A smile spread across his previously stony face. “He may have mentioned it when I saw him at Fran’s a couple days ago.”

I shook my head, not at all surprised.

“You know your folks like having you around. They miss you while you’re away.”

“BizCake, I was just home during summer break.”


“Yeah, you know, like something that’s so bizarre it takes the cake,” I explained, grinning at him.

“Your vocabulary never ceases to amaze me.”

I laughed. “Admit it. You learn something new every time I come to see you.”

“Let’s just say that you have more creativity than you give yourself credit for. All the more reason why I expect more than you are giving at the moment. Now, I hate to cut our meeting short, but I have an appointment in a few minutes.”

Relieved to be getting off without more chastising, I jumped to my feet. “Gotcha,” I said, heading for the door.

“Not so fast.” His words stopped me in my tracks.

Nuts. So close.

“Yeah,” I said, turning back to him.

“No more avoiding my calls. I’ll send the posse after you next time.”

“Yes, sir,” I said, giving a mock salute and opening the door to leave before he threatened to throw my parents in the mix. In my haste to exit the office, I didn’t see the person waiting to come inside, who I completely bowled over.

A set of warm hands encircled my biceps as we both tried to keep our footing. My momentum knocked us together as my chest bumped his.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” I said. “Oh, sorry, Professor,” I yelled over my shoulder, knowing he didn’t care for cursing. I looked up at the poor soul I had bumped into to find a familiar pair of entrancing blue eyes looking down at me with complete shock.

“Not a problem,” Trent answered. His intense stare held mine for a long moment and had me second-guessing all kinds of things, including my mixed feelings for him. After a moment, his eyes drifted to my lips, which were only inches away. Suddenly, it felt as if we were frozen in some kind of time warp. Nothing around us moved, and all I could think about was what it would feel like if he kissed me.

I drifted backward into the wall, which jarred me back into reality.

“What are you doing here?” My tone came out more accusatory than necessary.

Professor Nelson spoke up before Trent could reply. “Trent, my boy. Nice to see you. We were just finishing up here.”

I wasn’t surprised the professor knew Trent. After all, we were from the same itty-bitty town. What did surprise me was the comradeship they obviously shared. I wasn’t trying to be selfish, but I always assumed Professor N was only my mentor, not anyone else’s. I wasn’t sure I wanted to share, and definitely not with Trent.

“Sorry about showing up unexpectedly, Professor. I finished the program earlier than expected. I thought we could go over it together before my presentation tomorrow,” Trent said animatedly, stepping away from me like I wasn’t there.

Within seconds they were completely engrossed in a conversation that lost me at the words megabits and nanotechnology.

I looked at Professor N in disbelief. I’d always considered him to be a bit stodgy and uptight, but as I listened to him talk to Trent, he was strangely the opposite. He was enthusiastic and engrossed in everything Trent had to say.

“Well, okay then. I guess I’ll see you later,” I finally said, not quite believing I had been forgotten.

My words at least broke through their geek-lingo-filled conversation. “Tressa, my dear, you know Trent, right?” Professor N asked, clapping Trent on the back.

“Um, does he live in Woodfalls?” I asked sarcastically. I was still a little miffed that I had obviously missed their secret relationship.

Trent’s lips quirked at my sarcasm, but I ignored him as I stared blandly at Professor N.

“Don’t get cheeky with me, my dear.” His eyes narrowed as he reprimanded me. “Trent here is my protégé. He’ll be vying for my job before I know it.”