“Yeah, I’m here. I was just deciding whether to evade your question and switch to a less painful topic. Like a gynecologist with freezing hands.”

“As if I’d let you change the subject,” she reminded me.

“Fine, he turned out to be a total ass,” I answered, sinking onto my bed. “I couldn’t get past his constant nut scratching.”

She snorted. “It couldn’t have been that bad.”

“Think of a hound dog with fleas and it was twenty times worse than that. It was seriously wrong. I guess it’s back to the end of the loser line for me again.”

Even with a thousand plus miles separating us, I could see Brittni’s eyes rolling through the phone. I prepared myself for the lecture that was sure to come.

“Why do you always go out with assholes?”

“Oh, didn’t you know? It’s part of my personal ad on matchmewithadickhead.com. ‘Only pricks need inquire’ is one of my stipulations before I’ll even consider them,” I said dryly.

“Tress, you deserve so much better.”

“Yeah, well, maybe you and Ashton got the last good guys around. Thanks for stealing my soul mate, bitch,” I joked as she snorted with laughter.

“Your soul mate is out there, you just need to stop looking under rocks for your next date.”

“Gee, thanks for the advice. I was wondering what I was doing wrong.”

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” she said, trying to pacify me.

“Not wearing any.”

“Eww, TMI, Tressa.”

“Kidding. Laundry day was yesterday, so my lips are covered.”

“God, you can be so vulgar sometimes.” She laughed for a moment before turning serious. “You have to know you deserve better, right?”

“Right, better like Trent?” I instantly regretted bringing him up. With good reason. His name was all the ammunition Brittni needed.

“Yes. Exactly like Trent. He’s completely different than the asswipes you normally go out with. It was obvious at Ashton’s wedding he still has a thing for you.”

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see the effort.

“Have you seen him since then?” she asked with her uncanny sixth sense.

I weighed my options on how I should answer her. I could fib and say I hadn’t seen him, but knowing the way gossip spread through Woodfalls, even when you’re not there, she would most likely find out. For all I knew, Trent had already told someone, who told someone else, who told Brittni and this whole conversation was one of her typical traps.

“Yeah, I saw him at a party last night,” I admitted, holding the phone away from my ear as she screeched loudly. Okay, so maybe she hadn’t heard about our encounter.

It took me five minutes to give her a glossed over version of the events from the night before. I left out the part about my freak show possessiveness over him and the fact that I had noticed his eyes.

“So he didn’t ask you out?” She sounded disappointed.

“No. I think you’re wrong about him. I’ve told you a million times: Trent and I are complete opposites. Besides, I’m thinking of swearing off guys completely. They’re not worth all the baggage. Maybe I’ll give girls a try.”

She snorted. “You think we’re any easier? Anyway, you like guys too much for that.” Her tone turned serious. “You just need to give the right guy a chance.”

“Maybe I’m different than you and Ashton. I’ll be She-Ra, queen of myself. That’s all I need.”

She laughed. “Look, we’re going to talk about this more, but I better go help Justin, who is attempting to hang shelves in his studio. I can hear him swearing already, so I’m pretty sure if I don’t go in and help, this could turn into a disaster. I love you, sweets.”

“Love you too, whore. Go help my soul mate,” I teased, hanging up while she was still laughing.