He raised his drink to his lips, downing the rest of the contents while never taking his eyes off mine. In that moment, he made it clear he wouldn’t be scared off. A shiver of anticipation raced through me.


Present Day

Thirty minutes later, I was standing with Rob and Melissa as their guests began to arrive. More than a few of them I recognized from UW. Thankfully, even though they looked surprised to see me, they focused their attention on the engaged couple. I was amazed at how quickly the room filled with people.

Taking to the role of proper hosts, Melissa and Rob circulated the building, making sure they mingled with everyone. I had lost Justin in the crowd shortly after everyone started to show up and told myself it was probably for the best. We were playing a risky game, and taking time to figure things out was the smart thing to do. With that in mind, I forced myself to mingle with a few people I had been friendly with at UW. I was in the process of catching up with a few girls from school when a set of skinny arms crushed me into a hug.

“Brittni,” the hugger squealed with adolescent glee.

“Hollie, you’re all grown up,” I said, taking in the preteen in front of me, who was at least a head taller. “You look beautiful,” I added.

“Thank you,” she answered, twirling around so I could admire the full skirt. “I’m so excited you’re here. Come see Mom and Trav,” she said, pulling me away.

I threw an apologetic look at my old friends as Hollie dragged me across the room. “I didn’t know you were going to be here,” I told her, happily sliding an arm around her shoulders.

“Rob had to invite us. Mom’s been like a second parent to him almost his whole life. She wouldn’t have tolerated a non-invite,” she pointed out.

I grinned at her logic. That sounded like the Trish I remembered. My grin spread to a full-fledged smile when Travis spotted me and squealed much like Hollie had. His hug was every bit as exuberant, and I found myself returning it fondly. It dawned on me at that moment that except for the drunken hug my friend Ashton had given me a few days prior to my Seattle trip, it had been two years since anyone had really hugged me. I forgot how much I had grown to like the hugs from this particular family.

“Travis, you look absolutely dashing. How does it feel to be a college man?”

“It’s cool,” he said, smiling broadly.

“Brittni, it’s so good to see you,” Trish said as Travis finally released me.

“You too, Trish,” I said, stepping in to give her a tentative hug. She surprised me by pulling me in tightly. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered in my ear before releasing me. Tears shone brightly in her eyes and I knew Justin had told her about the baby.

“He told you?” I asked as Hollie and Travis rushed over to talk to someone else they knew. >“I think so. Brittni and I have an appointment set at the salon while you guys do all the heavy setup,” Melissa bragged.

“Oh, so let me get this straight, we get the grunt work while you two get pampered?” Rob mocked.

“Damn straight, but you’ll reap the benefits when my nails and hair are all pretty,” she said, running her fingers seductively over his bicep.

“Works for me,” Rob answered, dipping a tortilla chip into the salsa the waitress had set down.

“Oh brother,” I muttered, rolling my eyes dramatically.

Justin laughed outright.

“What?” Melissa asked confused.

“You getting out of work by insinuating your nails will somehow benefit Rob,” I answered.

“Are you saying you’d rather lug around tables and chairs all afternoon?” she asked.

“Hell no, but I’m not too shy to tell the guys flat-out they’re doing the grunt work.” I smirked, dipping my own chip.

Justin and Rob both laughed, while Melissa looked insulted.

“You’re supposed to be on my side here. Not three against one.”

“I am, Mels,” I answered, patting her hand.

After the waitress took our orders, the conversation floated from one topic to the next. We discussed our jobs, or job-in-waiting in my case. Melissa had lucked out and found a job as an assistant to an assistant.

“What if you don’t get a permanent spot at your school in Woodfalls?” Rob asked me.