“Hey, I’m tough. I’m just not sure I could punch an old dude, let alone Professor N.”

“It’s the thought that counts, sparrow.” I felt marginally better. Derek excelled in this area.

“What else can I do to make it all better?”

“Do you and Cameo feel like going out?” I asked hopefully. I kept my eyes averted from my book bag, ignoring my promise to buckle down.

“I’m game. I think Cam said she had to work until eleven, though. What time do you want to leave?”

I glanced at my phone to check the time, seeing that it was later than I thought. “Does six work for you?”

“That works. Now, put on a happy face. We’re going out,” he said, dropping an endearing kiss on my head.

What a relief. Going out was exactly what I needed. I would deal with my mess later.


In typical Tressa fashion, dealing with my schoolwork mess meant basically ignoring it altogether. I had recently gotten a job at a coffeehouse near the campus that kept me busy and made it easy to temporarily forget about my academic nightmare. In my twisted justification, I convinced myself the extra money was more important than improving my grades. What MSC really needed was a procrastination class. That’s a subject I would excel in.

Saturday night rolled around and my book bag was still taunting me from the corner of the room where I had left it. I knew it needed my attention, but the big Sigma Pi throwdown was tonight. It couldn’t be missed. I made a vow to myself that tonight would be the last party I attended until I was caught up in my classes. It felt like the entire campus was buzzing over rumors about what the fraternity had in store for the pledges. If half of them were true, tonight would be the party of all parties.

“Tress, what do you think of this?” Cameo asked, joining me in the bathroom, where I was liberally applying my eye makeup.

“Whoa, this is smoking.” I whistled, admiring the practically see-through sheer blouse she’d bought last weekend. Instead of a camisole underneath, she paired it with a plum-colored Victoria’s Secret bra, skintight jeans in the same deep plum color, and six-inch heels to complete the look. “You look like a total sex kitten.”

“Meow,” she responded, tracing her lips with liner. “I’ll probably freeze my ass off, but it’ll be worth it.”

“It’s not like you have a whole lot to freeze off,” I said, smacking her butt on my way out.

“Hey, you have to buy me a drink before you get to test the merchandise.”

“You liked it,” I teased, adjusting my clothes. Just a few minutes ago, I had been satisfied with the way I looked. Now, standing next to Cameo’s petite frame, I felt self-conscious. At times like this, it was hard not to feel inadequate.

“Eventually I’d like to use the bathroom too,” Derek complained, joining me in the hallway.

“Sorry, sparrow, you can’t rush this,” Cameo said, leaving the bathroom with a cloud of Viva La Juicy perfume in her wake.

Derek coughed, fanning his hands in front of his face to clear the fragrant fumes. “Viva should be spritzed, not bathed in.”

“I’m not sure what I find more alarming. That you used the word spritzed or that you know Viva by smell,” Cameo called after him as he closed the bathroom door.

“I have four sisters.” His voice was muffled through the door.

“I’m sure that’s what it is,” I said, winking at Cameo.

Ten minutes later we were chattering away as we walked down the second flight of stairs when a familiar voice called Derek’s name.

Derek’s eyes looked panicked even in the dimly lit stairwell. Run, he mouthed, grabbing our hands and dragging us down the stairs.

“Hey, these shoes aren’t made for running,” I hissed, trying not to fall down the stairs. My hooker heels were impractical for most vertical activities, but they looked uber hot.

“Just hurry,” Derek squeaked in a high-pitched voice that should have embarrassed him.

“If you break my heels, I’m going to break your head.”

Derek nodded, though he didn’t slow down. We could still hear the thumping of footsteps on the stairs above us.

The door leading outside was within sight when we heard “yoo-hoo” right behind us. Derek groaned under his breath.