We took our time walking down the stairs, exchanging the typical pleasantries. It felt awkward considering our history, but it was better than fighting. We exhausted the topic of weather after the first flight of stairs and Rob and Melissa’s engagement party the rest of the way down.

Everything stood still for me as Justin stopped in front of an achingly familiar vehicle.

“Your jeep,” my voice cracked.

“I figured since there was a break in the rain, I’d celebrate by taking off the roof and doors. I hope you don’t mind?” he asked. Based on the small smile on his face, he knew I would approve.

“Sure,” I said, climbing into the vehicle. I kept my face neutral, although emotionally I was soaring.

Justin cranked the jeep, and it was as loud as I remembered. Within minutes, we were able to leave the city behind. The wind whipped around, stinging my face with familiarity. I was enjoying the ride so much it took ten minutes before I thought to question our destination.

“I figured we’d take the scenic route,” Justin yelled over the wind.

It felt like taking a trip to the past. My mind became flooded with memories and images of the good times we had shared. We were half an hour out of the city when Justin pulled onto an embankment and whipped a U-turn. The tires spun out on the gravel before gripping the road, taking us back in the direction we’d just come from. I didn’t comment, figuring he was a bit turned around. Thirty minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant less than a block from my hotel.

“Scenic route, huh?” I smiled.

“Well, it was scenic for me,” he answered softly.

Pulling down the visor, I inspected my reflection, startled by how happy I looked. It had been a long time. Two years, to be exact. I remembered my conversation with Tressa and wondered if I was setting myself up for heartache.

“You’re late.” Melissa greeted us outside the restaurant.

“We took the long way,” I said, nodding toward Justin.

Melissa returned a questioning look before speaking up. “Oh, well, come on. Rob’s already inside.”

We found Rob sitting at a booth and before I could react, Melissa slid in next to him. I stood for a moment, eyeing the empty side of the booth across from them.

“You want me to slide in first?” Justin asked.

“Huh, oh yeah,” I giggled, trying to play off the awkwardness as a joke. I could handle this. We had just ridden next to each other in his jeep. Of course, we had bucket seats with a gearstick separating us, but technically it was the same thing, right? I could almost picture Tressa snorting at my reasoning.

“Is everything ready for tonight?” Justin asked, draping his arm along the back of our booth. I shifted in my seat, rubbing the goose bumps that had popped up along my arms.

“I think so. Brittni and I have an appointment set at the salon while you guys do all the heavy setup,” Melissa bragged.

“Oh, so let me get this straight, we get the grunt work while you two get pampered?” Rob mocked.

“Damn straight, but you’ll reap the benefits when my nails and hair are all pretty,” she said, running her fingers seductively over his bicep.

“Works for me,” Rob answered, dipping a tortilla chip into the salsa the waitress had set down.

“Oh brother,” I muttered, rolling my eyes dramatically.

Justin laughed outright.

“What?” Melissa asked confused.

“You getting out of work by insinuating your nails will somehow benefit Rob,” I answered.

“Are you saying you’d rather lug around tables and chairs all afternoon?” she asked.

“Hell no, but I’m not too shy to tell the guys flat-out they’re doing the grunt work.” I smirked, dipping my own chip.

Justin and Rob both laughed, while Melissa looked insulted.

“You’re supposed to be on my side here. Not three against one.”