I looked at Mom who winked and squeezed my hand under the table before changing the subject to her plans to turn Zachary's old bedroom into a library. She had accumulated a sizable collection of books, mostly from me since I collected them from the many book events I had attended during the past year.

As brunch began to wind down, I found myself already missing the sanctuary of the buffer my family provided. Soon my tour mates and I would be back on the bus that just a day ago seemed so large, but now felt like a cramped elevator.

Greg left the restaurant before the rest of the group to check us out of the hotel and to get our belongings loaded onto the Love Bus. I needed to stop calling it that. Love Bus suddenly sounded misleading and definitely wrong.

My family and I walked slowly to the lobby, not quite ready to say our goodbyes. Mom hung back with me, waiting for everyone to move ahead of us.

"You okay, sweetie?"

I returned a wry smile. "Besides wishing that my mom wasn't the smartest person in world, I'm fine. I feel like an idiot for missing something that was pretty obvious to everyone else."

"Well, sometimes it's easy to miss what's right in front of you. I'm confident you'll do the right thing. Contrary to what you believe, you're not an idiot. Your brother Zachary though—" We watched as Zachary was in the process of trying to jump over one of the small couches in the hotel lobby before Ashley quickly grabbed his arm and chastised him.

"I'm still shocked she said yes when he proposed," I said, shaking my head. "I guess she's been around long enough now to know what she's in for."

Greg already had the Beast idling at the curb when we walked out into the bright sunlight. One of the craziest things about the tour was the change in temperature from one state to the next. We'd left frigid temperatures behind in New York. Tennessee was a little warmer. Of course, Florida was a mild seventy degrees when we rolled in, which was what I was used to.

Mom hugged Tina and Monica before they climbed aboard the RV, giving me a chance to say my own goodbyes. Michelle and Riley spent a few extra minutes speaking before she climbed on board. Curiously, I wondered if they would stay in touch. I would keep my fingers crossed.

"Be careful, baby," Dad said, pulling me in for a bear hug.

I inhaled deeply, loving the fact that he'd been wearing the same cologne all my life. "I will, Daddy," I said, snuggling close.

"No walking anywhere by yourself and keep your pepper spray on you at all times."

"I will," I reassured him.

Tony, Riley, and Zachary decided it would be funny to squish Ashley and me as we hugged. "Your brothers," Ashley said, rolling her eyes when we could breathe again.

I agreed as they all chest-bumped. "Don't keep me out of the wedding plans," I added. "And no puffy dresses."

"You mean you don't want a dress that requires six petticoats and endless layers of tulle?"

"Please no."

She laughed, giving me another quick hug now that we weren't being squished by Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest.

Olivia lightly socked my arm. "I'll text you later, slutbag. I'll be expecting details," she said, nodding toward the RV.

"As will I." My eyes cut to Tony. "It's time to jump."

"I don't like to jump," she muttered.

I smiled and gave her an impulsive hug. She stiffened in my arms, but I didn't take it personally. That was my Olivia.

Mom was my final and hardest goodbye. We would be seeing each other soon enough on the West Coast, but I missed her already. "I'll see you soon, sweetie," she said, cupping my face. "I know you'll be responsible and handle what we talked about. You've always had a solid head on your shoulders."

I nodded even though she was still holding my face. "Thank you."

"I love you," she said, giving me a hug.

I threw one last wave over my shoulder as I stepped aboard the RV. Greg closed the door and I sat down on the couch, digging through my bag.

Greg turned to walk to the driver's seat, looking confused. "What are you doing?"

"I didn't get much sleep last night, so I thought I'd take a nap," I lied, palming the Dramamine I had pulled from my bag. I chased the small pill down with a sip of Sprite, hoping that would help any nausea.

"The seat up here reclines."