is pinkie. The touch was innocent enough that I didn't think anything of it until he inched up slightly. I looked at him to give another warning, but his eyes remained glued to the screen. I wasn't buying his innocence routine and tightened my hand around his fingers.

He stopped just long enough for me to focus on the high-speed car chase happening in the movie, but eventually his pinkie began creeping up again. I had to admit, I was becoming slightly turned on watching his finger move closer and closer to the junction between my legs. I began looking around again, but everyone was heavily into the action on the screen. We were tucked off to the side anyway, with no one within five or six rows of us.

The movie became nothing but background noise as I focused on Alec's hand. I loosened my grip, allowing him to continue exploring where he wanted. He remained still, watching the movie without noticing my willingness to let him continue. I fought the urge to move his hand where I wanted it, since I suspected he might be toying with me. Playing it cool seemed like the better move.

Keeping my eyes on the large screen, I moved my feet from the armrest in front of me and parted my legs, giving him better access. As I suspected, he took the hint and moved his hand to where it barely skated across the part of me that was humming with desire. He began slowly rubbing up and down in my lap and I had to work to keep my breathing even.

Time lost all meaning after that as I found myself lost in the sensations Alec was sparking inside me. My hips moved on their own accord and I placed my coat on my lap to hide the evidence. The snap of my jeans popped open and I closed my hand around his. I wanted him badly to continue, but perhaps it was a step too far. That's what I thought anyway until his fingers slowly lowered my zipper. I looked around again at the rest of the people in the theater and double-checked the coat on my lap. Alec's hand moved inside my jeans and around my panties. I wouldn't have let him stop at that point even if he wanted to. His finger slid inside me and I nearly moaned out loud as he took me beyond the point of no return.

Believe it or not, we actually managed to finish watching the movie. As we made our way down the steps of the theater, we stopped to allow an elderly gentleman and his wife out of their row. "Good movie, huh?" he asked, making my face flush with guilt. I couldn't bring myself to answer him and nearly stumbled down the steps if Alec wouldn't have caught me by the arm.

"It sure was," Alec said, helping me gather myself while the old man looked at me like I was drunk.

"Yeah, well, that young man is no Clint Eastwood but he's not bad," the elderly man commented again, helping his wife down the last two steps.

"No truer words have been spoken," Alec agreed, winking at me. "You're adorable when you look guilty," he whispered in my ear. "By the way, never commit a crime. You're a dead giveaway."

I elbowed him in the gut with one arm while holding the rail with my other hand. I no longer trusted myself while descending the steps in front of me. "Not funny," I muttered.

When we reached the bottom step he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me flush against him. "Maybe only slightly funny, but fucking hot as hell," he whispered. He was still aroused—clearly, if what I felt pressed against my side was any indication. "I can't believe I let you do that," I murmured as we stepped into the well-lit lobby.

"Are you kidding? That's going to get me through the next few weeks while you're gone. Remembering how wet you were and those little noises you made," he growled, tugging me against him one last time before adjusting his jacket to hide his erection.

"You definitely have a way with words. I think you've been reading too many of my books. You want to go back to the hotel?" I asked, smiling when I saw him readjusting himself again.

He grinned wryly. "No way. I promised you dinner. Besides, I think you worked up an appetite in there," he teased.

Thankfully the sun had already set when we stepped outside, so the darkness camouflaged my embarrassment to the crowd of patrons milling around the front of the theater.

"I'm never going to live that down, am I?"

"Not in your lifetime, babe. That memory is forever burned in my head."

"You're a perv."

"Hell yeah." He laughed, slinging an arm around me. "What would you like for dinner? Looks like you have your fair share of choices," he said, indicating the restaurants surrounding the theater.

"Uh, how about Thai food?" I suggested pointing to a small restaurant tucked at the end of the shopping plaza.

He reached for my hand. "That works."

The restaurant turned out to be larger inside than it looked and busy, which was a good sign. I figured if the locals liked it, we couldn't go wrong. Thankfully, the food didn't disappoint, although the knot in my stomach slightly took away my appetite. Alec noticed the way I pushed my curry chicken around the plate without taking many bites, but I chalked it up to being tired. Truthfully, I was clock-watching. In less than twelve hours, he and I would be separated again.

After dinner we called the shuttle to pick us up. I was anxious to get back to the hotel and savor the remaining hours between us.

Alec must have shared my sentiment because he wasted no time leading us through the lobby and onto the elevator. We were almost home free when my phone rang.

Chapter 21

"That's weird. It's my publisher," I said, looking at my phone. "I better take this."

"Just make it quick. I'm ready to re-enact the scene from the theater," Alec said, dropping a heated kiss on my neck as I hit the button to answer the call.


"Nicole," Greg responded.

"Hey, Greg," I said, cringing when I saw Alec tense up. "This really isn't a great time," I told Greg, mouthing an apology to Alec.