"Ditto, times a million," I yawned, snuggling closer. Severus curled up at my side and I draped an arm over him, loving my life.


"The prodigal traveler returns," Zachary hailed, meeting Alec and me on the front porch of my parents' house. Now that I was back in town, I could rejoin the family for Sunday night dinner. "We almost missed your ugly mug around here," he said, pulling me in for a bear hug.

"Don't you dare," I warned when he tried to top it off with a wet willy.

"Aw, come on. Be a sport."

"Having your gross wet finger crammed in my ear isn't going to make me a sport. Where's your better half?"

He grimaced. "Poring over wedding magazines with Mom. I swear if I knew weddings required this much planning I would have dragged her cute ass to Vegas. No fuss, no muss."

I shook my head. Men were so predictable. As if Ashley would give up her dreams of having a big wedding. "Mom would have killed you."

"Holy donkey balls. Is that a ring on your finger?" he asked, capturing my hand.

"Shush. Mom doesn't know yet and I'd rather she hear it from my mouth than yours."

"Hear what?" Tony asked, coming up behind me and giving me the wet willy Zachary had failed to deliver.

"Seriously," I grumbled, using my shirt to clear out my ear. "Don't make me sic my fiancé on you. He'll totally kick your ass."

Tony's jaw dropped. "Fiancé? Well, hot damn," he said, fist-bumping a grinning Alec. "Are you sure you want to marry this stubborn lass?" he asked, stealing a line from one of my books.

"What's the fuss over here?" Dad asked, rounding the side of the house with a couple of empty flowerpots. His eyes widened when he spotted me.

Clearly Mom had kept our secret of me coming home early. "Hi, Daddy," I said, charging into his arms.

"My girl," he whistled, pulling me in for a tight hug. "You've been gone way too long, baby."

"I know, Daddy. I'm staying put though." I grabbed Alec's hand to flash our rings.

His eyes narrowed for a moment before smiling at Alec. "Your plan worked, I see."

"No, sir. She asked me," Alec answered, tongue-in-cheek. Zachary and Tony hooted with laughter.

"Is this true?" Dad asked, looking back at me.

"Yep, I knew what I wanted and went after it."

He clapped his hands together. "Ha, good girl," he said. "Welcome to the family, son. Let's go tell your mom," he added, putting his arms around Alec and me.

A car pulled up in front of the house before we could go inside. "Hey, I didn't know Olivia was coming," I said, watching as Tony ran to the car to open her door. My jaw practically dropped to my feet when Tony politely helped Olivia out of the car before pulling her into his arms. The kiss they shared should have melted the pavement beneath their feet. It was that hot.

"Holy crap. Did you know about this?" I asked, looking at Alec.

He shook his head, looking as shocked as I was. "Not a clue."

I turned to my father for confirmation. "Dad?"

"I don't know. Ask your mother. She's more in tune with these things. All I know is right after we all drove up to see you in Gainesville Olivia has been showing up for Sunday night dinners. And your brother's been walking around like a rooster showing off his feathers."

"Wow," I murmured. "Look at them. What happened to my friend?" Olivia hated public affection and here she was sucking face in front of everyone, with Tony no less. I wouldn't have been more surprised if a giant pig flew over the house.

By the time Tony released her, Olivia's face was flushed as red as a tomato. I met her halfway across the lawn. "You have some explaining to do, slutbag," I said, giving her hug. After all, if Tony was allowed to embrace her, I wanted my turn. She didn't even stiffen up like a tree. There could have only been one explanation that made sense. Aliens had come to Earth, abducted my best friend, and left a clone in her place.

"I'd say you have some explaining too, fool." She looked pointedly at the diamonds on my left hand that were sparkling in the sun.