He turned away, glaring at the slow-moving numbers above the doors.

"I know. I'm sorry to call, but things have been pretty crazy here. We've been trying to get it all sorted out, and an hour ago we finally made some headway, which is why I'm calling you now."

Despite the anger pulsating off Alec, I couldn't help being intrigued by the excitement in Greg's voice. "What's going on?" I asked as the elevator doors opened on my floor.

"Are you sitting down?"

"No. Should I be?"

"I know I had to sit down when I heard," he said enthusiastically.

Alec blatantly ignored my phone conversation as he slid the key card into my door and pushed it open.

"Well, don't keep me in suspense."

He chuckled. "That's right, you don't like surprises," he said with familiarity. I turned away from Alec, trying to keep him from hearing Greg's side of the conversation. "The big news is," he paused for dramatic effect. I debated hanging up. "We're going to the UK." His voice hummed with excitement.

"And you felt the need to call and tell me this, why?" I asked, slightly confused.

"I think you're misunderstanding me," he said, laughing. "I meant you, N.S. Blake, are going to the UK with a couple other authors."

"What?" I asked, sinking on the edge of the bed. Going overseas had been a dream of mine for as long as I could remember. Olivia and I had been making plans for a trip to Europe for years and finally decided to make it happen next summer if I could work it out in my schedule.

"There's a book convention in London and marketing planned on sending three heavy hitters to represent our brand. They also planned on doing their own mini tour, kinda like the Love Bus thing we did. They scheduled appearances in Wales two days after the London event. Another in Dublin, one in Edinburg, and then a wrap-up in Paris. Claire Jackson backed out today, putting things in a lurch. Her father needs a triple bypass and she doesn't feel comfortable being out of the country. Who can blame her, right?" He took a breath before continuing.

"Anyway, her news sent everyone into a frenzy. This trip has been in planning for a long time. They've been going over the short list of authors they'd like to send all day, so naturally I threw your name in for consideration. Marketing jumped right on board. Your numbers are tight right now and

they consider you their rising star."

I stood up, ready to jump up and down on the bed. If Olivia had enough notice, I was sure even she could swing the trip. "When is it?" I asked, keeping my fingers crossed for early summer.

"In two weeks. They know you have your West Coast trip for the next few weeks, but they want you to cut it short. I've already been on the phone with the event planner for that week and they were very understanding. You'll do the San Francisco signing, but then fly here instead of heading to Las Vegas for your final event. You're going to the UK, girl," he crowed like a game show host.

"Two weeks?" Just like that I felt my excitement flutter like a deflating balloon. With the rest of my West Coast trip, that would mean being away from home for a whole other month. I turned to Alec, who stood against the wall watching me. He shook his head, walking to the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

"They know you've been on the road for a long time, so they're even talking about money for you to shop for clothes or anything else you might need. I swear, in the short time I've been working here I've never seen them so willing to invest in one of their authors. You're a star, kid, and they plan on treating you like one," he drawled. I could easily picture him rubbing his hands together with glee, not even aware of the upheaval he was creating in my world.

"Greg, I don't know. I have plans with my mom while I'm on the West Coast. I can't just pull out on her a week early," I said, grasping at straws. "When do they need my decision?"

"Wednesday at the latest, but listen, Nicole. I think it would be huge for your career. I know Chelsea plans on calling you too. We've never seen them foot the entire bill to send any author overseas."

I sighed. I knew he was right. The only problem was traveling this much was never my intention. I felt like I'd barely kept my sanity during this tour. The thought of taking on another month made me physically ill, especially in light of everything Alec and I gone through. I couldn't even begin to imagine how I would explain it to him. "I need to think about it Greg. They have to understand I have a life back home. There are a million things I'm already behind on. Not to mention my writing schedule has been for shit while I've been gone."

"I understand, Nikki Girl," he said. I flinched at the nickname. He sounded entirely too comfortable with it. "I just needed to lay it out for you. The ball is completely in your court. If you can't swing it, they plan on going with Kathleen Brock. Her agent has been on the phone with marketing all day, trying to get her that spot."

I bit back a groan. I'd met Kathleen briefly at a convention in August. We didn't exactly hit it off when she not so subtly hinted that someone my age had no business writing historical romance. Olivia had been with me at the time, and I had to physically hold her back. The inner demon in me wanted to accept just so Kathleen wouldn't get the spot. "Let me think about it. I'll call you in a couple days."

"Sounds good. I'll let everyone know. How's everything else?" he asked conversationally.

"Fine. I'll call you in a couple days," I repeated bluntly.

His response was slow to come and I thought maybe he'd hung up. "Okay," he finally dragged out before disconnecting the call. In light of the great day Alec and I just had, I wasn't in the mood to act like BFF's with Greg, especially after his declaration at the hotel before he left.

Tossing my phone aside with disgust, I eyed the bathroom door, pondering the best way to explain to Alec what had been offered to me. It was a daunting task.

The door opened and Alec walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist. "They want to send you on the road again," he stated. His hair was damp and sexy, just the way I liked it. How could I consider leaving him for another month when the only thing I wanted was to go home with him? I thought I had everything figured out. All the commitment and ready-made family issues that had freaked me out just a month and a half ago had been resolved in my mind.

"Yeah." I nodded, picking at the comforter on the bed. "They want to send me to the UK and Paris."