“I’d like to kiss you again,” he said. It was like he was reading my mind. It was funny how he could get so easily embarrassed over some of my teasing, and yet still be so blunt about wanting to kiss me. My heart raced at his words. His declaration was made. It wasn’t like he was asking permission, but rather telling me his intention. He pulled the armrests of my chair, wheeling me closer.

“Then do it,” I dared him.

“You’re awfully bossy,” he said, maneuvering my chair so my legs were straddling his.

I shrugged my shoulders. I could own it. “Are you going to keep stalling?”

“I’m building the moment.” His hand moved intimately to my side, sliding between the chair and my back.

“You’re a cocky son of a bitch,” I muttered. I thought about turning the tables on him to show him who was really the boss here.

He smiled at my words. “I’ve been giving a lot of thought to our first kiss. I’m not sure I gave the right impression.”

“Really?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “You mean you think you can do better?”

“I know I can.” He slid his free hand under my right leg so it draped over his thigh. My chair rolled the last few inches until it rested against his. The sensation of his hand on my thigh made me want to slide my hip

s forward, allowing him access to the traitorous part of me that was already damp from arousal.

A second later, he crushed his lips to mine. I could tell instantly he’d learned under my guidance from our last kiss. His lips were soft but insistent as he took control. He made the first move with his tongue, gently nudging my mouth open. My hands moved to his chest as his tongue swept into my mouth, teasing and tantalizing my senses. My fist clenched his shirt as I dragged him closer to me. He lifted my other leg and pulled me so that I was straddling his lap. I could feel his erection against me. I shifted against him, trying to ease the ache between my legs. Just rubbing against him was enough to bring me to the edge of the big O.

He pulled his mouth from mine. “Wait,” he said, noticeably adjusting his crotch.

“What’s the matter?” I asked, suspecting I wasn’t the only one close to finishing. “It’s cool if you—you know.” I didn’t want to embarrass him.

“What? No, it’s not that. I was just going to ask how I was doing.”

“Oh, sorry,” I laughed.

“That’s not exactly the reaction I was going for,” he said.

“No, I’m not laughing at you. I mean, I thought you had, you know,” I said, indicating the still-evident bulge between his legs. “You just caught me off guard because I’ve never had anyone stop and ask how it was going. All right—and this is in all seriousness—did you load up on porn since the last time we kissed?” I teased.

A vibrant shade of red crept up his neck.

“You really did? Well, hot damn,” I laughed.

He made a move to scoot his chair away until I locked my legs around his waist.

“Hey, don’t be embarrassed. I find it cute,” I said.

“It wasn’t porn. I just watched a couple movies to see where I could improve.”

My hand moved up to his cheek, which was still flushed with warmth. “Obviously you’re a quick learner.”

He looked at me skeptically. “Right,” he finally said, waiting for the punch line.

“Believe me, I don’t joke around when it comes to this. Besides, what better way to improve than to practice,” I said, pulling him toward me. I wanted to pick up where we’d left off, but the rattling of the doorknob had us both scrambling backward like horny teenagers. He shoved at my chair, trying to put distance between us. I had to reach for the table to keep my balance as the chair threatened to topple over.

“Tressa, this is a surprise,” Professor Nelson’s voice boomed from behind me. I swiped a hand over my lips, wondering if they looked like they’d just been devoured.

“Professor N,” I greeted him, pivoting my chair around so I could face him.

Trent cleared his throat while he adjusted his clothes. “Tressa has been helping me out by graciously agreeing to answer some questions for more data. I think we might have worked it out.”

Professor N clapped his hands with glee. “Excellent, my boy, excellent. What do you think of young Trent’s creation?” He wedged himself between the two of us so he could peer at the computer screen.

I winked at Trent over Professor N’s head, grinning with pleasure as he flushed slightly. He might have studied up on kissing tips, but he was still easy to mess with. I pulled out my phone to order the pizza when the two of them started chattering away about another bug in the program that needed to be fixed. Once they started talking gigabytes and megabytes, my eyes glazed over with boredom.