"Haniel, how likely is that?" I implored my mentor.

"The likelihood is negative," he answered, confirming my statement.

I smirked and settled back in my seat, feeling self-satisfied.

"That does not mean one should not proceed cautiously," Haniel clarified, wiping the smirk off my face.

"Jordyn, your aunt and I are concerned about your attitude," my uncle said, pulling up a dining room chair in front of me. "We know it's not easy being different. We've all suffered from our abnormalities over the years."

I couldn't help snorting at his words. "Mark, you just don't get it," I said, finally fed up with the comparisons. They all had each other. They had their memories. They knew where they'd come from.

"Jordyn, I didn't know this was still bugging you," my aunt said concerned.

"How can it not?" I answered, aggravated. "I get it, okay? You guys are some mystical heavenly beings, but at least you know where you came from. What do I know? Frick all, that's what. I have one friend, Lynn, and she's always gone," I said in a huff with my words running together. "Oh, and did I mention that my mentor is an Arch Angel?" I added sarcastically before anyone could interject again.

"Jordyn, I know it's hard to be different. I spent the first seventeen years of my life thinking I was a freak. I could feel the emotions of everyone around me, got insanely sick if the emotions were too strong, and dreamed about some guy I didn't think existed," Krista said, shooting my uncle a small smile.

"Don't forget, I had to deal with the fact that my dad was a murderer, and that he not only ruined my life, but the lives of my friends," my uncle reminded me quietly.

"I get all of that too, but in the end, you guys found each other. You won. You conquered evil. When do I get a turn? We all know there's no link for me. You tell me you don't want me to date now. So, what, am I supposed to die as a big V?" I said dramatically.

They exchanged a look at my words.

"Seriously?" I asked, jumping to my feet to resume the pacing Krista had abandoned. "Virgin, okay? Virgin."

"We know what you meant, we just want you to wait," Mark said, trying to pacify me.

"It's not like I'm going to go backseat diving on the first date," I said, trying to hide my smile of satisfaction as my uncle's face turned a delicate shade of pink.

"Backseat diving?" Haniel asked, confused over the new phrase outside his human vocabulary.

"You know, making out with some guy in the backseat of his car," I explained. "Kissing, touching, removal of clothes…"

"We get the point," Krista said, covering up her own chuckle as Mark's pink skin escalated to a nice shade of purple. "Jordyn, it's really not nice to do that to your uncle."

I couldn't help joining in her laughter as Haniel and Mark looked at us like we were nuts. After a few minutes, I finally sobered up and returned to the root of the whole blow up that night.

"If I can't be like you guys, then I at least want to be like humans," I said, sitting back down. "I hate this in-between crap. I just want to belong somewhere," I said as uncharacteristic tears gathered in the corner of my eyes. "Don't you see? I want to fit in somewhere."

"You do, Jordyn," Krista said, kneeling down in front of me. "You fit in with us. You're special. The Light has an important plan for you. You just have to be patient and trust us," she said, reaching up to stroke my newly dyed black hair. I knew the color change bothered her, but it was my big act of defiant protest after Lynn left yet again. "Trust me, okay?" she said, cupping my face in her hands.

I nodded. I said my piece and the rest could wait.

"Now, tell me about what happened on the beach," she said, perching on Mark's leg as he snaked an arm around her waist to anchor her in place.

Haniel moved away from his location by the wall and stood in the center of the room while I filled them in on what had happened. I told them how I had sensed the Daemons and tracked them to where Homeless Joe hung out. I gave the details how I had taken them out swiftly and effortlessly without a single injury. Mark and Haniel peppered me with questions about my strategy and both looked satisfied as they exchanged looks. This was the first time I'd battled Daemons without Haniel on hand to lend assistance if need be. Finally, I got to the part about Emrys.

"What exactly is a Soul Trader?" I asked the now silent room.

After a moment, Krista finally answered. "A Soul Trader takes the souls before The Light or anyone else can."

"Takes them where?" I asked, wondering why I'm just now finding out about this. They needed to seriously work on keeping me in the loop.

"It's loosely called the Between. Some souls are stuck between heaven and hell. Soul Traders find them and deliver them for judgment," Mark said gravely, looking at Haniel for affirmation.

"But how can they do that? I thought it's already been decided before you die."

"For some, yes, but others are considered questionable. After the earthly body has perished, the souls are brought to judgment where the rightful path for afterlife is decided," Haniel answered in his typical no-nonsense way.