They paused long enough to suck down the pizza once it arrived and the drinks I retrieved from the mini fridge in Professor N’s office. I stayed long enough to eat with them, but when it became clear they were going to be working for quite a while longer, I headed out. Neither of them paid much attention to me as I left. They threw an absentminded good-bye my way as I walked out.

As I made the walk down the long corridor of the science building, I couldn’t help feeling pissed and a little hurt at being ignored so completely. Add computer programs to the list of sports, other girls, or any other thing guys had dissed me for in the past. Feeling disgruntled, I contemplated that maybe my issues with men had everything to do with me and not them. Maybe I just wasn’t interesting enough to hold a guy’s attention.

I was pushing the door of the science building open when my phone dinged, alerting me to a text. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I read the message.

You forgot your Tootsie Pop.

I’m surprised you noticed.

I notice everything you do. Sorry about the interruption. Hopefully we can get this done by tomorrow.

Right. You can’t deny you’re in geek heaven.

This stuff is cool, but it’s not my idea of heaven. That would require you.

I grinned like a mega cheesehead over his comment.

And what would your idea of heaven be?

Just put it this way: It doesn’t involve Professor Nelson. I gotta go, though. I’ll text later.

Fine. Have fun playing with Professor N and his toys.

Not funny.


• • •

Trent ended up calling me late Thursday night. He apologized for not calling me sooner. He sounded exhausted but gleeful. I asked him if they killed all the bugs, which only confused him. He laughed, but I could tell his brain was not open for business. I instructed him to get some rest and told him I would see him the next day.

Smiling, I plugged my phone into the charger next to my bed.

Derek laid the book he’d been reading on his chest and looked at me. “Seems like you and Dreamy are getting along well.”

I shrugged my shoulders, acting indifferent. “He’s not as bad as I thought. It’s different going out with someone who is hung up on me. I’m sure soon enough he’ll find out his illusions of me were distorted and then he’ll probably drop me on my fat ass.”

“Don’t be a jerk. You’re not fat. If he’s hung up on you, it’s because he realizes how fabulous you are.”

“Right,” I snorted. “We all know what a catch I am.” My words were filled with sarcasm.

He shook his head. “Just because he treats you with respect and not like a doormat doesn’t mean all those other douchecanoes were right. He’s obviously smart enough to know what a catch you are.”

I shrugged. Why argue? I knew my flaws and weaknesses, and if Trent could look past those, who was I to argue? “I guess if Leonard can date Penny, who am I to argue with whatever is going on between Trent and me? Or should I say Sheldon?” I joked, referencing our favorite TV show.

Derek chuckled. “Just ask Adam, right? He was way off, though. Sheldon on the show is nowhere near as dreamy as your Clark Trent.”

I smirked. He definitely had a point.


The next evening Trent arrived to pick me up for the Halloween festival in Woodfalls, and Derek’s words from the night before couldn’t have been truer. Trent had delivered on his promise and came dressed as Han Solo, a sexy-as-hell Han Solo. All I could do was gape. I wanted to use my own version of the Force on him.

“Damn.” He whistled, reminding me he wasn’t the only one in a sexy costume.

I grinned wickedly, happy I wasn’t the only one turned on by a few scraps of material. “You like?” I sashayed around so he could get a full look at the barely there gold outfit. My midriff and back were both bare, and I had to admit, if nothing else, I most definitely had the chest to stand out in a crowd in this costume. Luckily for me, the Woodfalls Halloween festival was an indoor/outdoor kind of affair; otherwise, my heavy wool jacket would have hidden the best part of my Princess Leia costume.

Trent cleared his throat before answering, which earned a very non-Tressa-like kind of schoolgirl giggle. It was a heady experience to be looked at the way he was staring at me. “You look hot,” he finally spit out.