“A buddy of mine came here a couple months ago for his girlfriend’s birthday. He said the food is really good.”

His friend’s assessment proved to be an understatement. Every dish that was brought out seemed to top the one before it. The ambiance of the restaurant was just as intoxicating. The interior was cute and chic. I felt like I was in a bistro in Paris or something.

“That was incredible,” I said as we slowly strolled back to the parking garage. Slow being the key word since my shoes weren’t done tormenting me. By the time we made it to the jeep, I was cursing my shoes with every step.

Justin was chuckling as he helped tuck me into the jeep before climbing in himself.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, pulling off my shoes to rub my sore feet.

“You. Your temper is downright cute. I’m not even sure a frat boy cusses as much as you just did.”

“Sorry, swearing is my downfall. I try to curb it, but when my body parts are screaming in agony, it gets the best of me.”

“No apologies necessary. I admire the fact that you were able to make it as far as you did,” he said, pulling in front of the art gallery at UW where I had first agreed to go out with him. “We’re here.”

I raised my eyebrows. “You missed school so much you had to return during break?”

“It’s all part of the evening’s festivities,” he said, climbing from the vehicle and coming to my side. “Here, put your arms around my neck.”

Following his orders, I placed my arms around his neck as he swooped me into his arms.

“Wait, you can’t carry me. I’m too heavy,” I protested as he carried me effortlessly to the front of the building.

“Seriously? You weigh nothing,” he said, pulling me tightly against his chest as he unlocked the front door of the building with a set of keys he pulled from his suit pocket. “Now, the wooden planks I use for my artwork, they’re heavy,” he stated, placing me down once we were inside the building.

“Are we going to get in trouble for being in here?” I whispered.

“Mr. Smith knows I’m here. That’s how I got these,” he said, dangling the keys.

“If you say so. I feel I should point out that it would be a huge bummer if I got kicked out of UW and had to return home with my head hung in shame,” I pointed out.

“Never fear, it’s all cool. Trust me.”

“Said the fox to the hen,” I mumbled. I trailed behind him toward the only source of light on the far side of the large room.

He laughed and linked his fingers through mine. We were still ten feet or so away when the painting on the wall came into focus. The familiar face staring back at me stopped me in my tracks. Stepping closer, I studied the painting intently. It was me, but it wasn’t. It was far too beautiful to be me. I mean, I felt I was cute, but never beautiful, not like this. Justin had taken every feature about myself that I saw as a flaw and somehow made them appear beautiful, almost exotic.

“How?” I whispered, tracing a finger over the image as I fought to keep my tears at bay.

“I did the outline the day we went to the aquarium. You were so beautiful seeing the fish for the first time. You took my breath away. I wasn’t sure I would be able to capture it.”

“This is how you saw me?” I whispered.

“This is how I see you. This is how everyone sees you. I’m not sure where this low self-image you have came from, but trust me. You are the only one who sees it,” he clarified, turning me to face him. “I love you, Brittni.”

“What? Wait. You love me?”

“I love you,” he said, crushing his lips to mine. He loved me. He thought I was beautiful. Me. He loved me.

“I love you too,” I said as the truth roared from me like a freight train. I wasn’t sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way he had captured my heart.


Present Day

3:27 PM

“I hate that your touch still affects me,” Justin admitted after a few minutes had passed.