“Gird your loins,” I teased, turning to face Destiny, the colorful cross-dresser who’d had his eye on Derek for months. Cameo and I found the situation hilarious, but Derek avoided him at all costs. Destiny was harmless, and definitely not shy about checking out the “merchandise,” as he called it.

“Didn’t y’all hear me calling you?” Destiny drawled, not the slightest bit out of breath. Unlike the three of us, who were sucking air like we had been chased by a pack of wolves.

“Sorry, Destiny, we’re late for a party and didn’t hear you.” Cameo lied smoothly as Derek wedged himself behind us.

“Oh, I like to party,” Destiny cooed, eyeing Derek meaningfully.

I nearly laughed when I heard Derek gulp behind me. “Sorry, it’s only for MSC students,” I answered, stepping in

before Derek started hyperventilating.

“I understand, honey darlin’. Maybe we can have our own party sometime. You know I’m free anytime, and y’all are always welcome.”

This time Derek blanched, looking like he could pass out.

“Sure, Destiny, but we better head out.”

“Y’all have fun, and, Derek, don’t you be a stranger,” he said, throwing a sizzling look Derek’s way.

Cameo and I barely made it outside before we dissolved in a fit of giggles.

“Not funny,” Derek complained, looking green in the face.

“Maybe you should take him up on it. I bet Destiny could teach you things you never knew you were missing,” I pointed out.

“Oh God, I just threw up a little,” he said.

“Come on, don’t be a prude. What’s wrong with a little variety?” I continued, grinning at Cameo, who was laughing so hard she was holding her side.

Derek held up his hand. “Don’t say another word.”

“I’m just saying you never know,” I teased.

“And I don’t want to know, thank you.”

We continued to mess with poor Derek as we drove to the party. The frat house was less than a mile away, but there was a definite nip in the air, finally providing relief from the unseasonably warm temperatures we had been experiencing this fall. The heat in Derek’s truck barely had time to warm up before we got there. Stepping from the vehicle, Cameo stood shivering beside me while we waited for Derek, who was primping in the mirror. Finally satisfied with his appearance, he climbed from the truck and put an arm around Cameo to keep her warm.

Sigma Pi was already thumping when we arrived. I’d never seen so many people crammed into one house in my life. Derek darted away when his name was called by a couple of buddies, leaving Cameo and me to push our way through the crowd, looking for her current fling, who happened to be a fraternity brother.

“He’s over there,” I said, spotting him first. “Is that a pledge he’s walking?” I added, laughing at the leash that was hooked to a collar around the pledge’s neck. The poor dope was dressed in nothing but a Speedo with a dog tail attached at the ass. His nose was painted black, and he was wearing a set of dog ears.

“They all are,” Cameo said, pointing to a couple of other guys walking their own pledges.

“That’s classic. I want to walk a dog too.”

“I’m sure Chad will share,” she said, throwing herself into his arms. Her lips met his as he wrapped his arms around her. He easily lifted her slender five-foot frame off the ground.

After a moment, they broke apart. “Share what?” Chad asked, looking at me appraisingly. “I’m always willing to share,” he added, winking outrageously. “There’s plenty of me to go around.”

“Oh no, if only we’d known. Cameo and I already got it on before we headed out tonight. We didn’t realize you’d want to join in,” I said, innocently brushing a finger across Cameo’s bottom lip. Her eyes sparkled with mirth.

“Whatever, evil twins,” Chad muttered, adjusting himself.

We both burst out laughing. Guys were so easy. If I had a drink for every time Cameo and I were propositioned for a threesome, I’d be an alcoholic by now.

“You know you love it,” Cameo cooed at him.

“Please, I was just kidding,” he answered.