“I am, Mels,” I answered, patting her hand.

After the waitress took our orders, the conversation floated from one topic to the next. We discussed our jobs, or job-in-waiting in my case. Melissa had lucked out and found a job as an assistant to an assistant.

“What if you don’t get a permanent spot at your school in Woodfalls?” Rob asked me.

“I guess I’ll have to commute to whatever school I can find a position at, or just move there. Hopefully it’s a moot point since one of the older teachers is supposed to be retiring soon and her position is basically mine.”

“Is it the grade you want?” Melissa asked, digging into her enchilada.

“No,” I sighed. “But I’ll take what I can get initially.”

“Bummer. Maybe you should move back here. I know Melissa would love to have her best friend closer,” Rob commented.

Without looking at Justin, I was well aware that the statement had stopped him in midbite. Melissa looked at Rob with a mixture of horror and exasperation as her eyes darted between Justin and me.

“Hon, stop kicking me. It’s not like I’m suggesting something ridiculous. Justin and Brittni are no longer enemies, so why shouldn’t she move back to Seattle?” he asked, seeing nothing wrong with his logic.

“Because I have a life back home, Rob. I can’t just up and leave.”

“So you’re telling me you have the job you want and a home you like to go to every night?” he quizzed.

“Well, not yet, but there are other things in Woodfalls,” I said, very much aware that Justin and Melissa had given up all pretenses of eating while Rob drilled me.

“Like what?” Rob asked, unconcerned, as he took a big bite of his taco.

“My mom and friends, for one.”

“So you and your mom are close now?” His ploy for nonchalance was broken when Melissa kicked him hard enough for all of us to hear.

“Look, I’m not dumb, so you can stop kicking him, Melissa, before you do permanent damage,” I said dryly. “It’s not feasible for me to pack up and move across the country right now just because Justin no longer thinks I’m Satan’s mistress,” I added. It sounded harsher than I intended, but Rob had forced me into a defensive posture. Justin’s only response was to start eating again.

Melissa looked like she wanted to comment but said nothing. An awkward silence settled over our table that lasted through the rest of the meal. I felt bad that I had ruined the mood, but Rob had backed me into a corner. Relieved when the check came, I was the first to slide out of the booth after we paid.

Once we were outside, I waited by Melissa’s car while she kissed Rob good-bye. I had the distinct feeling she was still ribbing him for drilling me by the way they both glanced my way. I acted ignorant while I checked my phone for missed messages. I had several texts from Tressa with more Ashton updates. I was smiling as I read them when Melissa joined me.

“What’s so funny?” she asked as we climbed in her car.

“My friend Ashton is having a string of bad luck with this guy she’s dating,” I answered, filling her in on poor Ashton’s mishaps.

“I’m sorry about Rob back there,” she finally said after I finished.

“It’s fine. I know my life isn’t going the way I thought it would be at this point, but I don’t want it rubbed in my face.”

“Oh honey, he wasn’t rubbing your face in it. We all just want you back for selfish reasons. I know you have a new life back home, but I’ve really missed you. Rob is just trying to make me happy.”

“I know. Things aren’t as easy as they were when we were in college. We have to weigh every decision we make now.”

“Very true,” Melissa said, pulling into the parking lot of a very posh-looking day spa.

“Wow, extravagant much?” I teased.

“Hey, you only get to celebrate your engagement once,” she pointed out as we walked up the discreet path that was hidden from the road with high hedges. “Now, no more blah talk. It’s time for some of the finest pampering you’ll ever get.”

Two hours later, I had to agree with her. I was waxed, buffed, and polished, and practically glowed by the time we were done. Melissa drove me back to my hotel and promised to be back in an hour to pick me up for the party. I opened my garment bag in my room and extracted the black cocktail dress I had bought specifically for the engagement party. Tressa had helped pick it out. At the time, we both had one goal: Get a dress that would make Justin regret ever walking away. Of course, things were different after being stuck in the elevator together, and I couldn’t help wondering now if the dress was too much. It wasn’t too short since it fell at my knees, but it definitely hugged and accentuated my body in the most flattering way possible. Pulling the dress on, I wished the open back weren’t quite so revealing, but I had no other options. Especially since in our juvenile thinking, Tressa and I had also shunned the idea of adding a shawl, feeling it would take away from the dress. After touching up my makeup and redoing my hair in a twist, I slipped on my black two-inch heels and was ready to go. I grabbed my small handbag and left the safety of my room behind before I could change my mind.

I waited in the lobby, deflecting the attention of two businessmen who looked old enough to be my father when Melissa pulled up. Saying my good-byes to the two creepers, I hastily left before either of them could hit on me again.

“Making plans for later?” Melissa teased as I climbed into the car. “You look amazing,” she added.