“I know. Believe me, I let that be known. Now, tell me what’s going on there. How did Ashton’s first date go with Panty Dropper?”

Tressa laughed at my question. “Just put it this way, luck has not been on their side. The first night they went out, Mr. Hot Voice ended up in the hospital.”

“What?” I laughed as Tressa filled me in on all the details surrounding our friend Ashton’s disastrous attempts at a one-night stand. Tears of mirth rolled down my face when she told me about Ashton taking a nosedive on her bedroom floor right before her date. Then he walked in on her with her panty-covered butt in the air.

“Poor Ashton,” I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks from laughing so hard. “I wish I were there.”

“Whatever. You’re too busy shacking up with your ex to miss us.”

“I’m not shacking up with him,” I denied.

“It’s only a matter of time. The hard edge you used to have when you talked about him is missing from your voice. Just don’t let the asshole hurt you again, or I’ll overcome my fear of flying and drown him in the Pungent Sound.”

“Puget Sound,” I corrected.

“Whatever. You knew what I meant, and you catch my drift.”

“I understand, but you have nothing to worry about. The only thing that happened yesterday is that Justin and I finally have no secrets and now we can move on. Who knows, maybe we can even be friends.”

“Translation of ‘friends’ for you: He’s so dreamy. Translation of ‘friends’ for him: I can’t wait to stick it in her.”

“Don’t be crude, and you’re so wrong,” I denied.

“Just be careful.”

“I will. Trust me, nothing is going to happen.

Tressa mumbled something I couldn’t quite catch but loosely sounded like I needed a hard smack to the side of the head.

I ignored her mumblings and told her to text me updates on Ashton and Panty Dropper before hanging up. Checking the time on my phone, I cringed when I realized I had less than half an hour until Melissa would be arriving to pick me up. I hastily plugged my cell into the charger, since talking to Tressa had drained the battery. I was applying my makeup ten minutes later when a knock at my door told me Melissa was early. “Shit,” I said, wrapping one of the minuscule towels from the bathroom around my torso before heading to the door.

“You’re a little early,” I griped as I pulled open the door. It wasn’t Melissa. Justin’s broad frame was standing in front of me. Yelping with dismay, I clutched what little towel there was before glancing down to make sure it was covering all the appropriate areas. “What are you doing here?” I stuttered out.

“Melissa got called in to work for some paperwork fiasco, so I volunteered to pick you up so we can meet her and Rob for lunch,” he answered, entering my room without waiting for an invitation. “Is that okay?” he asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Uh, sure,” I answered, trying not to sound flustered, even though he was sitting on my bed. For some reason, it felt oddly intimate. Old memories, I’m sure. “I just have to get dressed,” I answered, pawing through my suitcase in a mad attempt to find something that would cover me better than my towel.

“I figured. Towels are so out in the fashion industry,” he teased.

I didn’t know how to respond. Sure, during dinner last night I’d seen him open up more, showing me that some of the guy I once knew was still there, but I chalked it up to the fact that Rob and Melissa had been there as a buffer. He wasn’t flirty like the old Justin, but he was at least friendly.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, clutching my clothes in front of me and backing up to the bathroom.

“No hurry. We still have a while until we have to meet Melissa and Rob,” he answered.

I sagged against the door once it was closed. Having Justin in my room was enough to send my blood pressure through the roof.

I pulled on my panties and jeans with jittery fingers, telling myself it was fine that he was here. Once my pants were in place, I felt a little more comfortable now that I wasn’t completely naked. That is, until I reached for my bra, only to realize I’d left it in my suitcase. Biting back a groan of frustration, I weighed my alternatives. I could walk out there in my jeans with the towel wrapped around my chest or I could put on my shirt and walk out to get my bra. Neither option seemed ideal. Knowing Justin as well as I used to, he would definitely think this was a “check me out” ploy. I was screwed either way.

After a full two minutes of weighing the pros and cons, I decided to go with option B. Of course, it was only after I was pulling on my shirt that I realized I had grabbed a fitted T-shirt that hugged my curves. Sighing at the look I was sporting, I left the bathroom with my arms crossed over my chest as I tried to keep the front of my body angled away from Justin.

“Sorry, I’m just about ready,” I said, not wanting to make a further spectacle of myself by sprinting the last few feet to my open suitcase, where my bra was dangling halfway out. I maneuvered my body so the suitcase was no longer in Justin’s line of vision. Reaching a hand out, I snatched the offending undergarment into my hand, which turned out to be a bad idea since it was snagged on something in my suitcase. My hard tug made it come free with a loud snapping sound as it whacked me in the face.

I silently mumbled a string of curses, trying to control my watering eyes.

“You okay there?” Justin asked, sounding like he was trying to suppress laughter. It was at that moment I looked up from my suitcase and met Justin’s reflective stare in the mirror. His eyes were filled with merriment as I clutched the bra in my closed fist.

“I’m fine,” I answered, ignoring the fact that I was now sporting a welt on my forehead. I tried to remain aloof as I kept my chin up and stalked to the bathroom with my lips twitching. Closing the door behind me, I could hear Justin’s chuckles and I couldn’t help laughing at myself. I finished getting ready and before I knew it, we were leaving the room together. My heart skipped when he led me past the elevators toward the flight of stairs. Usually, I requested a ground-floor room, but the hotel had been almost completely booked at the time I checked in. Last night I had gladly hoofed it up the four floors to my room. Seeing Justin bypass the elevators played with my emotions.