“What? How?” Melissa asked in a rush as she began to cry.

My tears made it difficult to answer.

“I was knocked down the stairs at Jacob’s party. I thought it was just my knees that got hurt,” I told her, lifting the blanket to show her my legs, which the hospital had bandaged for me.

“Oh my God. Who the hell knocked you down a flight of stairs?” she asked enraged.

“Some asshat I don’t even know,” I answered. Melissa never left my side as I let my grief pour out. “I just want to put it all behind me now,” I sniffled. “I’m glad no one else knows. I’m not sure I can handle being the subject of gossip and sympathy.”

Melissa looked uncomfortable at my words.

“You told Rob,” I said, knowing her well.

“I’m so sorry, Brittni. I was upset when I thought you went to get an abortion on your own. I thought you didn’t need me,” she said as she began to cry again.

“Of course I need you. I was scared to death when I woke up and knew I was losing the baby and you weren’t here.”

She wailed harder at my words. “I’m so sorry I betrayed your secret. I’m the worst friend ever.”

“Wait a second. Melissa, you’re not saying what I think you are, right? Please tell me you didn’t tell Rob I got an abortion.”

She rushed to my side and grabbed my hand. “I was upset. I called him without thinking.”

“You were upset? What about me? Oh my God, Melissa. Did he tell Justin?” I asked, jerking my hand away.

“No, no,” she replied. “He promised me he wouldn’t say anything. Just to be sure, I’ll call him and tell him I was wrong. I will fix everything, I swear.”

“No you won’t. Don’t call anyone, don’t fix anything. This is between me and Justin. When I want him to know, I will tell him. No one else,” I insisted.

“Okay. Whatever you want. Please just forgive me,” she pleaded, reaching for my hand again.

“I do forgive you,” I assured her, knowing part of this was my fault. “Just please don’t say anything to anyone, especially Justin. I would hate it if he felt responsible. I want to try to move on.”

Melissa linked her fingers with mine, providing much-needed comfort.

“The irony is I pretty much decided last night I was going through with the pregnancy,” I said as exhaustion from the last twelve hours caught up with me. I fell asleep with Melissa’s head on my shoulder and my hand resting on my now-flat stomach.

I stayed in bed the rest of the weekend, and by Monday I was feeling marginally better. My body seemed to be bouncing back quicker than my state of mind. I was still feeling weak and gimping around with my road-rashed knees, but I knew missing class wasn’t an option. Finals were just over a month away and I needed to ace all of them if I wanted to keep my GPA in my comfort zone. Melissa volunteered to walk me to my classes, but I declined her offer. I loved her dearly, but after a day and a half of her hovering over me, I needed a break.

I was on my way to Smith Hall when a familiar voice called my name. I took a deep breath before turning to face Justin. Our eyes met and I was shocked at the hatred reflected in them.

“Is something wrong?” I asked, worried that maybe his father had done something. “Is it your dad?” I asked, reaching out a hand to comfort him without thinking.

“Don’t touch me, you lying selfish bitch,” he said, shaking with rage. He jerked away like I was poisonous.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked. If anyone should be angry at the other person, it should be me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he shouted, drawing attention from everyone in the vicinity.

“Rob told you about the baby,” I said as more of a statement. “Justin, you don’t understand. I—”

“Yes, Rob told me,” he said, interrupting me. “How could you keep this from me?” he snarled as the onlookers crowded around so they wouldn’t miss a single detail.

“Whose fault was that? You were acting like such an asshole, you never gave me the chance,” I yelled. “It’s not like you were around. You were too busy hooking up with Shelly to care about the mess you left behind.”

“I didn’t hook up with Shelly. I took her to one party.”

“Right, a party where you had your tongue crammed halfway down her throat.”