"Alec, what the hell!" I ran to Greg's side and knelt down to make sure he was okay. Blood trickled from the corner of his already slightly swollen lip. "God, are you okay?" I asked, searching my purse for a tissue.

"It's cool. I probably deserved that," he said, rubbing the side of his jaw where Alec had hit him. I grabbed him by the arm and attempted to help him to his feet.

I turned my attention back to Alec who stood behind me with his hand still clenched into a fist. "Why the hell would you do that?" He looked at me incredulously, like he expected me to congratulate him for defending my honor or something. "Say something!"

Two men wearing sport jackets with security badges arrived, looking like they had sprung into action to get there. "What happened? Is anyone hurt here?" Their eyes scanned over Greg and Alec before turning to me, demanding an answer.

"It's cool," Greg said, straightening himself up off the wall. "I'm sorry. We were screwing around and I accidently tripped and fell. It's all good."

One of the guards looked at him skeptically. "You fell?"

"How'd you cut your lip?" The other guard asked, glancing at Alec, who looked as guilty as a child being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Face plant," Greg said, slapping his hands together.

"Face plant, huh? Is anybody else hurt?" The guard looked at me for confirmation and all I could do was shake my head. "We're going to need all your statements and an accident report filled out."

"Sir," Greg said, trying to talk through his busted lip. "I understand completely and we will absolutely cooperate, but this is N.S. Blake. She's a big-time author and due for an appearance right now. Can we fill out the paperwork when we return?"

The guard shook his head. "I'm not sure about that. I appreciate you needing to go, but I have the best interests of the hotel to consider."

"I'm not going to the event. How about I give you my statement and then you get theirs when they get back?" Alec said, stepping forward.

"Are you a guest at the hotel?"

"Yes. He's with me," I answered immediately.

Reluctantly, the guards agreed after Greg provided our identification and the information about the dinner we were due to attend.

"Here," I said, handing my key card to Alec and telling him the room number. "I need to get out of here for this dinner. Don't even think of leaving before I get back." I glared at him, my emotions stuck somewhere between happiness to see him and downright aggravation.

He accepted the card without a word and walked with the guards to file an accident report as promised. I stood there like a statue, wishing he would look back at me. Give me some k

ind of sign that he wasn't here to officially end things. It seemed unlikely that he would travel all the way to Philadelphia to dump me, but I also hadn't expected him to be there to attack Greg either.

After a quick stop in the restroom to wash his lip, Greg and I hustled to the RV and danced around questions from Michelle, Tina, and Monica as to why we were late. As for his lip, Greg made up another ridiculous story of accidently hitting himself with the hotel room door. We all had a laugh at his expense as we drove to the dinner.

Knowing Alec was in my hotel room waiting set me on edge throughout the event. My nerves were jittery and it showed, at least to me. I noticed my hand shaking while reaching for my water glass, and God only knows how many times I dropped my fork during the meal. Through it all I remained my chipper self as I answered questions about book boyfriends and my favorite foods to eat while writing. I made several readers happy by disclosing a few teasers about the next book in the Wicked series. Mostly everyone wanted me to sign their books and pose for pictures, which I gladly did without ever letting my smile slip.

The evening finally came to a close after the last of the attendees staggered out. Only when I was once again on the Love Bus, cloaked in the darkness of night, did I allow my stress to show. During the ride back to the hotel, I told the others that Alec had showed up and was waiting in my room. Greg and I left out the details of the punch he had taken, but I could tell by the look on Michelle's face that she suspected something.

When we arrived at the hotel, we stopped in the lobby to say our goodbyes. Greg would be dropping the three of them off at the airport early the next morning before driving the RV back to New York.

Tina enveloped me in tight hug. The scent of her Chanel perfume tickled my nose. "It's a good sign he's here," she whispered in my ear. "This will give you two the opportunity to work it out."

I hoped she was right. The anger I had felt after Alec punched Greg that allowed me to exude a false confidence in front of him had now evaporated and been replaced with doubt.

"I'll miss you, girl," Michelle said, moving in for a hug after Tina released me. "My money is on you. And I never lose."

"I do," I muttered, thinking about my losing record with bets.

Monica took her turn next. She didn't mention Alec or wish me luck, but gave me a taut squeeze that spoke volumes about our friendship.

They jumped on an elevator together, leaving Greg and me alone.

We gave our statements to the security staff about the earlier incident, confirming Greg's made-up story about tripping, before saying our own goodbyes. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to say to him. In a weird way I felt like I owed him some sort of apology. He smiled and spoke up first, easing the awkwardness. "It's been a pleasure working with you these last few weeks, Nicole," he said formally. "Or should I say—the talent?"

"Funny. I hope this helps you move up at work," I said, deciding to keep it on a professional level. I turned to leave before Greg snagged my wrist, pulling me to a stop. He opened his mouth like he had something to say but hesitated.