“Let me take care of a few things,” he said, placing a kiss on my lips before pulling away. My body felt oddly bereft without his weight on me. Light flooded the room when he flipped on the switch in the bathroom. Feeling self-conscious, I dragged the blanket over me. After a few minutes, he turned the light off, plunging the room back into darkness. I heard the clicking of his bedroom lock before the bed dipped down when he climbed in.

“I should move to your couch,” I murmured as he tucked me back into his embrace.

“Hell no,” he said, tightening his arm around me.

“What will your mom say?” I asked, feeling like a teenager who was contemplating how to sneak out of her boyfriend’s house without getting caught.

“Brittni, she’s not going to say anything. I’m an adult. When I moved back home we set up boundaries, and this was one of them. That’s why the basement was redone into an apartment. I respect my mom, but I’m not going to apologize for being a man and desiring the comfort of a woman in my bed.”

“So, I’m being silly that I feel like a teenager who’s expecting her boyfriend’s parents to crash in at any moment.”

“Yeah, I would say so. Besides, if sex had been that mind-blowing when I was a teenager, I would have been chasing after girls nonstop.”

“Who are you trying to kid? You know you chased them anyway.”

“True, but I would have put more effort into it.”

“It was good, though?” I asked groggily as my eyes drifted closed.

“Good is the understatement of the year.”

Thumping on the floor above woke us both the next morning. Sunlight streamed into the room from the small window near the ceiling, making everything appear just a little more stark. In the cloak of darkness, being naked didn’t seem nearly as illicit as it did in broad daylight.

“Oh God, your mom is going to hate me,” I mumbled, hiding my head under my pillow.

“Are you always so dramatic the morning after?” Justin chuckled, pulling the pillow from my face.

“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had a morning after,” I confessed.

“What? How is that possible?” he asked incredulously.

“It’s not that big a deal. I just usually leave after.”

“So this is a first for you?” he asked, sounding gleeful.

“Don’t let it go to your head. Once your mom bans me from the house, this will be the last time.”

“Ye of little faith. It’s all good. Now come take a shower with me,” he said, dragging the covers off. I blinked in the light, taking in his naked torso for the first time. Tattoos spanned his entire chest as they wove around his lean muscles. I had never given tattoos much thought, but his were a work of art. Reaching a finger up, I slowly traced the lines covering his toned skin.

“Do you like them?” he asked in a husky voice.

“If I say yes, is it going to inflate your ego more?” I asked.

“Babe, it won’t be anything I haven’t heard.”

“Don’t be an ass,” I said, swatting his shoulder, which made the sheet slip off me, exposing my chest. His eyes zeroed in on my breasts, making my nipples tighten under his stare.

“Do you like them?” I asked in a hitched voice, stealing his previous question.

“Very much so,” he answered, running a thumb over one of them. “Come on. Take a shower with me,” he said, gently tugging on my hand.

Ignoring my misgivings, I allowed him to lead us to his adjoining bathroom. We were entering new territory here. Showering with a man was definitely a first for me. Justin took it upon himself to show me just how pleasurable it was to be washed from head to toe by strong masculine hands. By the time we were hastily toweling off, we were both anxious to finish what we had started.

Our second time together was quick and hot. Our releases came seconds apart and left us spent as we collapsed on his bed.

“Hmmm, who knew a shower could be so fun?” I sighed. >“Uncle George?” he asked.

“Yeah. He was looking at me all through dinner,” I answered, seeing no reason to beat around the bush.