they were definitely up to something. Krista smiling at me after the bathroom episode I could buy. Mark, on the other hand, acting like he hadn't just splintered my bathroom door sent warning bells ringing throughout my head. Knowing my luck he'd already deposited the heavy chains in my room. I'd be lucky if I saw the light of day ever again.