“Well, yesterday is when I found out I’d been dropped from school,” he answered, not opening his eyes.

I couldn’t have felt any more like pond scum. I’d been out acting like a selfish bitch, trying to drink away my bullshit concerns, when Trent’s whole life had been unraveling at the seams. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I didn’t want to ruin your party. I knew how much you’d been looking forward to it. I was tied up in disciplinary meetings all afternoon anyway. Professor Nelson really went to bat for me. I owe him. He did everything he could, but the school just couldn’t allow me to stay.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said, sitting next to him on the couch. “What can I do?”

He reached for my hand. “You’re already doing it. Just having you here with me helps. I thought you would be gone for sure.”

“Never, I’ll always be here.” I meant the words. All my doubts and insecurities from the night before no longer seemed relevant.

We sat in silence and eventually Trent drifted off to sleep. I sat beside him, stroking his hand and wondering where we would go from here. One thing was certain—I needed to mend some fences. I pulled a blanket around Trent, leaving him to sleep while I left to handle some business.

I drove to my old apartment, mulling over what I needed to say. Cameo and Derek were in the middle of cleaning up the mess from their party the previous night when I pushed the door open.

“Tress.” The relief in Derek’s voice was tangible. He left his stack of discarded red Solo cups on the table and gave me a tight hug. “I was worried about you,” he whispered in my ear.

“Thanks. Do you mind if I talk to Cameo alone for a few minutes?”

“Sure,” he answered, releasing me before heading toward our room.

Cameo and I faced off, both too stubborn to be the one to speak first. In that way, we were like two peas in a pod. It was our similarities that had brought us together in the first place. Ironically, in a situation like this, they were also what wedged us apart.

For once in my life, I decided to swallow my pride and act first. “Cam, I know you don’t understand what’s going on with me. Hell, even I don’t understand it most of the time. All I can do is try to explain, so maybe you’ll get it a little.” The stubborn set of her shoulders eased a bit, which told me she was at least willing to listen.

The words poured out of me like a floodgate had been opened. I confessed everything I’d been feeling the last few months. My embarrassment over my grades and the staggering guilt I still felt over David’s death. Finally, I explained my struggle coming to grips with my feelings for Trent. I left out the bomb he’d dropped on me earlier.

“I know I’m different. I see it every day. It scares the hell out of me sometimes, but I don’t think I’m ever going to be the old me again. I tried last night, but that girl is gone. David’s death made me look at things differently, changed who I thought I was. And Trent helped me believe in myself. This is the new me.”

Cameo was silent for a moment. “You’re still a whore,” she said grudgingly. At least she was smiling now.

“And you’re still a slut.”

“Does that mean you’re never going to go out with me again?”

“Not at all. Just more in moderation, but you’ll have to start doing stuff this new me likes to do.”

“Like what?” she asked, grimacing dramatically. “Don’t you dare say going to the comic book store, or I swear I’ll strangle myself.”

I laughed. “Let’s not go nuts. I meant like vegging out, watching movies, or playing cards with us on Friday night sometime.”

“Friday is party night . . .” Her voice trailed off. “Fine,” she grumbled.

I reached over and gave her a hug. “I’ve missed you, slut face.”

“I’ve missed you too, whore bag,” she replied, returning my hug tightly.

We talked for a while longer and she confided her own fears and hurt over her breakup with Chad. She still wasn’t over him. I nodded sympathetically. I’d suspected all along that was the case.

“Maybe you guys will work it out, you know? He did have a lot of shit going on with the fraternity being shut down.”

“I don’t think so. He’s dating someone else,” she said in a small voice that was totally out of character for her.

“Oh, Cam, I’m so sorry. He’s a donkey ass face,” I said, hugging her.

“Did you two kiss and make up?” Derek asked, joining us.

“Sure did,” I answered, giving him a hug. “I’m going to grab a few things and head out before Trent wakes up.”