"That may be the single most erotic moment of my life," I said, dropping a kiss on the back of her exposed neck.

"How is that possible? You didn't...uh," she stammered as embarrassment finally reared its head. "We could-d-d go to my r-o-0-m," she offered, stumbling over her words.

"It was erotic because you make the most amazing noises when you enjoy something. As enticing as your bedroom sounds, I think I'll allow the intensity of the main course to build since the appetizer was so delectable," I breathed into her ear before dropping a hard kiss on her lips. "Now, let's go eat before I take you up on your offer."

Chapter 9: A first date from hell


My legs were still shaking as Nathan helped me into his Range Rover. I was embarrassed at my wanton behavior, but I couldn't help thinking how good his body had felt against mine. His lips heated me from the inside out while his movements had done things my body had never felt before. I'd seen plenty of movies and heard girls talking about it over the years, but I'd been pretty convinced they over-glorified what an orgasm felt like. I mean, really, how could it be so fantastic when girls often used the same word to describe a delicious bite of food or chocolate? Now I knew. What I had just experienced went beyond food or chocolate. Nothing compared to it.

"So, what are you thinking?" Nathan teased, climbing into the driver's seat.

I flushed, making it clear where my thoughts had just been. I glanced out the window willing my blush to disappear.

"Sweetheart, there's nothing to be embarrassed about," Nathan said, reaching over to pat my knee before resting his hand there.

The heat of his palm burned through my pants, making me shift slightly as desire slowly crept in again. I was shocked that I wanted him again so quickly.

"It's just new to me," I admitted, biting my lip.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked frankly as his hand tightened slightly on my knee.

"No," I answered, feeling myself blush all over again. "Would it matter?" I asked, curious to what he was thinking.

"Yes, no—I don't know. If you were, it would change things," he admitted.

"How so?" I asked, more than a little curious about what that had to do with anything.

"It probably wouldn't sit well if I took your virginity in this 'no attachments' arrangement we have going on."

"So, why were you unsure a minute ago? You first said yes, but then changed to no."

"That was the greedy bastard in me talking. I'd like nothing more than to be the only person who has had these legs wrapped around him," he answered, stroking my leg with his hand for emphasis.

"Oh," I said, licking my sudden dry lips at his words. It was overwhelming how a few simple words could leave me squirming with anticipation.

"You really need to not do that while I'm driving," he chastised.

"Do what?"

"Gnaw on your lip. You know damn well what you're doing," he said, tightening his hand on my leg.

The power I seemed to hold over him right now made me smile, but I settled back in my seat as he merged onto the highway. We rode in silence for several minutes as the desire that burned between us simmered down to a low sizzle.

"So, where are you from, Ashton?" he asked, breaking the silence.

I weighed my answer carefully before speaking. I was unsure how much of my past I was willing to divulge. "Florida," I finally answered, ignoring the knot of tension in my stomach.

"Really? Me too. Whereabouts?" he asked conversationally.

The interior of the vehicle felt like it was closing in around me. I instantly regretted my honesty. I should have made up another state. "Um, near Palm Coast," I lied, naming a city miles away from my true hometown. "What about you?" I asked, silently praying he didn't say Palm Coast too.

"Over near Tampa," he answered as I let out a pent-up breath.

"That's a nice area," I answered, breathing easier.

"Like every city, it has its good and bad areas. I've lived in both."